Nightmare Attack

Chapter 1589

Chapter 1589
One step, two steps... Li Bai's muscles tensed up all over her body. She lowered her head and tried her best not to think about those horrible scenes, but she couldn't do it at all. Like a reminder.

Li Bai swallowed hard, and her throat was so uncomfortable, it seemed that an invisible hanging rope was also wrapped around her neck, and it was being tightened little by little.

Cold, depressed, suffocating... All kinds of negative emotions rushed towards her, like a huge sticky spider web binding her tightly.

But Li Bai was unmoved, she clearly knew that if she wanted to live tonight, she had to leave this room and step over the threshold in front of her.

Fortunately, she finally did it. The moment she stepped out of the threshold, she finally breathed air like a drowning person, the cold breath disappeared, and she finally released the restraint.

Without hesitation, Li Bai immediately ignited the tarpaulin with the flame in the candlestick. The next second, as the flame rose, the surrounding firewood was quickly ignited. The huge flame tore through the darkness and dispelled the fear in Li Bai's heart. .

Hearing the sound of crackling firewood, Li Bai was finally able to breathe heavily, and the old house in front of him was quickly engulfed in flames.

With the help of the firelight, Li Bai finally saw clearly that at a position close to 3 meters from the ground, there were bloated corpses hanging from the beams of the house.

The corpses were all dressed in red wedding gowns and white-soled mandarin ducks and red embroidered shoes. They were dressed in a very festive way, as if they were going to participate in a joyous ceremony.

But what really terrified Li Bai was the heavily made-up faces of these corpses. After all, these people were all men. Under the reflection of the flames, the lips of these men were as red as blood, and they still kept strange faces that seemed to be smiling but not smiling. Their eyes were opened one by one. It's too big to die.

But such fear did not last long, and soon, the fire engulfed all these corpses.

A muffled sound came from the fire scene. It was the sound of the hemp rope tightening the corpse being burned and the corpse falling to the ground.

Li Bai stopped beside Lie Yan for a moment. She could choose to leave the moment the fire ignited, but she didn't. It had nothing to do with curiosity, but because of worry, she didn't want to see these strange newlywed corpses burned to ashes with her own eyes. She might not be able to sleep well when she goes back. When she closes her eyes, there will be scenes of corpses hanging above her head. These corpses will rotate as she moves, and pairs of eyes staring at her condescendingly. It was her lingering nightmare.

Damn villagers!Damn Blackwater Village!And... damn the Night's Watch!
After leaving this courtyard, Li Bai still couldn't calm down for a long time. When Yao Shunyu saw the fire burning in the courtyard, he finally let go of his hanging heart. Counting the time, he knew that Li Bai must also be in trouble.

Li Bai did not hide what happened in the yard. After thinking about the scenes Li Bai experienced, even the experienced Yao Shunyu couldn't help feeling numb. Hanging corpses have been a taboo since ancient times. In some crooked ways, These are all yin and evil methods of exchanging life for life, not to mention hanging himself in a red wedding dress.

Of course, these men were definitely not voluntary, they were hanged alive by the villagers.

The crimes in this black water village are far from being burnt away with this fire. What Yao Shunyu hopes is to wipe the whole village off the map with one fire.

But after listening to Li Bai's narration, Li Maochun was the one who reacted the most. He was crying, like a big man's tears don't want money. In such a ghostly place, I have done good deeds all my life, and I have never even argued with others, saying that good people are rewarded with good things, why do I...

Li Bai was also aroused by Li Maochun, and she was also a little regretful. Looking at it now, their initial judgment has gone wrong. The possibility that Li Maochun is the crimson who got in between them is very low. After all, crimson can be regarded as Li Maochun is really not worthy of being one of the elites.

"Don't cry, what about mourning?" Yao Shunyu kicked him. It was in the middle of the night, and the village was still so quiet. Li Maochun's crying echoed in the dark night, which was really scary.

Worried that Li Maochun would run away in a daze, instead of carrying out the task, Yao Shunyu pushed the paralyzed Li Maochun to the execution ground, no, to the mass grave at the west end of the village, just like escorting a prisoner.

This place is very desolate, and the name of Mass Burial Mound is worthy of its name. There is not any decent tombstone, but there are many grave mounds of different sizes.

Because of poor visibility at night, at first glance, the mound seems to be continuous, extending into the darkness in the distance.

Yao, Shunyu couldn't help but gasped. They also walked around this Heishui village. The village is not very big, and there are not many villagers living there, but the scale of this mass grave is far from the size of the village. The normal death toll does not match, and the reason for this is now clear to them. Presumably, those buried in these unnamed tombs are all poor men who were once imprisoned in this dark mountain village.

A dirt road about two meters wide meanders through the mass grave. The road is full of potholes and has obviously been in disrepair.

It seems that this is the road that Li Maochun will build tonight.

And not far from the road, there is a huge mound. The reason why it is called a mound is because it is too big, more than ten times larger than those barren graves, and because it is too regular , and obviously relatively new, as if someone piled it up not long ago.

Seeing this scene, Li Maochun felt ashamed, but in the end he still had to go to this mass grave. Li Baiyao, Shun Yu were not far away, they clearly saw Li Maochun walking towards the mound, and then they seemed to find something. Pulled out a basket from the ground, and a tool similar to a hoe.

That's right, this mound is used to fill the pits on the road with soil, and the baskets and hoes are the tools used.

After all, apart from the big mounds, there are barren tombs of different sizes here, and the soil of the mounds is not used, so if you accidentally dig the graves of the barren tombs, you may cause some trouble.

Suddenly Yao, Shunyu and Li Bai had doubts in their hearts at the same time. They had a feeling that this seemingly mortal mission seemed to be quite easy to talk about. Not only did they provide soil, but they also provided tools.

And this doubt reached its peak after Li Maochun tremblingly dug a few baskets of soil, walked through the mass grave several times, and successfully filled two pits.

"I said... We can't be cheated, right?"

After hesitating again and again, Li Bai finally expressed her doubts. She seemed to be a little relieved when she observed Li Maochun, carrying the basket in one hand and carrying the hoe on her shoulder with the other, working in full swing.

(End of this chapter)

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