Nightmare Attack

Chapter 1590 Under the Mound

Chapter 1590 Under the Mound
Yao Shunyu stared at Li Maochun in the distance, the doubt in his eyes was no less than that of Li Bai, "You mean there is a problem with our intelligence?"

"Golden belts for killing and setting fire, and repairing bridges and repairing roads without corpses. These two sentences are misleading, and Jiangcheng and the others were also deceived."

Li Bai lowered his voice uncontrollably, and there was a trace of caution on his face, "Is there such a possibility that the person who was talking to you before was not Jiangcheng at all, but a ghost."

In such an environment, Yao Shunyu's face became very ugly when he heard this sentence at first, but after a while, he shook his head severely, "Don't scare yourself, Jiangcheng can't be wrong on the other end of the phone."

Although I said this, Yao, Shun and Yu couldn't explain the situation in front of me. There were no corpses when repairing bridges and roads, but Li Maochun's appearance became more and more smooth. There were 7 obvious potholes on the road, and Li Maochun had already filled them up. Four of them have been repaired, and half of the construction of the fifth has been completed.

The most important thing is that during this period, he encountered nothing, no obstacles, no supernatural events, and no ghosts. Compared with his experience with Li Bai, it is incredible.

But the only thing that makes Yao, Shunyu and Li Bai gratified is that Li Maochun behaved very normally. From the fear at the beginning, to the joy of getting better and better, it was all written on Li Maochun's face. Such an "ordinary person" can survive , is also what Yao, Shun and Yu Li Bai hoped to see.

But slowly, Yao, Shunyu and Li Bai began to feel that something was wrong. It had nothing to do with Li Maochun and this road, but something changed around them.

"You feel it too?" Li Bai lowered his voice.

"Yeah." Yao Shunyu's gaze scanned the vicinity of Li Maochun inch by inch. After a while, he suddenly paused, and he noticed a dry sapling.

The tree was about ten meters away from Li Maochun, and it didn't have many branches. It stood in the middle of several tombs.

A few seconds later, Yao Shunyu seemed to suddenly realize something, and his breathing became rapid, "No! Look at that dead tree, it has moved, and its original position should be between Li Maochun and those barren graves! "

The atmosphere became weird in an instant, and Li Bai slowly opened his eyes wide, and the next sentence pushed the weird atmosphere to a climax, "It's not the tree moving, it's the deserted graves, those deserted graves are moving!"

As if some kind of illusion was shattered with a single word, Yao, Shunyu and Li Bai felt gusts of wind rolling around them, and at this moment, looking at it again, there were more than a dozen deserted graves around Li Maochun, who was wielding a hoe in full swing. The barren graves are at least ten meters away from him, but now, the nearest one is less than 5 meters away from him.

The most important thing is that Li Maochun still doesn't know anything about it.

This kind of hindsight to kill is obviously more dangerous than what Yao, Shunyu and Li Bai experienced. If Li Maochun still has a chance, it can only be a race against time to see if he finishes the road first, or those deserted graves first. find him.

Stupid people have stupid blessings. If Li Maochun's psychological quality now finds out that the barren graves are "hunting" him, he will be so scared that he can't even pick up the hoe, so Yao Shunyu and Li Bai can only wish him to be faster in his heart. Faster.

And as Li Maochun moved soil more and more frequently, the soil in that big mound was also decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

While Li Maochun was filling the basket with soil for the last time, a lot of the soil below the mound was dug away, and the upper soil layer collapsed. Li Maochun seemed to have seen something, and raised his head in a daze. After a while, the whole person seemed to have been greatly stimulated, and took a few steps back, and then sat down on the ground, forgetting about the soil basket in his hand.

Yao, Shun, Yu, and Li Bai gasped at the same time. They were relatively far away, but they could still see clearly that something was exposed from the peeling soil layer. It was the small half shoulder of a statue.

But judging from the small part that has been peeled off, the statue must be at least 4 meters high.

Li Bai's face turned pale, and she immediately thought of the wild temple where the painting teacher disappeared the night before. The painting teacher once worshiped a god that should not have existed.

And Yao Shunyu stared at the exposed shoulders of the statue, which still exuded a black luster even under the cover of the dark night, which reminded him of the giant black hands that appeared in the painting not long ago.

This is clearly the same thing!
Yes. It's Zhusheng Empress!
Empress Zhusheng came out of the painting, and is now hiding in this mound!

Yao, Shunyu and Li Bai all understand now that they really know the dangers of the road construction task tonight. If they fail to complete the road construction on time, they will be killed by the ghost graves that are gradually surrounding them. The premise is that as the soil continues to decrease, the Empress Zhusheng hidden in the big mound will inevitably be exposed.

And with Empress Zhusheng freed from the shackles, one can imagine Li Maochun's fate.

These two roads before and after are clearly dead ends!Sure enough, the bridge was repaired and the road was repaired without corpses!
To Yao, Shunyu and Li Bai's surprise, Li Maochun did not sit still. In desperation, he burst out with unprecedented calmness and executive power. Li Maochun looked around, and then ran to a deserted grave with a bamboo basket. There are many larger stones.

After collecting some stones, Li Maochun carefully returned to the big mound, and then used stones of different sizes to pad the excavated part of the mound under the mound until it was confirmed that it was stable, and then tentatively. I dug some soil and quickly filled the hole on the road.

"Smart." Li Bai couldn't help sighing, using rocks to prevent the mound from collapsing, and then filling the soil with the fastest speed to complete the task, which was the best solution she could think of at the moment.

Just when the sixth hole had been filled and the last hole was left, an accident happened.

Li Maochun, who was digging carefully, still lost to reality. The soil on the mound began to collapse. No matter how he tried to block it with stones, it was still useless. It seemed that the collapse of the mound was only a matter of time, and it would not exceed 5 minutes at most.

Digging the soil now is no longer realistic, it will only speed up the collapse, and the remaining time is not enough for him to fill up another pit, and the last remaining pit is also the largest one, enough for him to lie down.

"Is this over?" Li Bai sighed, this is a mortal situation, and Li Maochun has done a good job.

In the face of ghosts, which transcend physical limitations and rules, human struggles have always been weak and powerless, and all they can do is to seek a little bit of life in the cracks.

But in the next second, Li Maochun moved, he didn't just sit still, he picked up the soil basket, turned around and rushed towards the barren grave closest to him with resolute momentum.

(End of this chapter)

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