Great warships

Chapter 847 The first crab eater

Chapter 847 The first one to eat crabs

In China, there are only two giants in charge of the oil industry, which are in a monopoly position, and it often happens that oil barrels are more expensive than oil.

An industry without competition is easy to make money. Now, Mingzhou Group is also joining in.

Mingzhou Group entered this industry a long time ago, and there is still a large amount of oil stored in Xiaolieshan. However, for a long time, Mingzhou Group has only resold oil to make a difference. Not circulated to individual hands.

This time, they want to go one step further!

These people want to invite their Mingzhou Group to go to Siam to persuade the construction of the Kra Canal, and let the Mingzhou Group invest, so they must give the Mingzhou Group benefits.

What Qin Tao wants is also very simple: the right to legally sell refined oil in China!
If we want Siam to build a canal, we have to promise to enter the petrochemical group. The money is all paid by our Mingzhou Group, so the refined oil produced must have a way out.

Sell ​​directly to domestic oil industry giants?That's not good, why are you earning all the money?We also have to earn the most profitable part!

Hearing Qin Tao's request, several people present were stunned.

"President Qin, we promise to buy your refined oil products at a price [-]% higher than the market price." A leader said.


"President Qin, there is no such precedent. We only allow two oil refineries in our country."

"Then there is a precedent now."

Looking at the expressions of everyone, Qin Tao smiled: "Forget it, let's not talk about this. After all, our meeting this time is to discuss the oil transportation of Parthia, which must go by land. Let's discuss this in detail next. project."


As a result, the topic of the meeting was brought back to the main topic, and the discussion continued for several hours. All the details were finalized. Seeing that the meeting was about to end, someone still thought of the original topic and couldn't help but want to say a few words. I don't know where to start, so I can only change the subject: "Mr. Qin, I heard that you proposed to use our currency to buy oil directly from Anxi, and spend our currency to gradually become an international currency. This Good idea."

"Whoever's currency can be settled in international trade will be able to reap the wealth of the world. Of course, we are not for that purpose. We are to break the hegemony of the dollar. Of course, this road is not easy. Whoever uses it first will win You will be targeted, so you must not dare. We can only use barter to avoid US dollar transactions. However, we will definitely have to take this step in the future. There is a special SWIFT system for US dollar settlement. We also need to have our own system, which will gradually expand to the whole world in the future.”

Qin Tao has the vision of a traveler, so he can prepare various preparations in advance and avoid all kinds of detours. Although everyone dare not do this now, with continuous development, he will definitely reach this point in the end.

These things have to be done in advance.

"If we can spend our money all over the world, then we will truly become a big country." Someone sighed.

"Unfortunately, once the hegemony of the dollar is challenged, it will cause big trouble."

"Everyone, I just received the news!" At this moment, someone ran over excitedly.

"what news?"

"Iraq announced that it would replace the dollar with the euro and re-price oil."

At the critical moment, the anti-American fighters are still at the forefront!Qin Tao is also emotional, silly Damu has taken another step forward on the verge of death, getting closer and closer to death.

"What?" Everyone was surprised.

After the end of World War II, the U.S. dollar was directly anchored to gold, thus becoming the most important currency in the world, replacing the international status of the British pound. However, within 20 years, this system could not be maintained. After all, it is easy to print money, but the value of gold Accumulation is not that simple.The Yankees looked around the world and soon found a substitute for gold: oil!

Any country needs oil, and there are only a few oil-producing countries. As long as you negotiate with the oil-producing countries, you must use U.S. dollars to buy oil, and the U.S. dollar will continue to be the international currency!
As a result, the U.S. dollar continued to maintain its status, and the number of exchanges for gold became less and less, but the world must continue to use it.

If anyone dares to give up using US dollars to purchase oil, it means challenging the United States!
Now, Silly Damu became the first one, and he decided to replace it with euros, which was obviously deliberate for a long time.

The currency of the East is definitely not good, because only one country in the East is using it, but the euro is different. It is a European currency, and it is an attempt by Europe to get rid of the hegemony of the dollar. More than a dozen countries use the euro together. It's big!

Europeans are definitely willing. After all, using their own currency to directly purchase oil means that there is no need to exchange foreign exchange, and it also means that the use of the euro will become more and more widespread.

"President Qin, someone has already tried your plan for you." The leaders present said to Qin Tao with emotion: "Their experience will be worth learning from."

Qin Tao shook his head: "No, their experience doesn't make any sense."


"Everyone, the Europeans want to stand up, but is it possible? They are soft-spoken and soft-handed. Now that the Europeans want to be strong, they have to see if the American troops around them agree or not! You can see if anyone has come to bid."

The first person to eat a crab is very brave, but if he is only brave, his mouth will be full of oil, or he may find it unpalatable, or even choke to death.

The first re-pricing in Iraq, none of the customers dared to go overboard, for fear of annoying the Americans, and then slowly, the old beauty saw that the situation was not good, and immediately shouted that the stupid big wood had weapons of mass destruction in his hands, Continue to attack Silly Damu.

"Yeah, it doesn't make any sense to do this, and it might cause big trouble." A leader said with emotion: "President Qin, we are very curious. You have been developing relations with Anxi Nation, so you didn't go to support the idiot." Oki?"

"It's not necessary, the stupid big wood has annoyed the United States now, and the Americans will definitely take action to teach them a lesson." Qin Tao said: "Britain and the United States did not get cheap from Parthia, so maybe they want to take advantage of the stupid big wood. When the new regime comes to power in the future, we will directly Wouldn’t it be better to bid for the right to exploit the oil fields over there?”

Qin Tao knows the history that others don't understand. Although Britain and the United States won the victory and kicked out the stupid Damu, Dongfang won a lot of shares in the subsequent bidding for oilfield exploration. We all bid for it through formal means. so no one else can say anything.

Therefore, although Qin Tao has made a fortune for more than ten years, he has been active and aggressive on the international stage, but he has never touched Iraq, because he knows that it is meaningless to make friends with Silly Damu. The road ahead will not be easy.

Every step of Mr. Qin has a deep meaning, and everyone is even more moved by Mr. Qin's vision.

Many major events can only be accomplished by Mr. Qin. If the Kra Canal is to be built, Mr. Qin must come forward.

After the meeting, the relevant content was reported to the old leader. After some contemplation, the old leader nodded: "If we want to develop the economy, we should not only have state-owned enterprises, private enterprises should also play a corresponding role, especially the Mingzhou Group. Enterprises, with their competition, state-owned enterprises can also develop better. In my opinion, Mingzhou Group can be allowed to join in. If you want the horse to run, you have to let the horse graze. If the Kela Canal project is negotiated Then our sea transportation will be safer."

The old leader agreed!

"What if two oil groups in our country protest?"

"Then let them talk to Siam! As long as they can negotiate the Kra Canal project, then we don't need the help of Mingzhou Group, and the refinery over there is also controlled by them, so there will be no such problem ’” said the old leader.

Qin Tao didn't expect that his superiors readily agreed!

"Okay, your Mingzhou Group will have new business again." After receiving the news, Wu Shengli came to Qin Tao with a smile: "You can not only import crude oil, but also smelt crude oil, and the refined oil produced by smelting It can still be sold normally in our country. This is a profitable industry.”

"Dad, this business is not easy to get. The condition is that we build the Kela Canal." Qin Tao said: "This canal is not so easy to repair, and I don't know if it will be possible."

"It will definitely work. There is nothing wrong with it." Wu Shengli said: "By the way, in the future, the refined oil you smelt will be given priority to our navy? Give us a cost price?"

"The cost price is impossible, so I'll give you a tax-free price." Qin Tao said, "Since we mainly supply our navy, our company should be called CNOOC."

"CNOOC? We already have CNOOC in China." Wu Shengli said.

In China, everyone knows that there are two barrels of oil, but CNOOC is unknown, mainly due to its small output. By 2010, their annual oil and gas production had just reached 5000 million tons, which was about the same as that of a Daqing oilfield. Only the other two barrels of oil a fraction.

However, the establishment of this company was not too late. As early as in 82, the relevant departments promulgated the "Regulations on the East's Foreign Cooperative Exploitation of Offshore Oil Resources" and decided to establish the Orient Offshore Oil Corporation. On February 82, 2, CNOOC was formally established.

However, it is not as convenient for them to extract oil from the sea as on land, so the cost is high and the output is small, and they are hardly taken seriously. However, they still exist after all. Qin Tao's current name is obviously inappropriate.

"They are CNOOC, we are Minghai Oil, their sea is the ocean's sea, our sea is the navy's sea, can this be the same? Dad, do you still have an opinion on this name?"

Wu Shengli shook his head: "No problem."

Therefore, Minghai Oil Company was named in this way. Although it was just a simple sentence, no one thought that it would develop into a behemoth in the future.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, and Qin Tao doesn't know if he can talk about the Kra Canal, but he still has to go.

Siam Capital Airport.

"President Qin, welcome to visit Siam." A potbellied officer said to him, "I haven't seen you in the past few years, but you are still so handsome."

"Yes, Mr. Lacourt, you are also so handsome." After Qin Tao finished speaking, he looked at the other party's big belly. When he saw him before, it was as if he was pregnant in October. Now?Not enough twins, at least quadruplets.

When they learned that Qin Tao was coming to Siam, they attached great importance to it. Lacour and Qin Tao had the best relationship, so they ran over to pick him up.At this time, hearing what Qin Tao said, Lacour smiled: "Boss Qin, don't make fun of me, I have a big belly."

The joking laughter dilutes the time gap, and Qin Tao leans closer to Rakul's ear: "Rakul, I brought a few diamond necklaces, which are most suitable for your partner, I guess it's not that Jaina Bar?"

"Of course, I got tired of playing five years ago. Now I like a few younger and more beautiful ones. Qin, do you want me to find some for you?"

Qin Tao quickly shook his head: "No, Rakul, I'm not interested in women. This time I just came to meet my old friends."

"Okay, then let's go to the hotel and catch up with each other."

Sukhothai Hotel.

A few years ago, Qin Tao came here with Zhao Ling. Although he was not married yet, he had already lived together generously. While traveling, he took care of things at the same time. in sight.

Now, the hotel is still the same hotel, but the people around her have changed. After all, Zhao Ling's belly is getting bigger and bigger, so it's not suitable for her to run around with Qin Tao.

"Qin, come, let's toast!" Lacour raised his glass: "For our friendship!"

"Yes, for our friendship from the F-25T frigate!"

The first time Qin Tao met Lacourt was not to bid for an aircraft carrier. Before that, the contract of the F-25T frigate of the brother unit was in trouble, and it was Qin Tao who helped out. At that time, the person in charge of Siam was Lacourt, the friendship between the two also began at that time.

"Unfortunately, since the financial crisis in 98, our life has been difficult. We originally planned to purchase your J-31A fighter jets to equip our aircraft carrier, but we have not been able to raise funds." Lacourt said: "We still want to purchase brand new frigates and new submarines, but we can only give up if we don't have money."

Under Qin Tao's foresight, the financial crisis did not affect the East, but it swept through Southeast Asia, and the chicken feathers were everywhere. Siam has also been in a slump since then, and it no longer has the momentum of the four Asian tigers. The economy has been very poor in the past few years. The army also has no money to buy new equipment.

Needless to say, purchasing, even the aircraft carrier they have obtained has been docked in the port all year round, and they are reluctant to go out at all. How much oil will be burned for a trip?

"As the saying goes, relying on mountains to eat mountains, relying on water to eat water, your country of Siam has such a good geographical location, you can definitely develop by relying on geographical advantages." Qin Tao said.

geographical advantage?

Lacour hesitated for a long time before reacting: "Mr. Qin, you are talking about digging a canal at the Kra Isthmus? This is not easy. We have been thinking about it for hundreds of years, but we haven't really done it. Recently, in order to revitalize the economy, the higher-ups did have the idea of ​​digging, but, alas..."

"what happened?"

"First of all, this project needs to invest a lot of money. According to the two plans currently planned, whether it is the south line or the north line, the construction cost will exceed 100 billion US dollars. For us, this is an astronomical sum."

The narrowest part of the Kra Isthmus is only more than 50 kilometers, but it is not suitable for excavation there. After years of exploration, two plans have been determined. One is the northern line, connecting Chumphon and Ranong, with a total length of 90 kilometers.The other is the southern line, excavated between Songkhla and Satun, with a total length of 102 kilometers.

The length of the southern line is longer, but the terrain is flat and easy to excavate, while there are some mountainous areas in the northern line, so the difficulty of excavation is not small.However, the further north the canal is, the longer the mileage will be saved for cargo ships. Therefore, the two routes have their own advantages and disadvantages.

However, it has not reached that point yet, just considering the investment is an astronomical sum.

"If you need to invest, our Mingzhou Group can provide loans." Qin Tao said.

For Qin Tao, the issue of money is not an issue. Anyway, as long as it is put into operation, it can collect money, and the investment will not be in vain.

According to some conservative estimates, there are now 20 ships passing through the Strait of Malacca every year, and [-] of them are diverted to the Kra Canal. [-] billion annual income.

This fee is not high. After all, a 30-ton cargo ship can save US$[-] in fuel costs by bypassing Malacca. (From the collected data, Huadong Zhixiong feels that this number seems a bit large.)
"Investment is only one of the problems. The biggest problem is that once the government is changed, the project may not necessarily continue." Lacourt said.

As a navy, he certainly hopes to build this canal, otherwise the navy would have to go around Malacca every time it cruises east and west, which is really not cost-effective, but there are too many things involved.

Just like the United States, in any country where multiple parties are in power and need to be replaced every few years, there will be this kind of problem: the plan formulated by the previous term will become waste paper by the next term.

"According to estimates, the canal will need to be repaired for about ten years. Even if it is accelerated, it will not be less than seven years. This will definitely involve a change of term. So, Mr. Qin, you are my friend, and I must remind you, This kind of thing is not easy to do, and the loans you provide are likely to be in vain.”

After the canal is completed, it is naturally profitable. There is no need to worry that Siam has no money to repay the loan, but what if the construction is halfway unfinished?
Before coming here, everyone had a lot of opinions on why the canal cannot be repaired, but only after coming here, did they know the real reason why it cannot be repaired!

Because the time to build the canal is too long, the uncertainty is too bad!Lacourt is Qin Tao's good friend, so he explained the reason clearly to Qin Tao.

"The next election will be in 04, so now there is only two years at most." Lacour said: "In any case, it cannot be built, Mr. Qin, thank you for thinking about us and putting forward such an opinion, but, Even if you want to fix it, you have to wait until after 04. Come on, don't think about it, let's drink!"

"The key now is a matter of time." Qin Tao drank a glass of wine, thought for a while, and then said: "Lacour, have you heard of the David Kingdom Canal project?"

David's Canal?Lacour shook his head: "I've only heard of the canals in the Pyramid Kingdom."

The Suez Canal is the busiest waterway in the world. However, in the 60s, due to the Middle East war, the canal was closed for a long time, causing the entire western world to suffer. In order to avoid getting stuck on the canal, the Americans decided to play a game. Big ticket: Digging a canal in the Negev Desert in David's country, connecting the Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf of Eilat!
But if you look at the map, you will know that the Suez Canal is the shortest, while the canal in the Kingdom of David is much longer, more than 200 kilometers!
If you use the usual method, it will cost a lot and you can't afford it at all. Therefore, the Yankees thought of a way: blow up a canal!
What to fry?
Of course the most effective nuclear bomb!
According to the study, in order to complete the excavation task, four 200-megaton nuclear bombs must be placed every mile along the canal, with a total of 520 nuclear bombs and a total explosive yield of 1.04 million tons!

If this is really done, then it is estimated that a layer of radioactive dust will float in the entire Middle East, and it will not last for thousands of years. Fortunately, this crazy plan is only at the theoretical stage, and then it will be dusted.

Of course, there is more than one plan, and there are similar plans to dig a canal to replace Panama.

Now, when Qin Tao introduced the plan, Lacourt's expression changed, and he shook his head again and again: "No, no, Mr. Qin, we will never allow nuclear bombs to be detonated on our land. The people's opposition!"

"Nuclear bombs are of course not allowed, but we have conventional bombs." Qin Tao said: "If we want to dig out this canal quickly, we can use explosives, as long as the canal takes shape within two years, even if it is reached It will never be left in the hands of the next person."

You can let it go if it is halfway repaired, but what if it is ready for navigation in the near future?As long as you work hard to master it, you can earn a lot of money!

"Qin, this plan is really crazy." Lacourt shook his head again and again: "I don't think they will agree to our use of explosives. As long as this plan is proposed, it will be opposed by a large number of people."

"Then how about trying to fry it first?"

"Fry it first? How is it possible!"

"Your navy has a convoy transporting ammunition. It encountered an accident while passing through the Kra Isthmus. As a result, the ammunition convoy exploded and successfully blasted a canal several kilometers long." Qin Tao said: "If your navy is willing to do this, Then our Mingzhou Group can gift you two large drones."

"Qin, why are you so keen on digging this canal?"

"It's not because of the changes in the international situation. Our Mingzhou Group is always being targeted, and business is not easy to do. However, this is also for your Siamese country. If the canal can really be dug, you can lie down and make money. "

(End of this chapter)

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