Call of the Deer

Chapter 381 Unparalleled Gentian, Iron-Blooded Zhao Yun

Chapter 381 Unparalleled Gentian, Iron-Blooded Zhao Yun
With the addition of Zhao Yun and Xu Chu's two new forces, the four of Bei Minghao met gods and killed gods, met demons and slaughtered demons, and the breakthrough speed was much faster.

Wherever they went, blood splashed and howled continuously. The Azure Dragon Blood Guard had no enemies, and they dodged one after another, beheaded and repelled.

On the other hand, on Ouyang Long's side, because several generals under him are temporarily absent.

And because Sun Jie was killed in battle and the king was seriously injured, there were no generals available for a while except for Ouyang Long and his son, who were at full combat strength, and Lei Yan, who had lost his soldiers.

"Trash, it's all trash, get the hell out of here!"

"Damn it, why are there so many generals in the Northern Underworld Army?"

Ouyang Long shouted back the Azure Dragon Blood Guard who stood in front of him, roaring unwillingly.

However, because of the obstruction of the Azure Dragon Blood Guard, the speed of the four of Bei Minghao must not be as fast as that of Ouyang Long and his son.

Ouyang Long, who was holding a blood gun, soon caught up to the broken Zhao Yun, and stabbed Zhao Yun's throat with the gun without hesitation.

"go to hell!"

"Hmph, old thief, get out of here!"

As soon as the broken Zhao Yun heard Ouyang Long's voice, he snorted coldly and stabbed at Ouyang Long with a silver spear in his hand.

Zhao Yun's silver spear flew like a whirlwind, carrying a storm-like vortex in the air, facing Ouyang Long directly.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!".
The speed of the two was very fast, and they struck out like lightning, stabbing each other's vital points, but in the blink of an eye, the two had fought for more than ten rounds.

"Old thief, with this little ability, you still want to keep us, get out!"

Zhao Yun took a deep breath, and stared coldly at Ouyang Long, who was not blushing and heartbeating, but his face had changed slightly.

"This person is worthy of being the number one general under my master's command. He is already over half a hundred years old, and his strength is still so strong!"

Zhao Yun's heart was full of turmoil, as he thought of it.

"Huh, he has some skills. It seems that the old Dongfang thief has taught you everything. You have already learned a little about his silver dragon splitting sky spear. It's a pity that you will never have the opportunity to continue learning."

Ouyang Long's face was very disdainful, his words were very confident, he didn't take Zhao Yun seriously, but he was very surprised at Zhao Yun's strength in his heart.

"Hmph, I'm not ashamed to speak out, I, Zhao Yun, want to leave, who can stop me?"

Zhao Yun was sullen when he heard the words, and glared at Ouyang Long coldly, his tiger eyes gleaming with coldness.

"Little thief, you are actually talking big, wait until you catch me again, hum!"

Without waiting for Zhao Yun to continue speaking, the blood spear in his hand attacked again, only to see that the blood gun seemed to be like a blood dragon, breathing out endless evil spirits and full of murderous intent.

"Blood Dragon Spear, blood killing blow, blood fall, drink!"

"Silver Dragon Splitting the Sky Spear, Kanglong Doesn't Regret, Ling Yue is in the Yuan, fight!"

Faced with such a powerful blow, Zhao Yun's tiger eyes radiated cold light, but he was fearless, pointing his silver spear at the sky, piercing out like a thunderclap, and the spear directly bloodied.


"Deng deng deng"

The two retreated with one blow, but after all, Zhao Yun had just debuted, this blow fell to the wind, and he was repelled by more than ten steps, while Ouyang Long only retreated less than ten steps.

"Zilong, let's go!"

At this time, the three of Bei Minghao had already opened a bloody road, and they were tens of feet away from Zhao Yun.

Hearing Bei Minghao's shout, Zhao Yun no longer cared about Ouyang Long who was not far away, jumped with his gun and chased after Bei Minghao.

"Stop that kid, stop him quickly!"

"Xue'er, hurry up, stop that silver-armored young general."

After all, Ouyang Long is no longer a mature man. Although he had the upper hand in the duel with Zhao Yun based on his experience, his intuition was surging and he couldn't calm down for a while, so he could only watch Zhao Yun recede into the distance.

But at this time, his son Ouyang Xue finally arrived, and with an eager roar, he urged Ouyang Xue to pursue Zhao Yun.

Ouyang Xue was originally fond of fighting, but when she saw that Zhao Yun was able to fight evenly with the father he most admired, she immediately became excited.

Who would let go of such an opportunity, without Ouyang Long's urging, he chased after Zhao Yun like lightning.

On the other hand, Zhao Yun, although he was slightly inferior in the duel of strength, his muscles and bones were strong, he was unscathed, and his whole body was full of fighting spirit.

"Whoever blocks me will die, get out of here, get out!"

Holding a silver gun, Zhao Yun traversed the crowd with incomparable speed, roaring proudly like a silver dragon.

Silver guns dancing wildly, cold stars piercing the sky, blood splashes, the road is long
"The thief will go away and eat me!"

"Nobody, get lost!"

At this moment, suddenly a general rushed out, this person held a long knife, and slashed down on Zhao Yun with all his strength.

Zhao Yun's eyes flickered sharply, his expression froze for a moment, the silver spear stabbed out like lightning, pierced the man's throat in a split second, and sent him flying!
"Hmph, you dare to stop me even if you have no name!"

"The thieves are going crazy, look at my king. Uh."


At this moment, another person suddenly rushed out, holding a golden hammer, and smashed it down on Zhao Yun's head.

Zhao Yun's starry eyes were filled with evil spirits, and the Silver Dragon Spear pierced through the sky like lightning, piercing through the heart of the man in an instant.

"The thief will leave, watch me Chen Qiang kill you"



Another person didn't believe in evil, rushed out with soldiers, and killed Zhao Yun, sweeping his spears, trying to sweep Zhao Yun back and block Zhao Yun's indomitable momentum.

It's a pity that this person overestimated himself and underestimated Zhao Yun's martial arts, so he was instantly killed, and he couldn't die any more.

"Thief general."

"Nobody, get lost!"

Zhao Yun was possessed by ghosts and gods, with long hair flying around, fluttering in the cold wind;
Silver spears danced wildly, swift as a gust of wind, as powerful as a broken bamboo, flaunting their majesty under the moonlight, shining blood-colored rays of light, incomparably bewitching.
All the enemy generals who rushed up to try to intercept Zhao Yun were not Zhao Yun's generals, and even their blocking did not cause Zhao Yun the slightest trouble.

Instead, Zhao Yun was made to fight more and more bravely, killing more and more fiercely. The Silver Dragon Spear was like a phantom gust of wind, disappearing under the moon, and every time it came out, it could kill a thief.

"Damn it, Xue'er, kill him, kill him."

When Ouyang Long saw that Zhao Yun had killed countless generals, his eyes were shattered, and Wa was furious like a wounded lion, roaring to the sky.

"Ah, don't kill me, I surrender!"

"Hmph, naive!"


"Ah, you must die"

"Hmph, even an ant-like existence dares to stop me!"

Looking at the enemy general whose eyes were loose and out of focus, Zhao Yun kicked him away with contempt and disgust, and chased after Bei Minghao.

By this time, he didn't know how many generals of the enemy army he had killed. Anyway, his crimson armor showed his unparalleled achievements.

"Don't go, dog thief, leave it to me!"

"Dog thief, killing so many generals of our army and still wanting to escape, it's just a dream."

"Dog thief, hold your hands and wait for death!"

"You died under the hands of seven of my brothers, you are proud enough!"

"In front of our brothers, you should wipe your neck and kill yourself."

At this moment, seven generals rushed out in front of Zhao Yun. These seven men were very similar in appearance, wearing blood armor, holding seven different weapons, with evil faces on their faces, staring at Zhao Yun coldly.

"Huh? Seven brothers? Interesting, really interesting, so that I can arouse my interest, let's go together, otherwise you will have no chance!"

When Zhao Yun saw these seven people, a strange look appeared on his face, and then he exuded a fighting spirit all over his body, and said indifferently without fear.

"Very courageous."


"court death."

"Give me death"

When the seven people heard the words, they were furious, their eyes were full of flames, and one of them rushed out like lightning, holding a Zaoyang spear, and threw it at Zhao Yun's head.

"Hmph, courting death!"

When Zhao Yun saw this person rushing out alone, he smashed his head as if no one else was there, a sharp light flashed in his star eyes, and the silver spear pierced out like thunder.

Before the man Zaoyang came down on his head, the silver gun pierced the man's throat, and he was lifted on the gun.



"Sixth brother."

"Dog thief, die for me."

Although the other six people were quite afraid of Zhao Yun, they never thought that their sixth younger brother couldn't stop Zhao Yun's move, and they were instantly killed in a single encounter.

At that moment, he was stunned, and looked at Zhao Yun who was like a murderous god in disbelief, and then they all shouted angrily, and rushed towards Zhao Yun with all their brains.

"Hmph, the light of the firefly dares to compete with the bright moon, so go to hell!"

Zhao Yun put these seven brothers in his eyes from the beginning to the end. Before letting them go, he was expecting. However, the enemy general who died under this gun was an ordinary person, so there is nothing to fear.

"Silver Dragon Splitting the Sky Spear, Fighting Dragon in the wild, roaring in Kyushu, fight!"

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

"Puff!" "Puff!" "Puff!" "Puff!" "Puff!" "Puff!"

A dozen shots in a row, using all his strength, the seventh brother, no, it should be the sixth brother, no one can block his shot, and the weapon in his hand was blown away.

Before the six people could react in the future, Zhao Yun's silver spear shot out quickly, directly penetrating into the hearts of the six people.

"Wow, who else dares to stop me, Zhao Yun, let's fight!"

Once snatched out, all six people died!Zhao Yun was left alone, screaming at the sky, unparalleled in courage, retreating from the group of enemies with a silver spear coldly, laughing proudly, the three armies are in chaos!
Looking at the imposing Zhao Yun, who was possessed by ghosts and gods, and the corpses of the enemy generals behind Zhao Yun, he never dared to rush out to die.

Zhao Yun roared with a gun in his hand, his fighting spirit burst out to the extreme, his star eyes blazed with blazing light, and he only stared at Ouyang Xue who was chasing him.

Suddenly, instead of advancing, Zhao Yun retreated, and under the surprised eyes of all the Azure Dragon Blood Guards, he shot at Ouyang Xue who was rushing towards him with his gun.
"What's going on? Is this enemy general crazy? He even rushed towards the young master."

"Crazy, this person is really crazy."

Everyone couldn't believe it, and looked at Zhao Yun, as if looking at a lunatic again.

"Zilong, let's go."

At this time, Bei Minghao also saw Zhao Yun attacking Ouyang Long, he became very anxious and roared angrily.

It's a pity that Zhao Yun didn't notice it at all, his figure didn't stagnate, and he rushed towards Ouyang Xue without losing momentum.
"Hmph, courting death!"

Seeing Zhao Yun rushing over, Ouyang Long gave a cold snort, and rushed over quickly.
(End of this chapter)

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