Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 560 The Revenge of the Disfigured Adopted Daughter 10

Chapter 560 The Revenge of the Disfigured Adopted Daughter 10
Others could not hear the conversation between the two, but everyone could clearly see the expressions and movements between the two.

Especially those netizens in front of the screen were simply itchy and eager to know what was going on.

Strips of bullet screens appeared, densely packed, covering all the pictures on the screen.

Sitting in the study, Murphys was also watching the webcast on the computer.

There were too many barrages, and Murphys immediately turned off the barrage prompts.

He fixed his eyes on Xia Yichu who was standing on the stage, thinking that when she went out today, he still thought she was dressed up beautifully, Murphys smiled, it was such a sunny smile, but he didn't know why, It made people feel a little cold: "It's so cunning, you have been hiding it from me."

Murphys spoke, took the mobile phone next to him, tapped his finger, and made a call.

The phone rang once, and the people over there couldn't wait to connect the call.

"Fez, you actually took the initiative to call me?! Haha, do you feel regretful, or do you still want to go to the press conference of your goddess?" Moore's voice came from the other end of the phone.

As a big CEO, Moore is busy with affairs, so of course he won't take the time to watch Xia Yichu's live broadcast of the press conference.So much so that he didn't even know that there were two "Ye Nian" incidents at the press conference.

"Where's the ticket?" Murphys ignored Moore's ridicule, and directly explained the purpose of calling him.

"I knew you would regret it a long time ago, so I put the ticket in the security room of the community where you live, and you can get it yourself. But the press conference that day should have already started, do you know how to get there? Do you want it? Shall I send someone over to pick you up?"

Moore could hear the eagerness in Murphys' voice. Although he usually liked to watch Murphys deflate or jump, in fact, Moore didn't dare to mess with his younger brother who was a few years younger than himself.

"No need." Murphys hung up the phone directly, then quickly left the room with the car keys.

Murphys had seen that address on the Internet once before, and he had some impressions in his mind.

He got the ticket from the security guard, drove his new car, and left the community quickly.

Xia Yichu didn't know that Murphys was on his way now, after she stood in, the atmosphere changed a bit.

Moreover, after the reporters watched the conversation between her and Ye Qingwei, but couldn't hear the content of the conversation, the reporters were full of torment.

One of the reporters raised the camera and asked Xia Yichu loudly: "Miss Ye, can you tell me what's going on now?"

Xia Yichu looked at the reporter who asked the question, raised his hand and took off his sunglasses, and smiled slightly.

This smile, bright eyes and bright teeth, not only the reporter was stunned, but even the online gamers in front of the screen were stunned.

And just when Xia Yichu was about to speak, under the curiosity of many netizens, the advertisement came...

I go!What the hell!Isn't it a live broadcast? Why is there an interstitial advertisement all of a sudden!

In the hearts of netizens, don't mention how aggrieved they are.

However, netizens who were a little more careful found that this is not an advertisement, the entertainment company simply shut down the live broadcast!

And the truth of this matter is indeed what the netizens later discovered.

The entertainment company turned off the live broadcast, and after turning off the camera, the company's high-level personnel came out from the side, and asked the employees to push the carts. There were tea and snacks on the carts, and each reporter also got a red envelope. .

The company's senior executives persuaded the reporters to sit here for tea and snacks, and the press conference will continue later.

After such a thing happened, anyone with eyes would know that Ye Nian was Xia Yichu who came in behind.

It's just that they are soft on taking people and short on eating people, and they also want to know how the entertainment company will make up for this basket.

The reporters agreed one after another.

The senior executives breathed a sigh of relief, walked to Xia Yichu's side, and asked her to walk with him.

Xia Yichu opened his eyes and looked at him, and only when the high-level executive approached him helplessly, begging himself to go over, Xia Yichu lifted his foot and followed the high-level executive out of here.

Ye Qingwei looked at Xia Yichu's back, resentment flashed across his eyes, and he followed with shame.

The senior executive took the lead and led Xia Yichu and Ye Qingwei into the office on the top floor.

In the office, the boss of the entertainment company is sitting in it.

The boss of the entertainment company seemed to be about 50 or [-] years old, and he was wearing a custom-made black suit on his fat figure.

When Xia Yichu and the others came in, the boss looked very bad, obviously he saw the scene of Xia Yichu going in to disrupt the situation from the monitor.

"Mr. Wang, the man has already been brought." The high-level man stood in front of the desk nodding and bowing.

"Okay, you go out." Mr. Wang responded casually to the high-level, and then ordered the high-level to retreat as if he had received an amnesty.

In the office, only Mr. Wang, Ye Qingwei, and Xia Yichu were left.

As soon as the senior management left, Mr. Wang looked straight at Xia Yichu with sharp eyes, and preemptively said, "Ye Nian, won't you explain to me what's going on today? Since you recovered from your injury, why don't you come to the company to report it? Are you using both the broker and the company as a display? Do you know how much energy and money the company has spent to help you avoid this rumor!"

Mr. Wang's words were resounding, his expression was majestic, and he carried the spirit he had accumulated over the years as a leader.If it was Ye Nian who used to focus only on acting, he might really be frightened by his righteous and serious side.

But now, in Xia Yichu's eyes, Mr. Wang is just a clown.

The entertainment company did not start from scratch, but took over his father's position.

Mr. Wang is a man who looks ahead and looks at the tail, and speaks with two faces, without the slightest choice and arbitrariness of a leader.

Since he accepted this company, the company has started to go downhill. If Ye Nian had not signed Ye Nian in, and Ye Nian had brought a lot of popularity to the company in the past few years, I am afraid that this company would have already fallen into obscurity. List.

But not only did he not feel grateful to Ye Nian, but in order to get the Ye family's appreciation and the Ye family's empty promises, he actually pushed out his company's signboard and asked Ye Qingwei to come to Li Daitao to be stiff!

Now, after being discovered by himself, he still dares to talk nonsense, distort the facts, conceal his selfish desires, and push all the faults on himself!
(End of this chapter)

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