Great warships

Chapter 848 In addition to digging canals, they can also be blown up

Chapter 848 In addition to digging canals, they can also be blown up

Blowing up a canal with explosives sounds like a fantasy, but it is not completely unfounded. Qin Tao knows that in his own time and space, the Pinglu Canal, known as the backbone project of the Western Land-Sea Corridor, is like this It was built by first blasting a channel with explosives, and then repairing the channel, and a canal came out. This canal is 135 kilometers long from the mouth of the Pingtang River to the Beibu Gulf. It was dug out in this way. The Oriental infrastructure madman The title is not given in vain.

Similar is Tianfu International Airport. In order to build an airport in the Sichuan Basin that is capable of taking off and landing international flights, domestic engineers used 9000 tons of explosives to level the peaks of more than 70 mountains and fill the valleys with broken stones. In the middle, it became a large flat land, and a large airport was built.

Since the Pinglu Canal can be exploded in this way, and since the Tianfu International Airport can be exploded in this way, of course the Kela Canal, which is more than a hundred kilometers away, can also be exploded in this way. The only question is whether the people in front of them dare?

For their country, it is of great significance, but for the navy, it is just a detour. Therefore, their navy may not be tempted. If the navy is not tempted, then Qin Tao has nothing to do.

Is the price of two large drones enough?

"President Qin, what our navy urgently needs at the moment is a vertical take-off and landing fighter that can be deployed on an aircraft carrier." Lacourt began to negotiate conditions.

Their aircraft carrier has a displacement of only more than 1 tons, and they must use the method of ski-jump take-off. When they first entered service, they were equipped with J-31 fighters. This fighter was modified from Yak-38. Solved the problem of whether or not.

Now, the J-31A developed by Mingzhou Group is a fourth-generation carrier-based vertical take-off and landing fighter with stealth capabilities. If this aircraft can be equipped in their hands, it will be a shotgun.

Therefore, they are very eager to obtain this fighter.

However, if this kind of fighter is used in exchange for the excavation of the Kra Canal, the price will be too high. After all, this kind of fighter is expensive and cannot be given away casually.

However, the other party also knew that he would not give them the fighter plane, so he shouldn't have asked for it directly.

Qin Tao looked at each other curiously: "So?"

"If this canal can be dug successfully, then we will have more income, and our navy will be able to equip this advanced fighter earlier. For this fighter, we are willing to try it."

Qin Tao breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded: "Okay, as long as you help, when you order fighters in the future, we will give you priority in producing them."

Thus, the transaction was concluded in this way, and the whole process went so smoothly that Qin Tao felt a little unbelievable.

The Kra Isthmus is located in the northern part of the Malay Peninsula in southeastern Asia, bordering the Indochina Peninsula to the north, the Malay Peninsula to the south, the Gulf of Siam to the east, and the Andaman Sea to the west.It is a narrow strip in Chumphon and Ranong provinces in southern Siam, more than 700 kilometers away from the Strait of Malacca.

Looking at the terrain, it is plain in the east, and in the north-south direction in the west, there is a long and narrow mountain range. Whether it is the north line or the south line, it needs to pass through this mountainous area. However, if you take the south line, you can take advantage of it. A canyon between mountains is the easiest to build.

Of course, although it is called a mountain, it is actually not high. The highest mountain range here is only 75 meters above sea level.As for the mountains that the northern line needs to cross, the highest point is less than 40 meters, and only a few hundred tons of high explosives are enough.

Walk more than 100 kilometers southwest from the capital of Siam, and then turn south and continue to reach the Isthmus of Kra. A convoy is struggling on the road.

Looking at the mound-like peaks on both sides, Qin Tao's eyes are full of disdain, and only those who have lived in the plains since childhood and have never seen mountains think that this is a mountain, right?These are clearly just some small mounds!

"Mr. Qin, we are now taking the road between the mountains, which is not very easy." In the car, Lacour said to Qin Tao: "It is not easy to use explosives to blow up these mountains, and you have to go deep into the ground. Bar?"

"What's so difficult about it?" Qin Tao smiled: "Second brother, how much explosive do you think you need?"

Since it is engaged in infrastructure construction, of course the power of Mingzhou Group is indispensable. Qin Tao specially called Kong Laoer over. Although he is not a professional, he has seen a lot and has a wide vision after all, which is not comparable to these bumpkins.

"Boss Qin, if you just want to blow up the mountain, then two hundred tons of explosives will be enough, but if you want to blow up the mountain to a depth of 25 meters, you will have to use four hundred tons of explosives. Ten vehicles would be enough for a [-]-ton truck.”

Four hundred tons!
Lacour was shocked by this statement: "If it explodes, wouldn't it cause a magnitude [-] earthquake?"

"Level [-] is not enough. It must be below level [-]. If it reaches your capital, it will be about two or three levels. If it is at night, many people will not feel it." Kong Lao Er said.

The energy released by the magnitude 477 earthquake is about two megajoules, which is about [-] tons of TNT equivalent, which is basically equivalent to the power of a large ammunition depot explosion.The [-] tons we are talking about now is definitely worse than this.

Lacour swallowed a mouthful of spit: "Okay, you survey the terrain and make preparations. When you make arrangements, we will transport the explosives."

"Don't worry, Lacour, nothing will happen. We have rich experience. When the mountain explodes into a canal, there will be no force that can stop the construction of this canal. You will be the biggest in this canal." hero."

Although Qin Tao comforted him so much, Lacourt couldn't calm down. After all, this matter is too big. If he messes it up, he might not be able to gain a foothold in Siam, so he can only go to the east to seek Qin Tao's protection. .

However, Qin is always very righteous. If it really comes to that point, President Qin will definitely take him in, and let him continue to enjoy the treatment he deserves.

"The front is the best excavation point that has been surveyed many times." Lacourt pointed to the front and said.

Everyone got out of the car, stepped on the slope to the top of the mountain, standing on the slope of more than 40 meters, you can clearly see the sea water in the west is churning, the town called Ranong is not far away, it looks very simple .

"The explosion may affect Ranong, but for them, this is just a shock. When the canal here is successfully dug, Ranong will be transformed into the most eye-catching place in the world. Everyone here will also be because of the canal and benefit."

Relying on mountains to eat mountains, relying on water to eat water, and relying on canals, Ranong will definitely develop rapidly into a big city. If companies such as petrochemical companies settle in in the future, it will make earth-shaking changes here.

Therefore, for a better life in the future, it is also right to be frightened once.

"Quick, everyone act!" Kong Laoer shouted to the people behind him.

As a result, the following vehicles stopped, excavators, pile drivers, etc., and various machinery started off the trailer.

One of the tracked vehicles is particularly dazzling. Its entire body is yellow, the color of normal construction machinery. The track is in the middle and is very long. There is a large shovel in front of the track. The soil that falls on the top is directly transported to the back of the car body, and then pulled away by the dump truck.

Above the shovel is its most important component: a rotating cutterhead that protrudes forward, and the alloy blade on it glistens in the sun.

As long as you see this thing, you can know its working principle. The front rotary cutterhead excavates on the working surface, not to mention the soil, it is estimated that even rocks can be dug out, and the excavated things fall on the shovel below. , and then transported to the back, and then transported out.

"Come here, dig in for me, we're going to dig to the deepest part of this hill."

If explosives are placed directly on the surface, a lot of the energy of the explosion will be wasted. Professional blasting must bury the explosives inside. For a mountain, of course, it is necessary to dig to the center of the mountain.

The cutter head in front rotated and drilled into the hillside like cutting tofu. Visible to the naked eye, a large hole was forming rapidly. Looking at this thing, Lacourt was stunned.

"What machine is this?"

"Tunnel boring machine." Kong Laoer introduced: "Our Mingzhou Group developed it, and it is very powerful in digging tunnels."

It is not a real shield machine. The shield machine used to dig railway and highway tunnels is very large, expensive, and complicated to use. Generally speaking, once a tunnel is dug, the shield machine will be useless. , after all, it is not convenient to move.

The tunnel boring machine is different. It is a tracked vehicle, which is easy to move and use, and can transfer the battlefield at any time. Of course, its function is definitely not as strong as the shield machine. For example, it only digs holes without any support.

"The progress is so fast, will we be able to dig it out tonight?" Rakul was excited.

Even without explosives, with the strong construction team of Mingzhou Group, it might not be too difficult to dig a canal, right?

Unexpectedly, Mingzhou Group, whose main business is shipbuilding, is also very good at doing these side businesses!

"Not tonight, at least three days, and it should be ready after three days." Kong Lao Er looked around and said, "There are no people here anyway, so we should be able to keep the secret?" (The earth mountain tens of meters high , dig a few hundred meters, time should be enough.)
"There should be no problem. We have sealed off all the intersections here under the pretext of an exercise." Lacour said, "It's okay to delay for a week. Then you continue construction here, and I will mobilize the explosives."

Qin Tao nodded: "Lacour, whether our canal can be built depends entirely on whether this operation is kept secret. I hope you will take various confidentiality measures and don't let anyone know."

"Of course." Lacour said: "I am mobilizing my most trusted troops now. This operation is related to whether our navy can obtain advanced carrier-based aircraft, and we will go all out."

"It's not just carrier-based aircraft, maybe there are other warships as well."


Seeing Lacour lead people away, Xu Zhengyang hesitated: "Boss Qin, will we be tricked by him?"

Mr. Qin proposed a plan to blow up a canal, and Lacour agreed, but Lacour can only provide explosives, but not the conditions for the explosion. If he wants to blow up a canal instead of a pit, the requirements for the explosion conditions are too high up.

Therefore, Qin Tao transferred Kong Laoer over, so that Mingzhou Group really participated in this operation, but this operation has not been officially confirmed after all, what if something happens?
"What else can happen? Our sixth escort fleet is passing through the Strait of Malacca. If there is any accident here, we will throw the equipment here, and everyone will leave by helicopter. Next, the Siamese Navy will Don't want any advanced carrier-based aircraft!"

Of course, Qin Tao has already made preparations. The timing of his coming here is very suitable. A new batch of escort formations from the navy just come here. If something happens, they can leave at any time, but this is only the worst case, as long as the Siamese navy is not stupid , they should know that cheating Mr. Qin is not good for them.

Apart from the Mingzhou Group that can provide them with the fourth-generation stealth carrier-based aircraft, there is no second supplier in the world, the United States?The U.S. carrier-based aircraft is still in the development stage. Even if it is manufactured, it will be given priority to supply to those partners. If the Siamese Navy wants to buy it, it may not be available after 20 years.

This is something that can’t be helped. If the normal process is followed, all forces will get involved. No matter how powerful the Mingzhou Group is, it will not be able to do this. The only solution is to cut the mess quickly and cook the raw rice until it is ripe. meal!

This is also for the development of the motherland!

The oil pipelines in the north and Damao have been opened, the Arctic route has been opened, all these things in the north have been completed, the oil pipeline of Laoba is being connected, and the Gwadar port has also developed. Qin Tao has made him feel a sense of accomplishment. Now, of course, we have to do bigger things, and make things that others can't do.

Xu Zhengyang nodded. The escort formation usually consists of two destroyers and one supply ship. Three warships carry four ship-borne helicopters. If they all come over, they can really take everyone away at once.

But things shouldn't be that bad, right?
With such expectations, Xu Zhengyang continued to do his own work: safety and security, and no accidents must be allowed to happen!

The workers were busy, from day to night, and from night to day. On the afternoon of the third day, a convoy came in, all of which were all Mercedes-Benz heavy trucks. The cargo bed of the truck was full, and the tires looked a little flat. up.

"Boss Qin, I'm back, how is your side?" Lacour jumped out of the car and said to Qin Tao.

"My side has already completed the work, and every scheduled explosion point has been marked. You just need to place the corresponding explosives according to the plan and adjust the detonation time."

"Okay, leave it to us!"

Behind Lacour, the navy fighters took action. They carried the explosives boxes and went to each scheduled explosion point, tossing from afternoon to midnight.

Everything is ready.

Qin Tao raised his head and looked at the stars in the sky: "Lakul, success or failure depends on one move, if you regret it now, there is still time."

"Regret? I'm just worried that it's too late, Mr. Qin, if this happens, we will be recorded in history!"

How many canals are there in the world?Everyone knows that there are two, the Suez Canal and the Panama Canal, and now the third canal is finally coming out!
"All personnel have been evacuated from the scene!"

"The countdown starts now! Ten, nine, eight... zero! Detonation!"

The mound tens of meters high was blasted away, and countless earth and rocks splashed outwards, forming a spectacular scene. Although it was dark now, the huge flames from the explosion completely illuminated the explosion point, and those flying earth and rocks were illuminated. Be clear.

The ground under his feet also trembled, as if an earth dragon was swimming.

Qin Tao suddenly thought: Thanks to the fact that people here don't believe in the theory of terrestrial veins, otherwise he would be hostile by countless people if he made such a fuss.

This is just the beginning.

Boom, boom, boom!
The sound of explosions came and went, and the explosion points detonated one by one.The flames rose, and the earth and rocks flew.

At the foot of the mountain, the town of Ranong was suddenly disturbed.

Houses were lit, dogs were barking, someone started shouting.

"Earthquake, earthquake, run away."

"It's not an earthquake, it's an explosion. Look at the mountain over there!"

Countless people ran out, a little flustered, and they were even more surprised when they saw what happened on the mountain to the north. What's going on there?

Those who woke up first could still see the rising flames, while those who ran out later could see nothing but the smell of gunpowder smoke and dust in the air, with fear in their eyes.

What exactly is going on?Why did the explosion happen all of a sudden?

Is there a coup?

No, even if there is a coup, it won't happen here, it should go to the capital.

The capital also felt the tremor, but the sound of the explosion was not heard, and it only shook twice. Many people did not notice anything in their sleep, but a few people were awakened.

Some departments in the capital have also started to operate quickly, and they have to investigate quickly. What is going on?

"Report, the navy sent a message saying that a navy convoy had an accident while passing through the Kra Isthmus, and the explosives carried on the vehicle exploded!" Soon, they got the accurate news.

The Isthmus of Kra, where the dynamite exploded?
Qiu Daxin frowned: "What does the army want to do?"

His first thought was a coup d'état, but the coup d'état didn't seem to be in the right place. Why did he go to the isthmus of Kela?
"Where is Rakul? Let Rakul come to see me!" Qiu Daxin said.

"It's so late, is it appropriate to call him?"

"Of course, if something happened to their navy, he must be responsible!" Qiu Daxin said, "It's just the navy, don't worry."

Even though he called, Rakul could not arrive immediately, and it was not until eight or nine o'clock in the morning that Rakul appeared in front of him.

"Lacul, why did the navy's explosives transport convoy go to the Isthmus of Kra? What are you doing there? How could there be an explosion?"

"I'm not too sure. The navy is currently investigating." Lacour said, "However, the scene after the explosion is very interesting."

"Interesting? This is a vicious incident that requires many people to pay for it!" Qiu Daxin was very dissatisfied. You don't take me seriously, do you?I must get a few unlucky ones down!
"In order to investigate the results of the explosion, we specially took off a helicopter and took pictures of the scene above the explosion. Although the explosion was not what we wanted to see, after the explosion, here... you should see for yourself."

Lacourt handed over the photo.

Qiu Daxin took the photo in dissatisfaction, and when he saw it for the first time, his eyes immediately widened.

How could this be?
He originally thought that the explosion was a big crater. After all, this kind of thing is the most common. What about the one in front of him?The explosion actually created a ditch!

"How could this be?"

"The convoy was driving well, and then it exploded, one after another, so along the trajectory of the convoy, it exploded like this."


Although Qiu Daxin is a layman, he can tell that even if the convoy explodes one by one, it cannot be done like this, because...

"This location is a bit strange. Why are the sides so high? Can you give me a panoramic view?"

"This one is a panorama." Lacourt handed over a new one.

After receiving this piece, Qiu Daxin gasped: "This is the mountain on the Isthmus of Kra, right? You blasted the mountain? It's impossible!"

The mountains in the north-south direction were broken, and a horizontal ditch separated it into two parts, as if it was cut with a knife. The two sides of the cut were piled up with mounds of soil, which just formed a canal. !

"How deep is the explosion?"

"I haven't measured it yet, but by visual inspection, it's about 25 meters high, and the mounds on both sides are also 20 meters high. The width of the explosion is about 400 meters. This explosion has never happened before." Lacourt said.

"Get me a helicopter right away! I want to go and have a look!" Qiu Daxin became excited.

How to punish the Navy is a matter for the future. For now, Qiu Daxin can't wait to go to the scene to see it.

The reconnaissance satellite in space also passed by here inadvertently. After the image was sent back to the ground, the ground personnel almost ignored it. At that time, he was rubbing his eyes and was about to skip this photo. Suddenly shouted: "God, there is a scar here, what happened? Quick, zoom in!"

Soon, the intelligence was reported.

The reporter's sense of smell is the most sensitive. After hearing about the explosion in the Kra Isthmus, they acted overnight and arrived at the scene that morning. However, the scene was under martial law and they could not enter. They could only wait anxiously outside, and then , they saw a helicopter directly landed in the explosion area, probably to deal with the aftermath, right?
"Great, well blown, well blown!" Qiu Daxin was on the helicopter just now, and he could already see the scene below. At that time, his heart was beating violently. Now, stepping on the exploded On the land, he was still excited.

"We have planned to build a canal here for a long time. The main problem is that the construction cost is too high, especially the northern line. It is even more difficult to pass through this mountainous area. We did not expect that you can use explosives to blow up a canal. The channel, the mountains and rivers here have already penetrated, and the plains on both sides are even easier! Since your navy did this, can you continue to use explosives to blow out the entire canal?"

(End of this chapter)

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