Nightmare Attack

Chapter 1588

Chapter 1588

It is an indisputable fact that this courtyard has been abandoned, but it is such an abandoned and evil courtyard, how can someone come to repair the doors and windows?

Could it be... there are still people living in this stone house?
Gazing at this stone house, the doubts in Li Bai's eyes became more and more obvious. This stone house is indeed a bit strange, because it is a bit too tall compared with the nearby villagers' houses. It also has only one floor, but the roof of the stone house is 5 meters high. .

What kind of person would live in such a tall room, thinking about it, the next second, Li Bai's heart skipped a beat,
Could it be the village chief of Heishui Village?
Thinking of the delicate relationship between the village chief and Zhu Sheng's lady that the villagers said, Li Bai felt more and more panicked in his heart. At this moment, a gust of night wind passed through the cracks in the stones, making a whining sound, as if someone was crying softly.

"No." Li Bai took a few deep breaths and forced himself to calm down, "If the village chief is inside, then I will face a great crisis tonight, even stronger than the crisis faced by Yao, Shun and Yu. The dangerous person should be Li Maochun among the three."

"Regardless of whether Li Maochun is the second generation of Crimson, the scene he faces can be said to be a desperate situation."

Li Bai made up his mind firmly, and with the lessons of Yao, Shunyu, she decided that no matter what happened, she would not rush into this stone house. Although she was very curious about what was in the house, this curiosity was undoubtedly fatal.

She can still tell which is more important.

And her mission is different from Yao Shunyu's. Yao Shunyu is killing people, so she has to go into the house to find the target, but she is setting fire, and the target is the house in front of her.

Looking around, Li Bai was looking for materials that could ignite the fire, and finally in a remote corner of the yard, Li Bai found a large piece of black cloth.

The cloth is very thick and somewhat oily, and when you smell it, you can smell a stinky oily smell.

After the cloth was lifted, there was a pile of neatly stacked firewood underneath. If you touch it with your hands, the firewood is very dry and can be easily ignited.

Li Bai understood that the cloth covering the firewood was for waterproofing, and she believed that the cloth itself was an excellent firelighter.

Without further ado, Li Bai approached this strange stone house cautiously with firewood in his arms. She listened carefully, and the room seemed to be very quiet, but she was not sure because of the noise of the wind around her.

She moved firewood time and time again, and piled firewood in front of the house door, as well as places where it is easy to burn, because this is a stone-based house, and it is unrealistic to completely burn it down. So the meaning of the so-called arson is greater than the actual meaning. To be precise, as long as she lights the fire, she has completed the task.

After carrying the firewood, she rolled up the oil-stained cloth and stuffed it into the firewood pile in front of the door, and then she only needed to light the fire.

So she brought the lantern and carefully took out the candle inside. She didn't know what kind of material the candle was made of, but it was very resistant to burning. It had been burning for several hours, and there was still more than half of it left.

But just as she held the fire with her hand and moved the candle closer to the cloth, suddenly, a gust of wind came, the flame jumped twice and went out.

A chill instantly chilled Li Bai from head to toe, not only because she couldn't complete the task without the candlelight, but more importantly, she felt that the gust of cold wind just now came from in front of her, from the empty window in front of her. In the crack of the hidden door!

There's something behind the door!

Li Bai took a big step backward like a conditional launch, and immediately distanced himself from the door, but in the next second, a strange thing happened, the door in front of him opened with a "squeak" and kept opening until 3/2 From left to right, looking in through the door, Li Bai was shocked. The room was arranged as a wedding banquet for a big day. There were four Eight Immortals tables inside, and four chairs beside each Eight Immortals table. There is a candlestick on the ground near the table.

A bright red thick candle was burning faintly, reflecting the big red happy characters on the wall next to it.

The one who should come still can't escape, it seems that she has to go into this room to get the red candle, just now she noticed that the gate of the courtyard was closed at some time, she wanted to go out to ask Yao, Shunyu for fire, did she not Here's the chance.

Li Bai made up his mind and stepped over the threshold. As soon as he entered the room, the surrounding air became cold. Li Bai tried his best not to look around, but what he saw out of the corner of his eye still made the hairs on her back stand on end.

On the table... the wedding banquets on the table are all fake, and those dishes are just some maggots that have been dead for an unknown amount of time. There is a plate of dumplings in the middle of every wedding banquet, and the dumplings are all made of paper. I couldn't tell whether it was a paper dumpling or a paper ingot to pay tribute to the dead.

At the same time, she also discovered something even more terrifying. On the ground in front of each chair, there was a pair of embroidered shoes.

The red embroidered shoes are very small, the kind only women with bound feet would use. Two small golden lotus shoes are put together, with the toes pointing straight to the bottom of the table.

Li Bai felt her neck was stiff, because she didn't dare to move, so she could only walk forward stiffly.

Finally, she arrived near the candlestick without any risk, but the moment she finally breathed a sigh of relief and squatted down, the scene in her peripheral vision made her fall into an ice cave. She saw that it was under the table next to her, Four pairs of extra legs.

The four pairs of legs are stepped on the red embroidered shoes, and they sit together like a lady, and they are all dressed in the same way. These are clearly four brides.


It's four bride ghosts!

Li Bai took a deep breath, knowing that if she acted recklessly at this moment, she would die. Slowly, she held up the candlestick, as if nothing had happened, turned around, lowered her head, and walked out step by step.

At the same time, there were some strange sounds in the originally silent room, "Crunch——, crunch—"

It's like something is rubbing against the rope.

Li Bai didn't care about anything, just lowered her head and walked out obediently, she looked safe and sound, but at this moment her face was almost distorted.

She understood, she understood everything, the candle in her hand cast stiff shadows on the surrounding walls.

And these shadows are still slowly turning with Li Bai's movement.

No wonder... No wonder this house was built so high, no wonder the villagers said that this house was evil, Li Bai gritted his teeth, the hatred in his heart seemed to be real, after all, if it was not high enough, how could so many people be hanged!
At this moment, in this room, there are a total of sixteen dead bodies wearing the bride's red wedding dresses that were hung high in the air. As Li Bai moved, these corpses also turned slowly, always turning their faces towards Li Bai.

Wait for her to look up.

(End of this chapter)

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