Start with Planetary Governor

Chapter 63, What to save?

Chapter 63, What to save?
The first meeting between Gu Hang and Martins was hard to say whether it was good or bad.

Well, both of them were disappointed in their hearts.

But to say something bad, they all put away the disappointment in their hearts by coincidence, and the communication with each other was quite smooth.

The Governor's expression is always smiling, which makes people feel like a spring breeze.Martins and his fellow Space Marines kept a grim, stern look throughout, but that was their style, and they had always been.

Gu Hang is like this because he has cleaned up his mood.The phoenix group was much more crippled than he had imagined, which certainly disappointed him, but even if there were only seven of them, they were still seven extremely strong men.He was even thinking, now that he has more than 1000 soldiers under his command, plus his own psychic, can they beat the seven of them head-on?
very slim.

What else?These seven Space Marines are still a decisive force.

What's more, if this battle group is really not very crippled, with a hundred people, one or two large starships, and a large group of mortal auxiliary troops, what's the matter with me?At that time, I'm afraid that he, the governor, will be framed by other regiment leaders, and it would be good if he can be the logistics chief.

On the contrary, the chances are even greater.

In contrast, Gu Hang was more curious about the attitude of this phoenix leader who called himself Martins.

The content of the chat between the two of them, at best, is understanding each other, at worst, they are talking nonsense, in short, what they are talking about at the moment are all unnutritious topics.Then why, although the battle group leader has been sullen, he has been patiently chatting with him about these things?

Even when he asked some of their past experiences, Gu Hang could feel that the Matins Chapter Commander was resisting in his heart, as if he didn't want to answer such questions.However, just when Gu Hang felt that his question was a bit reckless, he heard the Martins Chapter Commander, following Gu Hang's words, talk about their situation and battle situation in recent years.

This is a little strange.

These emperor's angels of death are generally not talkative - it's not that they can't chat, but they usually separate themselves from the so-called mortals.

They always think that they are the heirs of the Emperor, inherited the genes of the Emperor, and are the angels of the Emperor. Although they come from human beings, they are detached from human beings.Among them, some are friendly to mortals, some are cruel to mortals, and some are ignorant of mortals... But no matter what the attitude is, even if it is kind, it is also kindness from above, it is the charity of angels to mortals.

If it was a normal situation, if he talked about some unpleasant topics of this chapter leader, not to mention that he would be furious, at least frown, refuse to answer or change the subject, that is also normal.

He pinched his nose and answered, which seemed to show a certain attitude of the chapter leader.

I have a request for you, don't tell also have a request for me?
What are you asking for?
Gu Hang recalled the text in the event description.

[A war group of interstellar warriors that is about to be destroyed has ended the Hundred Years Redemption Expedition and is approaching Fury Owl Star. It seems that they are looking for salvation and hope here. 】

About to be destroyed, looking for redemption and hope...

Oh, you need my help to rebuild the warband, don't you?
But why me?
I look so poor and empty here, it doesn't look like I can help you rebuild the battle group, right?
Is it a function of the system again?The system convinced you that I can help you?
The key system didn't tell me how to help?

While Gu Hang kept communicating with Martins with a smile on his face and a sincere and dignified attitude, he panicked a lot at the same time.

However, while chatting, Gu Hang slowly let go of these thoughts, and gradually became fascinated by what Martins said.

According to Martins, it is not systematic.He just talked about fragments of the missions they performed in the Redemption Crusade.


Carry out the task of jumping gangs on the star sea battlefield full of gunfire, and slash the generals to seize the ship; the lone army goes deep into the enemy's position and destroys the heavy fire positions; head down...

Those achievements all sound too legendary.

Gu Hang sighed for a long time, and said: "Martins Chapter Commander, your experience is so emotional. No matter what others think, at least I think that no matter what you have done or how big a crime you have committed , Now you have all been redeemed, and the Emperor will never blame you again. You are great heroes, and you should not wander aimlessly in the sea of ​​stars."

After a pause, Gu Hang continued: "Although the conditions here are not very good, if you don't mind, I am willing to provide a shelter for the Phoenix Squad. You can rest and get supplies here at any time. I I know it might be a bit arrogant to say this, but if you want, Fury Star is also willing to become your second home. My door is open to you at any time."

Having said that, Gu Hang has already turned around, facing the battle group leader who is much taller than himself.

Looking at each other, he looked calm, sincere and enthusiastic.

But Martins hesitated.

As the god emperor's angel, he avoided the eyes of a mortal.

"Thank you for your kindness, Governor-General, but I need to think about it again."


In the camp, Gu Hang had already sent people to temporarily clear out a house for the phoenix battle group to live in.

They are so tall that they look like seven little giants.Houses built with normal human needs are a bit low and cramped for them.

But there is no way, on this condition.

Fortunately, they did not make too many demands on the living conditions.

Although theoretically in a safe environment, none of the seven fighters took off their armor, at most they just took off their helmets.

They were sitting together at the moment, and a soldier with a bald head and a square face and three golden service nails on his forehead said in a muffled voice, "Commander Martins, I don't understand, why did you treat that mortal just now?" So polite?"

"Brother Schneider, we are all fighting for the God Emperor, and we are all the people of the God Emperor. We should not be too proud. We should maintain the most basic respect for a planetary governor."

"But I don't think so. Captain, do you still think this mortal is the hope of saving the warband? A mortal, a governor of a ruined world, who can't even control his planet, what ability can help us rebuild the entire warband ? We're wasting our time here!"

Schneider's attitude was hardly deferential.

He touched the service nail on his forehead, which was his pride.

A golden service spike, representing a Space Marine's 100 years of service to the Chapter.Three, representing that he is a 300-year veteran.He has always believed that he is more qualified for the position of chapter leader than the younger Martins.

However, the previous chapter leader handed over the heavy responsibility to Martins.

He wished he could go to the death battle with the leader of the chapter, and it was better than being led by Martins now-of course, he was actually more unwilling to suffer the confusion of not knowing what to do now.

He knew that the current phoenix battle group had no room to fight for power, and they needed to be united.Although he does not recognize Martins as the Chapter Master, he will obey orders unconditionally, which is his duty as a soldier.

However, before the order was issued, when the matter was still in the discussion stage, he would not be polite.He will frankly and unscrupulously ask what is in his heart.

And he also believes that this doubt is not only in his heart, but also in the hearts of other fighting brothers.

(End of this chapter)

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