Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 682, will not escape

Chapter 682, will not escape
"In the alley at No. 38 on the left of the commercial street, there is a master." Xiao Cheng said in a vacillating tone, and the gaze facing Li Yun did not know whether it was guilt or fear, or both emotions.

"Do you believe it?"

"I believe I listened to whoever said it."

"Look." Li Yun sighed, "I believe what you said."

I told you. Did you believe it yourself?
Inadvertently, Xiao Cheng sat on the ground.

I believe it myself
Xiao Chengcai suddenly remembered.
Turn left at Commercial Street, No. 38?
There seems to be a line of sales orders coming?

It seems that there are no masters at all.

"Since there is no master, then where did these things come from?"


Xiao Cheng seemed to be in a state of insanity, desperately recalling in his mind, and finally recalled that these things were all imagined, and they were things that he thought up.

The first person who said it was himself. On a certain day, he had a whim and said that there was a master who could solve puzzles at No. 38, which was the left turn of the commercial street.

it all started with him
There is no such thing as who told yourself.

"Do you remember? The purpose of your spreading such a thing." Li Yun on the side said lightly.

"I want...I want to get attention, I want everyone to notice my existence, notice that there is a person named Xiao Cheng in the class, I don't want to be a little transparent, I don't want to be the bottom person in the class, I hope I like it Girls can pay attention to me, I hope my roommates will not ignore me, I think, I think I don't want to be a transparent person." Xiao Cheng murmured, this is his wish, his desire.

To be able to get even a little bit of attention in the class——

Xiao Cheng felt that he was a very mediocre person, so mediocre that he could completely summarize his entire personality in just a few words.

A. Transparent people.

A person who would not be noticed without himself is mediocre and worthless.

Inferiority welled up in his heart, and he didn't need any pretense. Xiao Cheng showed his truest and humblest self.

"Do you know how popular this game is? Not only the surrounding students, but even universities and even the entire region are playing this game, and they never get tired of it." Everything that happened was presented before his eyes.

The scene was distorted and transformed into the former school.

There have been jumping incidents.

Drenched with blood, young lives died here.

Xiao Cheng looked at the corpse in front of him, and a feeling of nausea came to his heart.

The corpse's limbs became distorted due to the impact of jumping off the building, and it stared at him with its head tilted. Those eyes were full of unwillingness.

Can't close eyes.

Do not look down.

"Before death, there will be a revolving lantern, and the speed of thinking will be countless times as usual. All the emotions before life will burst out at that moment, such as regret, fear, and unwillingness." Li Yun sighed, watching the illusion in front of him. No matter how many times I look at the dead body, it is still a pity that such a young and fresh life jumped off the building.

The school is protected by the luck of the saint, so that the most realistic illusion can be realized.

Judging from Xiao Cheng's physical sense, the blood splashed on his face was real, without special effects.

It was hot and thick.

"They...regret it."

"Yeah, they all regretted it, everyone, regretted committing suicide, abandoned everything because of momentary fear and pressure, family, life, lover, and past efforts, died because of a momentary thought .”

Li Yun waved his hand and continued to materialize the illusion. Suicides from other schools also appeared in front of Xiao Cheng. Without exception, all of them were desperate with remorse, feeling the pain in the last few seconds of their lives.

For Xiao Cheng, they only endured the pain for a few seconds, but Li Yun knew that their pain had only just begun. They committed suicide and entered reincarnation to die. Only then can reincarnation be reincarnated.

"God, why are you showing me these?"

"Pindao just wants you to see, layman, how many people have been killed by this spreading terror." Li Yun said: "Even if there are problems with their psychological quality, the root cause is this. Tired, implicated by fear, and eventually died of fear."

The hallucinations flowed, and finally disappeared, leaving only a dazed Xiao Cheng, who returned to his school.

A class has passed, the students dismissed the get out of class, and started playing the game of pen fairy, dish fairy and divination again. Some people were frustrated because of the poor divination results, and some were happy because of it.

It's like gambling, happy when you win, sad when you lose.

Li Yun took Xiao Cheng to the school's centralized garbage disposal site. In addition to some daily household garbage, there were straw figures and dolls with people's names written on them lying in the garbage dump. It was riddled with holes, as if it had been pierced countless times by needles.

Grass-tie people, like divination games such as Pen Fairy, are horrors that spread.

From Xiao Cheng's point of view, there is a big net covering the entire school, and the entire area is shrouded in an emotion called [terror].

Horror stimulates people's adrenaline, and people can't get tired of it.

And after terror burns a person to death, it can completely destroy a person.

"all of these."

"It's all because of."

"It's all because of me."

Xiao Cheng collapsed powerlessly.

Because I want to get attention, and I don't want to be lost in the crowd, I spread this divination game like a fairy, and spread this grass-pricking man picked up from the Internet.

The trust between people disappears in this game of tying grass people. Once one party is found out, it will become a collective bullying incident, but some people will still go to tying grass people and counting pens.

Even the so-called master is a nonsense created by him, and it has been spread, and it is not known how many versions have been modified by the devil, and he, the founder himself, does not know.

Li Yun feels that it doesn't matter who spread the news. The horror here is gradually forming a concept, spreading throughout the region, eating away at people's hearts.

"Got it. Because of your whim, you spread this terror. Even though you just want to get a little attention, the facts are still facts after all. The terror you spread caused these suicide effects, and will eventually cover this campus. So it spreads. In a way, you succeed, and what you spread succeeds in getting attention and becoming the star 'game' in the minds of the students."

"So, what's the price? The price is the lives of these students."

Li Yun looked at Xiao Cheng silently.

Now Xiao Cheng has feelings of guilt, cowardice and fear spreading on his face, and at the same time, there is a feeling of evasion.

At this time, Xiao Cheng's reaction Li Yun thought it was normal, no matter what his personality was, after knowing that he had made such a big mistake, caused such a disaster, and was found out, his expression would not be good Where did you go.

Xiao Cheng's expression was still complicated and distorted, wanting to escape and hide.

However, after being distorted for a while, Xiao Cheng's complexion changed, he was still distorted and cowardly, and he said in a trembling tone.

"Can I, if possible, can I bear these things alone!"

It took all of Xiao Cheng's strength to say these words, and he collapsed to the ground after he finished speaking.

Facing Xiao Cheng who said this, Li Yun looked surprised.

"It turns out that you still have courage."

I, called Xiao Cheng, am a poor student with no education or skills.

Will not fight.

Will not curse.

Average looking.

Poor performance.

The family is mediocre.

He has no personality charm, likes to follow the crowd, and is a bit weak and incompetent. He even treats his only friend very rudely.

An ordinary male high school student who craves attention but has no skills.

In other words, low-level male high school students.

There is an ordinary fat friend who has been living a life of being ignored in school
People who are ignored by teachers, students who are ignored, parents who are ignored, people who are ignored by no one.

Xiao Cheng felt that he was a waste, a waste in the literal sense.

Why, why are you so useless?

I am a piece of shit.

at least
"At least I won't evade my responsibilities. If I'm the reason for all this, I know you're awesome. You're not an ordinary person, so you must have something to do when you come to me. Don't worry, I, Xiao Chengcheng, stand on the sidelines." Here, you can do whatever you want, as long as these games don't hurt people anymore"

"It's your choice. Not bad."

Without further ado, Li Yun summoned the whisk, and the spirit sea wrapped around the whisk, and the mana contained in it poured directly into Xiao Cheng's forehead.

Xiao Cheng felt a little pain, and the scene in front of him seemed to become blurred.
But one thing can be clearly felt.

Behind him, there was a cold air that hit his neck
Xiao Cheng's body was a little stiff, his neck was stuck, and he finally turned around.

A female ghost in a white coat with a fuzzy face and a cold body was lying on her back.

As soon as the female ghost came out, Xiao Cheng almost fainted from fright, and his whole body was beating the chaff. The manly spirit of being fearless and fearless suddenly disappeared, leaving only a very instinctive fear.

Ghosts are the most mysterious existence in fear, and the most root source. Li Yun knows that those who jumped to death because of the pen fairy were largely tortured by the rules of the [pen fairy] in their hearts.

Does Pen Fairy really exist?
Exist, this is the one in front of you.
Can pen fairy harm people?

No, it was only the concept of terror that killed them.

Xiao Cheng was about to cry: "Daxian! Please, can you take this thing away. I'm afraid."

"Don't panic." Li Yun used Fuchen's own meditation technique to force Xiao Cheng to calm down, but the fear brought by the thing behind him was too great. This meditation technique was useless at all, so he could only say: " Just think of her as a 3D image, this thing has no consciousness, no entity, and can't harm you."

"But this evil spirit is lying on my back!"

"I said it all, don't care about these details."

"It's not about the details, Daxian." Xiao Cheng really cried now, until he couldn't cry.

It wasn't until I cried for a while that I really stopped. It wasn't that I wasn't afraid, but that what Li Yun said seemed to be right. The thing on my back couldn't affect me, and it looked very fragile. When I waved my hand, it would turn into smoke and disperse. .

It's just that the smoke will quickly condense into shape and continue to cling to Xiao Cheng's back.

At this moment, Xiao Cheng's mood became a little more stable, at least he could communicate normally.

"Fear is a very mysterious thing. It can be an emotion or something else. It seems invisible and qualityless, but it is actually something that is difficult for ordinary people to observe, just like the soul." The system said lightly.

He is a "ghost", but not a murderous ghost.

"You came to me because you knew that you could solve this problem. It's okay, as long as it can be solved, I am bound to do it." Xiao Cheng was still trembling when he spoke, his body was rejecting, but he was accepting it mentally with.

"Did you just think you were a cripple?"

"Well, I'm just a useless person." Xiao Cheng nodded and said, from the subjective and objective evaluation, only such a result can be obtained.

At this time, Li Yun shook his head and said.

"Even in the face of unknown fear, being able to take responsibility is already much stronger than many people."

A thing called 'fear' is spreading here, created by Xiao Cheng unintentionally, and spread word of mouth step by step, growing, and now it is out of control, and has become a [legend] among the students.

The image of the 'female ghost' in front of me is the aggregate of [Pen Fairy], [Dish Fairy], and [Chopsticks Fairy] in the minds of everyone nearby, an unconscious collection.

If it is not in this world, I am afraid that it has become a body of evil thoughts that spreads everywhere. Whether it is enshrined as a god of incense and fire by the local people, or it may become a spirit monster that feeds on living people, it is all possible.

It's just that in this world, it's just a phantom that an inspired person can see, without consciousness, without action, and only instinctively pursues the original creator.

Xiao Cheng——

"I was born because of you, and died because of you. You are the original source." Li Yun pointed to the sky with one hand, and called for the Zhanxin Sword. This imitation fairy sword descended from the sky, accompanied by bursts of thunder.

Li Yun looked neither happy nor sad, holding a long sword like a god of war.

The wind was blowing, and the thunder was accompanied by the wind. Xiao Cheng was stunned by the gusts of wind and couldn't open his eyes, but he was already used to strange things happening.

"Come on, it doesn't matter whether you cut me or whatever, as long as no one dies because of me, I don't want to bear the debt of conscience."

Now, Xiao Cheng's eyes are more calm, and the corners of his mouth are slightly raised.

Even if
Even if it's your own pot.
That's a hero, right?
It's not so useless.

Xiao Cheng didn't ask what price he would have to bear. What price did he care about because all the gadgets he passed on died?
It started to rain, and the Heart-Chopping Sword 'stabbed' into Xiao Cheng's body along with the thunder.

"Deceive the sky and change the day."

With a single sword, this terrifying entity was cut off and stuffed into Xiao Cheng's body.

(End of this chapter)

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