Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 559 The Revenge of the Disfigured Adopted Daughter 9

Chapter 559 The Revenge of the Disfigured Adopted Daughter 9
"The first question, I would like to know, is it against the law to substitute the other party's identity for some commercial activities without the other party's knowledge?"

This is a clear and pleasant female voice, but in everyone's ears, there is an inexplicable sense of familiarity and strangeness. .

At the same time as this clear female voice sounded, slap, slap, the sound of the high-heeled shoes stepping on the floor tiles was also crisp.

Everyone turned their heads and looked behind them.

A tall woman with sunglasses walked in from the door without turning her eyes.

The moment she came in, everyone present felt the strong aura emanating from her, as if the queen had descended, and everything became a foil.

Xia Yichu was wearing a tight skirt, a hat on his head, and sunglasses on his face.

This clean and neat dressing style, although a little restrained, if walking on the street, few people would recognize her.However, who can become a reporter is not sharp-eyed.

When everyone saw Xia Yichu, their expressions suddenly became a little weird.

Ye Qingwei, who was originally sitting on the high platform, was full of disbelief after seeing Xia Yichu's figure.

how come! ?

How could she appear here!

At this time, shouldn't Ye Nian stay on the hospital bed, can't even get out of the bed! ?
Ye Qingwei's expression turned pale, she was shocked, she even stood up from her seat, staring fixedly at Xia Yichu.

Xia Yichu's face was full of confidence and arrogance that he was sure of winning, seeing the undisguised panic and trouble on Ye Qingwei's face, Xia Yichu smiled.

Sure enough, Ye Qingwei was still too young.

If she had been more mature and shrewd, she shouldn't be standing there now, but had been sitting in her seat with a calm expression, not only not being able to show a look of panic, but even overwhelming the enemy in terms of momentum.

After all, she has the Ye family as the backstage, but she doesn't.

However, now is not the time to think about these things.

Xia Yichu walked here, like walking a red carpet, shining brightly.

Several clicks sounded back and forth, and the reporters looked at the photo in their lens, only to realize that they couldn't control it just now, and took pictures of the other party.

Today's press conference not only included live questioning sessions by these reporters, but was also broadcast live on the Internet.

As soon as Xia Yichu appeared, a staff member immediately went to inform the senior management about the incident.

After the company's top executives knew about this, they almost immediately wanted to pretend to be dead, as if they had never heard of it.

The identities of Ye Qingwei and Ye Nian may not have been publicized outside.But in the upper class, it is already a tacit and open secret that everyone knows.

One adopted daughter, one biological daughter.

And it's a high-level entertainment company, everyone knows about it.

And it was the people from the Ye family who told them and put pressure on them to let Ye Qingwei replace the injured Ye Nian.

Ye Nian has been disfigured, and in the eyes of the company's top management, Ye Nian's disfigurement has long been equated with an abandoned child.

Therefore, when the people from the Ye family said they wanted Ye Qingwei to replace Ye Nian, the senior management of the company agreed without hesitation.

No one thought about asking Xia Yichu, because no matter whether she agreed or not, everyone planned to do so.

But unexpectedly, she actually came out of the hospital.

Not only was there no disfigurement, but the metamorphosis became even more perfect than before.

It's all live online now!

Ye Nian suddenly appeared, it is impossible to directly ask the security guard to take her out!

The high-level personnel rushed over upon hearing the wind, looked at the radiant Xia Yichu, and scratched the hair on his head with some headaches.

Xia Yichu doesn't care about the torment in the hearts of these high-level executives. She is confident today because she knows that today will be broadcast live online.

I believe that those fans who use mobile phones and computers have already seen themselves.

Xia Yichu walked up the steps step by step. Since she came in, the scene seemed to be frozen. When she stood on it, shoulder to shoulder with Ye Qingwei, everyone suddenly saw the gap.

"I'm going!!! What is this going on?! Two Ye Nian, I'm fucking right, right? What is the entertainment company doing?"

"No, no, I'm afraid I misunderstood the previous one. This is clearly a Ye Nian who is good at cutting."

"That's right, Ye Nian in the back should be the real one. That temperament is completely different from the one in the front."

"Not to mention, the two of them really look alike, like two sisters. I never noticed it before, and one of them is fake!"

"Miss Nian Nian is mighty! As soon as she came out, she was full of aura. What was the one next to her pretending to be my sister Nian Nian smashing the watch and standing on it? It felt like kneeling down to sing conquest for my sister Nian Nian!"

"Hehehehe, wait for the entertainment company to slap itself in the face."

"I feel like sister Nian is trying to make trouble."


On the screen of the live broadcast, after the moment Xia Yichu appeared, countless barrages rushed out.

Xia Yichu was not there before, so there was no comparison, so everyone did not recognize the fake Ye Qingwei.

But now that Xia Yichu's deity came, the difference between clouds and mud was immediately revealed.

The original Ye Nian was an adopted daughter, but no matter what, she grew up in Ye's parents, and she has already cultivated the noble air in her body.

As for Ye Qingwei, even if she is a real rich girl, she is not as good as a down-and-out phoenix. The years of living in the mountain village have already worn away her noble spirit.

Under the illumination of the flashing lights, one looked calm and generous.One looked cautious, with a petty air.

Although the appearances of the two are very similar, the difference between the two should not be too obvious. Sure enough, there is no harm if there is no comparison.

The host next to her watched this scene, although she was known as a "perfect tongue" in the host world, but at this moment, she didn't know what to say.

The atmosphere was awkward for a while. Except for those reporters who were very grateful that they came here and felt that they would definitely get the top news today, Xia Yichu was the most relaxed one here.

She smiled at Ye Qing: "Just now I watched Sister Qingwei look relaxed, enjoying the feeling of being in the spotlight very much, I didn't expect that I would spoil everyone's atmosphere and mood when I came out, it's a crime. "

Ye Qingwei had a stiff face, looked at Xia Yichu, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "You chose to come here at this time, what exactly do you want to do?"

"It's nothing, I just want to see you make a fool of yourself." Xia Yichu blinked, and also replied in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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