Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 106 The Bishop Wants to Make Up

Chapter 106 The Bishop Wants to Make Up
The "refreshing medicinal wine" prepared by Mrs. Mina is obviously very useful, or rather too useful.

Sherlock, who drank the hot brandy, became visibly excited, and truly showed his "excessive energy" that he had been talking about but couldn't quite see.

On weekdays, the consultant of the Supervision Bureau always uses his powerful rationality to restrain his behavior.And the occasional hypoglycemia symptoms make him look quite lazy and always listless.

This is a very contradictory quality.It became very awkward for Sherlock to vent his excess energy.Like some kind of sudden onset of nervousness.

Sherlock is considered a celebrity in the Isle of Glass, and many people know his habits.He likes high-intensity work, such as brain-burning cases that allow the brain to work at full capacity, as well as complicated or dangerous investigations.

But he doesn't like exercising, because Sherlock thinks it's pointless to waste energy meaninglessly.

Because exercising requires sugar to maintain, and his low blood sugar will make his body weak and his brain vitality will also decrease.

But even so, his spirit still maintained a high level of excitement, which would give Sherlock a headache—a headache in the physical sense.

But now that he's drunk... As Sherlock himself said, his intellect was indeed disturbed by alcohol, and that kind of intense excitement, pride and curiosity overflowed.Sherlock became visibly talkative with the naked eye.

After pulling Aiwass to talk about his grandfather, he began to talk about his previous wonderful cases.

Those were cases he solved privately and never told anyone.Now it is just right as a conversation piece on the tea table.

Sherlock usually doesn't bother to tell people the details of these cases and explain what he has done.But now his words prove that Sherlock himself has never forgotten these things, but he is just too lazy to tell others.

After less than 10 minutes, Sherlock gradually recovered.Aiwass could clearly feel that the frequency of his speech gradually began to slow down, and the time of silence and thinking gradually increased, and he knew that he was about to wake up.

Sherlock finally realized that he might have had too much to drink.He immediately tidied up his clothes and politely bid farewell to them, and went back to the second floor to wash his face and sober up.

"Although Mr. Sherlock gets drunk quickly, he also wakes up pretty quickly."

Bishop Mathers laughed happily.

In his impression, Sherlock is always a gloomy and low-key person. "Like a clear river flowing in the dark", this is the impression Bishop Mathers had of him.

"Looking at it now, our little gentleman who is always serious is indeed still a young man. It's just that he usually suppresses his nature too much."

Madam Mina sighed softly: "If he hadn't been born in Avalon, but in a country where the path of wisdom is already a place where he could show his powerful and pure curiosity, maybe he would have Live more happily."

"Stop talking about that, Mina."

Mathers waved his hand, motioning to take the topic off.

He looked at Aiwass and asked, "How is it, Aiwass?"

"what do you mean?"

Aiwass raised his eyebrows: "Is Mr. Sherlock's drinking capacity?"

"That kind of thing is not worth discussing," Bishop Mathers couldn't help laughing, "I mean Yingjiao Village in Shepherd Bay County... are you going?"

"I really want to go."

Aiwass nodded: "But I probably won't bring Yulia."

At that time, Aiwass should have pulled out the phantom from Yulia's body and sealed it.

Even if Aiwass left some power for Yulia, she was just an ordinary girl with some fire talent, and she didn't have the level of a transcendent—if she was really in danger, Yulia would not be able to burst out phantom power to protect herself of.

Then if they bring her along, Aiwass and the others will be limited in their actions.With their configuration, it would be too wasteful not to do some hazard investigation.

Sherlock will become the third energy level of the dual profession of mage and lawman.The abundant mana pool brought by the dual spellcasting profession will greatly improve his flexibility and strength.Its strength is far greater than that of ordinary third-level mages or law mages.

There is also Hayna, which should be around level 26 to 27, not far from the fourth energy level.This is a very standard set of tactics, the Shepherd Golden Triangle, and everyone is a master.

Finally, with the real-eyed Lily who has no combat experience but has a wide range of perception and can work as a scout and thief at the same time, a perfect four-person Qingrui team is established.

"You are right, Aiwass. It is a responsible brother who does not take underage girls on expeditions."

Bishop Mathers agreed: "However, if you want to go, I suggest you go after the middle of the month."

"Of course," Aiwass said with a smile, "I will definitely wait until after I have advanced."

"It seems that you are full of confidence in the advanced ceremony."

Mathers picked out Aiwass' subtext.

He just corrected: "To be precise, wait a few days after the advanced ceremony is over before going. By then, the holy sword technique stored in the key of the chapel should have recovered times."

Aiwass was a little surprised: "Master Bishop, didn't you say you want to pay it back before January [-]st?"

He came here with the key this time because he wanted to return it to Bishop Mathers.Because when it cools down again, it will be around December 12th... In other words, there is a high probability that the holy sword technique stored in it will not have a chance to be used again.

"Yes, January [-]st is the Candle Festival. At that time, the royal family will pay homage to the ancestors. I need to use this key to open the tomb-guarding enchantment in the small chapel."

Bishop Mathers nodded with a serious expression: "But I heard what Sherlock said, there should be some shadows in Eagle Point Village. So I will lend it to you for a while... When you come back at the end of the year Just give it back to me."

"Then what if I unfortunately die in the village?"

Aiwass asked back: "What about the Candle Priest?"

"So, if you haven't come back by the 25th... I'm going to find you."

Bishop Mathers said solemnly: "In order to recover the keys of St. Guinevere's Chapel before the Candlemass, it is reasonable for me to leave the Isle of Glass temporarily.

"Even so, it will still be troublesome to make up the formalities later. If possible, you'd better come back early."

...Give the key to Aiwass so that he can have a reason to come to the rescue?
Aiwahua was dumbfounded for a moment.

If it was an illusion before, or if it was said that Bishop Mathers was kind in nature... then it can be seen now that he really cares about Aiwass very much.

From the previous words, Aiwass easily captured where the impulse of Mr. Bishop came from—it was guilt and apology, and the urgent desire to make up for his mistakes.

Although Aiwass' father was just one of the many students taught by Bishop Mathers.Their relationship ended when Julio graduated, before Julio died.

But just because Mathers happened to be away that day, there was always a block in his heart, and he just couldn't get over it.Mathers always believed that the death of Alexander and his wife was inseparable from him.

But at that time, he was really afraid of the stranger who manipulated the demon to hunt down and kill the Alexander family, so he didn't dare to take over Aiwass.Nor did he dare to hand Aiwass to his parents or other acquaintances.

It is human nature to feel fear when faced with an unknown enemy lurking in the shadows.The devotion path is not all self-sacrificing saints, let alone Mathers, who was already dissatisfied with the devotion path at that time.

Although the bishop sent Aiwass to the orphanage invested by Professor Moriarty whom he trusted.But after Aiwass entered the orphanage and before he was adopted by Professor Moriarty, Mathers did not even visit Aiwass.

He obviously hoped that he could forget this thing that only lasted half a day in his life, and draw a clear line with unknown powerful enemies; he was also worried about being entangled by Aiwass who didn't know his personality, disturbing his relationship with Mi Na lived a peaceful and happy life.

But his overly perfect sense of morality made Bishop Mathers unable to forget the existence of Aiwass.

He couldn't convince himself to really forget about it, and the guilt that was still very light tormented him day and night became more and more intense.Therefore, when talking with Professor Moriarty, Bishop Mathers blurted out what happened a few years ago.

It wasn't until Aiwass was adopted by Professor Moriarty that he finally felt relieved and forgot about it for a while.

Aiwass had always thought that he was just a gift from Yulia, and was adopted as a tool to appease Yulia.But now it seems that what Professor Moriarty asked the dean's mother-in-law at that time should be his name.When the adoptive father found out that he was "Aiwas Alexander", he chose to take him away.

Bishop Mathers may have contributed to this matter.

Therefore, when he was entrusted by Professor Moriarty to teach Julio's children the sacred skills, Bishop Mathers opened a chapel for Aiwass alone for a day.

That's not what he said, for Professor Moriarty's gratitude——

In a sense, this is actually for redemption.Redemption is a sin that only Mathers himself knows about, and only he cares about.

That's why the bishop repeatedly comforted Aiwass in the wheelchair, for fear of hitting him.Also when Aiwass was unable to protect himself, he chose to lend him the key of the chapel he was guarding.

That's his job.It is the key of the Holy Sepulcher that he guards as the guardian of the Holy Sepulchre... It is a very precious thing.

——Because Bishop Mathers regretted it 14 years ago.

It wasn't because he regretted that he sealed the curse at that time, which resulted in the death of Aiwass' biological parents.Instead, he regretted that he did not choose to adopt Aiwass because of fear and trouble.

He wants to live only for himself.But Mathers was a good guy after all, and he couldn't let it go.So he regrets it now.

In order not to let myself regret it again later, I tried my best to make up for it.But it's obviously overkill.

After seeing all the thoughts of Mr. Bishop, Aiwass just sighed silently.

Aiwass had no intention of admonishing the Bishop to change his mind.Nor did he choose to forcefully return the key...that would only make Mathers sad and worried.

He chose to respect the weight of guilt and regret Mathers felt day and night.Accept this concern generously, and then protect yourself.

——What Aiwass can do is to let this elder who really cares about himself... be able to truly stay away from his originally doomed painful and tragic fate.

"Thank you for your concern, my lord bishop."

Aiwass put down the cup of milk tea, lowered his head and thanked earnestly: "I will definitely take care of myself and return soon. I won't cause you any trouble."

Bishop Mathers just looked at Aiwass happily.Only the eye sockets are a little moist.

He obviously guessed why Aiwass suddenly wanted to say that.

Such a sensible and intelligent child...

"...Now that things have happened, I really regret it."

Bishop Mathers sighed inwardly.

(End of this chapter)

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