Start with Planetary Governor

Chapter 64, Fighting for the Freshmen

Chapter 64, Fighting for the Freshmen
Faced with the doubts of his combat brothers, Martins heaved a long sigh.

On the face of this battle group leader who should have been resolute all the time, there was fatigue and bewilderment.

"We have no choice."

This sentence, even brought others down.

The bald Schneider still opened his mouth and said: "We have come here and seen the situation here. Now we should know that we have come to the wrong place. We should not waste precious time here. We should return to the Star Sea and return to the Star Sea. To find new hope."

Another soldier said: "How to find it? Should we continue to wander? We wandered until the Burning Feather ran out of fuel? We can't even find a planet that is willing to resupply us normally! Do we want to be like those pirates and traitors?" Same, do you want to grab it?"

Schneider choked for a moment, and he also recalled the embarrassment of the past few months.But he quickly retorted, "Then what's the use of being here? That mortal would be willing to resupply us, but he doesn't even have a bolter bullet!"

The phoenixes seldom quarrel like this, they all understand that they are the last brothers and family to each other.But the bleak future still prevents them from maintaining a good attitude forever.

Now is not the time to fight, although the current situation is more life-and-death than a fierce battle, but at this time, they need a correct direction.

Martins didn't stop the brothers from bickering, either.

He knew that this happened partly because of his lack of prestige, but even he himself was at a loss now, wondering whether he should agree to Governor Gu Hang's invitation, so how could he stop the quarrel?
And the one who stood up in the end was the one with the oldest qualifications in the battle group and the one with the most special status.

Pastor Rizzo.

The power armor of the priest is different from the other six battle brothers in terms of painting. It is no longer red all over, but the main body of the armor is black. Only the bright red flame phoenix pattern is on the shoulder.

The priest who took off his helmet looked a little old, and half of his beard and hair were already grey.

Space warriors have an extremely long lifespan, and it is not even heard of an angel of death who died of old age.

But that doesn't mean Space Marines don't age.

Time is the sharpest knife, which can always cut traces on the face and body.

The pastor said, "Stop pointless arguments."

After he spoke, the battle brothers literally shut up.As a priest, and as the oldest person in the chapter, his words are even more important than the chapter leader.

But after Rizzo stopped the quarrel, he didn't say anything more, he just turned his attention to Martins and said: "Chapter Commander, you need to shoulder the responsibility of the entire battle group, this matter should be decided by you .”

Martins hesitated.

He understood that Rizzo spoke in support of himself.In the state of the debate just now, he was unable to make a decision for a long time, and he was even unable to stop the continuation of the debate, which was a drain on his prestige as the chapter leader.

But knowing all of this doesn't mean he really knows what to do next.

He looked back at Pastor Rizzo, and asked, "You said that you have received a revelation. This Governor Gu contains the hope of rebuilding the battle group. But how can he help us rebuild the battle group?"

Rizzo shook his head and said, "You shouldn't ask me this question. The revelation didn't give me an answer. But the person who received the revelation is in this small town. Why don't you ask him?"

Martins sighed deeply and said, "Okay, then I'll go now."

Watching the Chapter Leader walk out of the house, the bald Schneider said: "Our Chapter Leader is too indecisive."

"Maybe it's because the responsibility he shoulders is too great, so he has to be careful."

"That shouldn't be like this." Schneider still seemed a little dissatisfied, "I don't have to leave here, but at least we need a firm goal, and then we need to act firmly, and we can't hesitate here. The one floating in the sea of ​​stars Months too, everything sucks, I hate the uncertainty, Warriors shouldn't be like that."


Faced with the question raised by the Matins Chapter Leader who had gone back and forth, Gu Hang was a little bit stumped.

How to help you rebuild the battle group?

You ask me, how the hell do I know!

I want to say that I can't help it, you won't suddenly get angry and pull out your bolt gun and shoot me?

There was a lot of panic in my heart, but my face was calm.

He said: "Martins Chapter Commander, you suddenly asked me this question, and I don't know where to start to answer..."

Hearing what Gu Hang said, Martins also felt a little disappointed.

It's no wonder, even I don't know how to rebuild the battle group, so if I ask a mortal, what answer can I get?

But at this moment, Gu Xing continued to speak: "But, Commander Martins, please forgive me for speaking out, you are confused now, and you really shouldn't. Rebuilding the battle group is a grand, Difficult plans, when you think about how to get it in place in one step and want to get a definite answer, of course you will feel that you have no way to start, no clue, and hope is slim. And these things will turn into thousands of difficulties and stand in front of you Why don't we break down this huge plan into achievable small goals one after another, and then do it step by step?"

Martins would not sigh in front of Gu Hang, he just said: "I understand these principles, but..."

Gu Hang shook his head and waved his hands to stop Martins from continuing, he was trying to grasp the initiative of the topic: "Since you came to ask me, why don't you listen to my thoughts more. Commander Martins, in your opinion , the battle group needs to rebuild, what exactly does it need?"

Martins was diverted from thinking, followed Gu Hang's thinking for a while, and said: "I need enough manpower and material resources to build the basic strength of the battle group. This includes logistical supplies and a large number of mortal auxiliary troops."

"Very good." Gu Hang said with a smile, "This seems to be a more specific question, so let me try to answer it. The manpower and material resources you need can be provided by Fu Xiaoxing in the future. Our planetary defense army can be used as a war group Auxiliary Army operations, the entire planet can also use a lot of manpower and material resources to provide logistical support for the battle group. From the maintenance of power armor to the replenishment of war materials, it can be done.”

Martins was a little puzzled: "Even if I believe you, as far as I know, although you are the planetary governor, you have not yet controlled this planet, and the manpower and material resources you can mobilize are limited; the production capacity of the entire planet is also very doubtful. Not even a bomb can be made..."

"Hahaha!" Gu Hang, who was questioned, not only did not feel embarrassed, but laughed, "Yes, what you said, Commander Martins, is right. But I have a plan. In the future, I will put anger Xiaoxing has built a forged world, and I can provide everything the wargroup needs. I don’t ask if you believe my plan, it doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not. I just ask you..."

"Are you and your battle group willing to fight for the new life of the battle group?"

(End of this chapter)

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