One Piece Superman One Piece World

Chapter 200 Encounter, Bearing the Name of Justice! (2 in 1)

Chapter 200 Encounter, Bearing the Name of Justice! (two in one)

The news that Pirate King Roger was about to be executed in Luoge Town, East China Sea spread along with the newspapers.

Newspapers had previously published the news that One Piece Roger was arrested by the navy, but at that time, many people didn't take it seriously after being shocked.Therefore, the Navy has not issued any statement on this for nearly half a month when Roger was extradited back to the Navy headquarters.

Most people also think that news is "Fake news". After all, One Piece, who has been in the sea for so many years, was arrested by a teenage lieutenant general in the navy. Such a thing is too sensational.

Although Jiguo Enichi once had a record of killing the Golden Lion Shiji, it was still not believed by most people.

However, as the news of Roger's public execution was released, Ji Guoyuanyi, a vice admiral who was less than 15 years old, reappeared in the eyes of the public.

After all, the news released by the Navy this time is a public execution. There is no way to fake this kind of thing.

In order to be able to publicize its achievements and power, the navy has sent people to set up video phone bugs in Rogge Town during this period, intending to broadcast Roger's public execution to the world live.

At that time, there is no need to distinguish whether Roger was arrested or not.

Hearing this news, the ordinary people are of course rejoicing. Under the exaggeration of the world government and the navy, One Piece Roger has already become a murderous "devil" character.

Such a person is captured and executed by the "just" navy, how can it not make people excited and happy?

Some people who were acquainted with Roger were not surprised when they heard the news. Roger was terminally ill and planned to surrender to the navy at the end of his life. Few people have said it.

The crew members who were originally on Roger's ship, as well as the pirates who had always admired Roger, rushed towards Roger Town after hearing the news.

Even Dressrosa, who was far away in the New World, could clearly feel that the messy and powerful atmosphere on the island was much, much less after that news was reported to the world.

Enichi Tsukuni, who had been worried that Dressrosa would be attacked by a large number of pirates, relaxed a lot after realizing this.

September 1500, 25 in the lunar calendar.

On this day, the weather was fine, the sea was windy and sunny.

After Guo Yuanyi spent the whole morning "supervising" Polusalino to deal with some backlog of documents, he rarely had time to rest for a while.Sitting on the sofa in the office, looking out the window.

"Hey, hey, Lieutenant General Ji Guo."

"Spare me. Although I can be considered your adjutant now, I am also a lieutenant general of the Navy Headquarters!"

"I won't be happy if you use me like that!"

"These documents should be dealt with by you, the base chief! I'm just a combat staff officer, and these are not in my control!"

Behind the desk, Polusalino finally finished processing the last document, put down his pen, stretched his waist and complained.

After being assigned to the Dawn branch by the Warring States General, Porusalino finally realized what it was like to be a donkey.

When he was at the Navy Headquarters, although Porusalino was a lieutenant general, he didn't actually have much business at all. After all, he also had an adjutant, and the Sengoku Admiral was a very responsible person. Many Everything is handled by him himself.

Polusalino's usual thing is to drink tea. Occasionally, when he thinks of it, he will simply practice and practice. When there is a task, he will lead the team to attack. Life is peaceful and beautiful.

As an ability user of natural fruits, he has never spent too much thought on improving his strength. Polusalino is like a guy who is lazy and cancer-possessed. , he does not practice.

Since Polusalino joined the navy, he has had such a character, so when he was studying in the naval academy, he was a thorn in the side of Admiral Zefa for several years.

After leaving the army, Polusalino let himself go even more.

And since he was "captured" by Ji Guoyuan to the Navy Branch, he has been ordered by Ji Guoyuan to deal with the documents that Ji Guoyuan should have to deal with.

Although Polusalino is a lazy person, he has been in the position of lieutenant general for several years, and he is quite comfortable handling these matters.

But I can't stand the fact that there are too many documents, and Polusalino himself is lazy!

Although Jiguo Yuanyi is a branch, it is huge; the things that the newly built real power branch has to deal with every day are not comparable to the "idle" lieutenant generals in the headquarters.

Even for a veteran like Polusalino, it would take a whole morning to deal with a day's backlog of documents.

Many things need to be coordinated with the various departments of the local Dressrosa Kingdom. It is not just about signing a name on a document.

During this period of time, Polusalino was exhausted by these "copyrights", and he was a little nervous.

"Lieutenant General Polusalino, what are you talking about!"

"These are all important documents of the branch, and I have given them to you for processing after careful consideration."

"After all, I'm still young and don't have much experience. It's reasonable to ask an experienced person like you to handle it, isn't it?"

"It's all for the justice of our navy! How can we still divide yours and mine?"

"Your awareness is not high enough!"

Ji Guoyuan crossed his legs, looked out the window, picked up the coffee on the table, and took a sip.

This was brewed from the coffee beans sent by King Liku some time ago.Since the naval branch was located in Dressrosa, the country's trade has become extremely prosperous.

King Liku thought that he could not rely solely on the "tourism" industry to absorb "foreign exchange". After inviting a professional botanist to evaluate the environment in Dressrosa, he chose to develop a place to grow coffee beans, a cash crop.

No, when the first batch of products came out, King Liku selected some of good quality and gave Ji Guoyuan a taste.

In Dressrosa for so long, although Ji Guoyuanyi and King Liku have never met each other, there is never a shortage of courtesies.


"Compared to you, a shopkeeper with arms crossed and drinking coffee, I'm afraid I'm quite enlightened!"

Polusalino rolled Ji Guoyuan's eyes and complained.

During this period of time, as the two of them have been in contact for a longer period of time, they also understand each other's personalities, so when they get along normally, they are also a lot more casual.

Although he was much older than Ji Guoyuan, Polusalino never regarded Ji Guoyuan as an ignorant brat.

He has always been with Ji Guoyuan in the same generation, and he has never put on any "senior" airs in front of Ji Guoyuan.

In fact, even though Jiguo Yuanyi's rank is half a rank higher than Polusalino's, Polusalino's rank is the same as Yuanyi's, and Polusalino's time in the navy is longer.

In a place like the army, Polusalino could put on the airs of a senior and ignore Ji Guoyuan Yi, which is perfectly fine.

The reason is also very simple. In the modern army, if a first-class sergeant major dares to pat the division commander's table, believe it or not!
"Well, don't say that, I'm not idle either."

"I'm exercising my sense of domineering."

"At my age, there is still room for improvement in strength, and improving strength needs to be the first priority."

"Ha ha."

Ji Guoyuan waved his hand and said perfunctorily. While speaking, he took out a tea set from under the coffee table and made a cup of tea for Polusalino.

"Hey, thank you, this tea is a gift from King Liku. It's for exclusive use. It's much more expensive than my coffee beans."

"It's cheaper for you."

Ji Guoyuan tapped lightly on the table and said to Polusalino with a smile.


"Then I really want to thank you, Lieutenant General Ji Guoyuan."

Hearing the confession, Polusalino also made a long sound, stood up and sat down on the sofa beside Yuanyi, picked up the tea and looked at it for a while, An An nodded, and then took a sip.

"Not bad." Polusalino smacked his lips and commented.He really doesn't have any other hobbies, eating and drinking are his favorite and best things.

"After drinking tea, I have something to ask you."

When Ji Guoyuan saw Polusalino seemed to be quite satisfied with the tea, he said with a smile.Polusalino froze when he heard this, then silently put the teacup in his hand on the table, and pushed it in the direction of Ji Guoyuanyi.

Yuanyi saw his little move, smiled, and continued: "You drank it, do you want to give it to others?"

"Don't worry, it's not difficult, at least, it's much simpler than that."

With that said, Yuanyi pointed to the documents that Polusalino had sorted out on the table, and motioned.Glancing at Ji Guoyuan, Polusalino didn't agree, but picked up the teacup on the table again and took a sip.

"After lunch, practice swordsmanship with me."

"Mihawk, Yixiao and the others have all gone out. After so long, my body has become a little itchy. If this continues, my sensitivity to combat will deteriorate."

"Hey, Polusalino, you too."

Hearing Ji Guoyuan's invitation, Polusalino was speechless for a while, and put the teacup on the coffee table again. Before he could refuse, Ji Guoyuan took out a jar from under the coffee table and threw it at Porusalino. Rusalino.

"This jar of tea is yours."

Polusalino caught the jar subconsciously, and then looked at Ji Guoyuanyi speechlessly.

Didn't you use this to test the cadres?Which cadre cannot stand such a test?

Polusalino was about to refuse when he heard Ji Guoyuan's voice: "You've been working hard these days, so why don't you take two days off?"

"what do you think?"

Upon hearing this, Porusalino's eyes lit up, he coughed slightly, and nodded solemnly:

"I think so."

Yuan Yi asked with a smile: "Can I practice swordsmanship with me, or can I go on vacation?"

"It will be all right!"

Polusalino put the tea leaves on the coffee table, picked up the teacup again, and replied with a smile.

"Then trouble you!"

Ji Guoyuanyi and Polusalino are getting along happily, and there has been no major incident in Dressrosa recently, and everything is moving in a good direction.

But when Ji Guoyuanyi and Polusalino were drinking coffee and tea with a smile, Cyrus and the others were running around on the vast sea.

After sailing for nearly a month, they finally successfully entered the territory of the Kingdom of Oran. After several inquiries, they finally found out the location of Patrila Island, purchased a chart, and found a guide, and headed towards Rush to Patrira Island.

However, when Cyrus and the others arrived at Patricia Island, they suddenly discovered that this remote island in the Kingdom of Oran had a very busy dock.

Looking around, there were more than 20 white ships of different sizes docked on the shore. Cyrus noticed that several of these ships docked on the shore had patterns of the world government spray-painted on them.

When seeing these ships, Cyrus couldn't help shrinking his pupils, realizing something was wrong.

"What should we do? Cyrus, it seems that we are late."

"Do you need to go to the island?"

Mihawk looked at the scene at the pier and realized what happened, and asked Cyrus, the leader of this mission.

"No, absolutely not."

"If we contact you rashly, our whereabouts will definitely be discovered."

"It will bring trouble to the lieutenant general."

Cyrus shook his head and objected.

"So what should we do?" Mihawk continued to ask, and when he said this, there was no fear on his face at all.

"Don't worry, I have a solution!"

Cyrus said nothing, patted Mihawk on the shoulder, silently turned around and returned to the cabin, then took out the phone bug from his arms and dialed Jiguo Enichi's number.

Cyrus' method is to ask Ji Guoyuan
Things developed like this, and Cyrus felt that he could not make the decision.


After a soft ring, the phone bug was dialed.

Before Cyrus could speak, Ji Guoyuan's voice came from the other end of the phone bug:

"If you call me at this time, you must be in trouble!"

"Cyrus, don't tell me much,"

"You just need to remember one thing, what you do next must be based on the standpoint of 'justice', and it will be fine to act with justice in your back."

"Others, you don't need to have any scruples."

"No matter what, as long as what you do is in line with the justice in your heart, I will support you."

Saying that, Ji Guoyuan hung up the phone without waiting for Cyrus to reply.

On the school grounds of the Dressrosa Naval Branch, Ji Guoyuan held a bamboo knife in one hand and put the phone bug in his arms with the other.

Although he didn't know what happened to Cyrus, Ji Guoyuan trusted Cyrus and Yixiao very much, trusting them was like trusting the dawn in his own hands!
In front of him, Polusalino was lying on his back on the ground, panting heavily, and seeing Ji Guoyuan hung up the phone, he asked curiously:
"Is it Cyrus?"

"Are you sending him on a mission?"

"what happened?"

When Ji Guoyuan faced Polusalino's question, he just shook his head with a smile, and said perfunctorily, "It's nothing."

"There will always be some confusion at the fork in the road of life."


"Let's continue!"

On the other end of the phone, Cyrus looked down at the handset that was caught in the busy signal in astonishment, pondered for a while, put the phone bug in his arms, and then walked out of the cabin and returned to the deck.

After he came out, Mihawk and Yixiao both looked at him, waiting for Cyrus to give an order.

"The lieutenant general said that as long as it is a just matter, he will support us."

Hearing this, a true smile appeared on Yixiao's face.When Mihawk heard this, he took a deep look at Cyrus, turned back to look at the dock, and said:
"Justice, that's something your navy has to consider. I only do what I think is right!"

When Cyrus heard this, he just glanced at Mihawk and said to the two of them without saying anything:

"Go straight to the island!"

"Our ship should have been discovered, and leaving now will cause problems."

"No matter what, you have to go to the island to find out what happened!"

(End of this chapter)

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