Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 107 Lloyd's Hermes of York

Chapter 107 York Hermes of Lloyd's
Although Sherlock's reasoning is very complete and reasonable.But only Aiwass knows that Sherlock's answer must be wrong.

Because he lacked an important piece of information, but Aiwass could not tell Sherlock this piece of information.

Sherlock found the Noble Red Society following the clue given by Aiwass' grandfather.Coupled with the Pelican Bar, the Giant Remnant and the smuggling case, it was logical for him to believe that Aiwass' parents were killed by the Noble Red Society.

This inference is perfectly logical.

But in the dream world ceremony, Aiwass tortured the curser "Aziz bin Abdul" as a freak, and learned from him that he served Professor Moriarty.He is the real master of the Iron Hook Demon, who killed all members of the Alexander family.

But he is not a demon sorcerer of the Noble Red Society.

He's not even Avalonian, and has absolutely nothing to do with giants and astronomers...he's a Parthian.

This information is still the information that Sherlock himself mentioned to the "Fox" in the Dream World Ceremony.

At that time, Sherlock only knew that "the man behind the scenes finally went abroad, and his destination was the Horus Empire or the ancient kingdom of rest."But Aiwass had seen the appearance of that person with his own eyes, and also knew his name in the style of the ancient resting country.

——That is to say, as the founders of the Hands Without Scales, the Alexander family is related to the Noble Red Society, and the Noble Red Society also has the motive and ability to kill them; A foreign curse master hired by Professor Moriarty.

The party with the motive has no action, and the party with the action has no motive.

The point is, Aiwass has never heard of any relationship between Professor Moriarty and astronomers or giants.If they had, Aiwass would never have been attacked and chosen as a sacrifice by the Noble Red Society in the first place - he was sacrificed, and nearly killed.

At that time, Aiwass had already had a long correspondence with the pair of demon scholars and apprentices.As long as they knew something about the professor, there was no reason for them to sacrifice Aiwass at the risk of angering the professor.

——This incident is full of unnatural atmosphere everywhere, and it involves a lot, which makes Aiwass feel a little headache.

He always felt that he missed a very important clue.But it is impossible to confirm without going to Haina's hometown to investigate for herself.

Aiwass could only put this aside for the time being.

The thread he can grasp at present is that there must be something wrong with the person who attacked Sherlock.Needing Sherlock to fake death and asking Sherlock's family members to help act in the play means that the person has a high probability of knowing Sherlock and has a relationship with the Hermes family.

The most important thing is that Sherlock locked the suspect almost immediately——

Sherlock, who had sobered up after washing his face, came back and resumed his indifferent expression.As if nothing happened before, he answered Aiwass' doubts solemnly.

"Speaking of which, this matter has something to do with you...Mr. Fox."


Aiwass was a little puzzled: "What's the matter with me?"

Sherlock calmly drank the black tea with honey, his voice was so calm that he didn't tremble at all, as if what Aiwass saw before was all hallucinations: "You told me the secret about Lloyd's and the Strangler Party in a dream that day. I was surprised at the time.

"I have long known about the existence of Lloyd's, I know their history very well, and I also know that they are actually a gray usury lending institution. I also know that they use "Lloyd's Weekly" as a credit currency to collect benefits and transfer taxes to About Avalon. All I know is that they actually employ stranglers.

"And it never came to light in the various investigations I had done - it was very unreasonable. So I realized right away that someone was preventing me from accessing the deepest secrets of Lloyd's."

"—and the ease with which he can do it means that 'he' is your source."

Aiwass continued smoothly: "And you think this source is very reliable—at least in terms of Lloyd's and even Lloyd's District, you think he is the most reliable expert."

There is only one possibility.

Now Aiwass has fully understood Sherlock's incomparably powerful investigative ability.It only took less than a week, and they could follow Aiwass' clue to find out Jacob and the Scaled Hand without even leaving the Glass Island.This is not something that can be done simply by "checking information".

In other words, Sherlock must have used his connections.His main method of investigation is actually to consult on various things he wants to ask through his strong contacts and contacts of contacts.

Then, if you want to "poison intelligence" to Sherlock, you can only become an expert in this direction.

"As long as he can gain your complete trust, then as long as you want to ask about this aspect, you will definitely come to him first. Because you will think that he is the most reliable."

"Good." Sherlock nodded.

——Worthy of being a "fox".

Sherlock appreciates Aiwass who can always keep up with his own thinking.

He nodded appreciatively, and added in a calm and cold voice: "Moreover, this person should be closely related to the interests of Lloyd's.

"As it happens, I do know one such person. He is my uncle, the half-brother of my father Arthur Hermes—York Hermes."

Sherlock put down his teacup and crossed his fingers in front of his stomach: "He is the vice president of the Avalon Bar Association and also the editor-in-chief of the "Lloyd's Weekly". The senior management of Lloyd's...the legal consultant they hired. Before I I told you in a dream that Lloyd's had invited me...he invited me.

"—in fact, you've met him before."

"I met him?"

Aiwass was a little puzzled.

Sherlock nodded. "At your investiture. He sat next to Inspector Gordon."

"...that middle-aged lawyer with short blonde hair?"

Hearing what Sherlock said, Aiwass recalled the lawyer in the white suit.

He was a little surprised: "But he is blonde..."

"I have black hair from my father, inherited from my grandmother."

Sherlock said flatly: "And Uncle York inherited my grandfather's blond hair. As the eldest son, the family armor of the Hermes family should have been inherited to him.

"But it happened to be the 'Ten Days War'. My uncle didn't want to go to the battlefield, so he passed the family armor to my father. My father was in command of the Vanguard Army. Thanks to the Lord Arbiter , This war, which was expected to be very tragic, lasted only ten days. After the triumph, my father was promoted to Minister of the Palace."

"...So your father is the Minister of Palace Affairs."

Aiwass marveled. "You never mentioned it before."

The responsibilities of the Minister of the Palace mainly include planning various ceremonies and activities that the royal family participates in, as well as presiding over the royal family's weddings and funerals, as well as the appointment and dismissal of servants and female officials in the Palace of Silver and Tin.It is basically equivalent to the butler in an ordinary knight family, and even higher - he has the right to supervise the education and conduct of members of the royal family, and has the right to punish princes and queens who misbehave.

Sherlock sighed: "Because my father and Her Majesty used to watch drama together. Unlike me, he is an avid lover of literature. So I think this appointment has Her Majesty's personal relationship, so it is not worth bragging about. .

"Because of this experience, Her Majesty also signed a special order. An additional power was added to my father, that is, he can veto the performance of any new play, forcibly modify the plot of any existing play, or cancel the performance of the new theater. Qualifications. But my father has not used this power, and he suffered a catastrophe for no reason."

"Catastrophe?" Aiwass asked.

"It's a curse."

Sherlock replied: "But we didn't find any traces of the curse at that time, and we all thought it was poisoning - because Prince Canter's symptoms at the time were poisoned. His liver, lungs and brain were almost all dead. It melted, and blood overflowed from the mouth and nose. The priest who came to check also confirmed that it was poisoned.

"Since members of the royal family died of poisoning, the servants in charge of His Royal Highness's daily life were the first to bear the brunt. They were tortured and their memories extracted...Of course they didn't get any information.

"At this time, there was an anonymous letter accusing my father of being the poisoner. Later, the Supervision Bureau found the same type of poison in my home. In this case, no matter what, I had to do a craniotomy and search the memory to prove my innocence. A memory-searching Torah spell burns the brain...which means my father is going to die anyway, the difference is innocent or not."

"—Obviously, things took a turn for the better later." Aiwass nodded.

Because although His Excellency Arthur has now stepped down as a minister, he is obviously still alive.

"Yes, at that time, Her Majesty the Queen directly issued an emergency order to release my father. She directly said 'I don't think Arthur would do such a thing', without looking at the 'evidence' submitted by the Inspectorate, and directly acquitted him , and reinstated him to his original post.

"My father was grateful, but resolutely initiated his resignation."

Sherlock sighed: "He was right. Because we found out later that it was just the beginning. Later, every member of the royal family died in a different way, which confirmed that it should be some kind of curse. It stands to reason that the power of the curse Such a strong country can only be a star... But in fact, this statement is not absolute or scientific."

"The Way of Love also has the ability to curse," Aiwass replied, "so the iris people are also possible."

"That's right," Sherlock nodded, "The Iris Kingdom is being pushed very hard by the Stars. They desperately want Avalon to share some of the firepower.

"The curser may also come from the remnants of the giants. After all, one of the ways that giants pursue is to transcend the way, and they also have the ability to curse; it may even be the hand without scales or the noble red, they also have the curse The inheritance of learning."

"Could it be," Aiwass vaguely realized, "Avalon actually doesn't know the source of the cursed one?"

"Yes. Such a curse that is difficult to detect, and the frequency of execution of the curse is so low. It is said in the propaganda that we are Starbow people, just because we have a feud, so that the public can easily understand and have a sense of urgency—after all There are quite a lot of people who know that we can’t beat the stars. Setting a target that we can’t beat can effectively avoid being kidnapped by public opinion.”

If you don't know who the enemy is, the moment Avalon chooses the wrong target for the battle, it means doomed defeat.

Because the party that cursed and killed the royal family couldn't join the war immediately, it would only make things worse--even wait for both sides to reap the benefits when both sides were hurt.

"Fortunately, my father ran fast. Otherwise, he would be to blame later."

Sherlock narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes became sharper: "And my uncle has always claimed that he likes the job of a lawyer. Looking back now, he also has the motive and possibility of framing my father.

"I used to have a good relationship with my uncle... When I was young, he would take me hunting, but my father only liked to watch the theater. During the half month when my father was on the battlefield, he also came to take care of me at home. I The reason for doubting him is mainly because he was the last person to visit me before I was bombed.

"He asked me about the 'Sweater Brotherhood', and repeatedly confirmed to me who my source of information was, why he did not confirm it with him and directly 'adventurously investigated'-because before that, there was a lot of information about the Lloyd District, Lloyd's I always ask him about the cooperative.

"I explained to him that it was information from a dream, another possibility from history. But obviously I didn't convince him.

"He invited me to join Lloyd's again...I already knew the details of Lloyd's, how could I agree to him? So I refused without hesitation."

"You should agree first." Aiwass couldn't help but said.

"How did I know he was capable of such a thing? York was furious, but he calmed down quickly. He told me he would come back in the afternoon with my father - meaning let I don't want to go far. After he left, I suddenly felt a little sleepy, so I planned to take a shower and sleep.

"But when I was about to finish washing, there was a loud bang outside and the house just collapsed. The water in the shower burst and the walls burst into smoke and cracked and collapsed.

"Fortunately, I reacted quickly enough. I took samples on the spot and used the water in the burst water pipe to condense into an ice shield. I wrapped myself up to prevent the first wave of impact, so I didn't die immediately. But at least a dozen of my bones were broken. Visceral hemorrhage, loss of vision and hearing. I was on the ground and couldn't even get up.

"—according to the time and the scale of the explosion, he must have not gone far at that time. It is entirely possible to return the same way when he heard the explosion... But he did not."

None until the end.Sherlock whispered.

He looked sad.

"I felt someone shaking my body - my remaining rationality told me that she should be the landlady. I told her not to shake my body, and gave her the contact information of Mr. Bishop. And the temporary hanging in my storage box The alchemy mixture. In the end, I barely survived the disaster with the first aid of Bishop Mathers who lived nearby.

"After I was revived, I immediately contacted my brother Mycroft Hermes and told him everything. Then I told him to announce that I was dead and come to see Uncle York. Reaction."

He looked at Aiwass seriously, and said seriously: "Thinking about it now, maybe he was the one who framed my father at the beginning—from this point of view, he may have a connection with the curser, so he can get that Bottle of poison.

"This matter is not only about my personal grievances and family grievances, but also the future of Avalon... and even the safety of Princess Isabel. If it goes well, we may even solve the mystery of the curse——

"Edward has the ability to search memory, but it can only be used at the most critical moment. I can't be sure how deeply Uncle York is connected with this matter, and there is only one chance. If they find out that I am actually alive, I'm afraid they will immediately Be vigilant. This thread will be cut off immediately.

"The landlady has been protected, and the only people outside who know that I am still alive are my brother Mycroft, you guys, and Edward.

"—I'm afraid I can't hide my fake death for a long time. This matter needs to be resolved as soon as possible. Everything is up to you, my friend. If you need me to help analyze, please come to me at any time."

Sherlock solemnly announced his mission to Aiwass.

(End of this chapter)

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