Call of the Deer

Chapter 382 Laughing proudly at the battlefield, returning bloodied

Chapter 382 Laughing proudly at the battlefield, returning bloodied
However, within a short distance of tens of feet, the two of them faced each other in an instant, their silver spears danced wildly, and stabbed at Ouyang Xue like lightning.

Ouyang Xue is not mediocre either, the blood spear pierced through the void and pierced Zhao Yun's heart, this spear was fast and accurate, ruthless and powerful.


"Come again, eat me!"

"I'm afraid you won't make it, so die to me!"

When the two hit each other, neither of them had the upper hand. Zhao Yun's starry eyes were shining with soaring fighting intent, and the blood armor was shining with a strange light under the moonlight.

Without retreating, he stood up and moved towards Ouyang Xue. With a cry, the silver gun flashed coldly in the air and swept towards Ouyang Xue again.

Ouyang Xue's blood spear trembled, interweaving an impenetrable blood wall in the air, sending Zhao Yun's spear flying, and he himself also retreated.

"Hahaha, come again, Silver Dragon Spear, Tenglong Jiuyuan, and kill the Five Sacred Mountains!"

"Blood Dragon Spear, blood killing blow, burning heart!"

At this moment, Zhao Yun's blood boiled, and his whole body was full of strength. Under his swing, the Silver Dragon Spear was almost deformed, smashing Ouyang Xue back and forth.

On the other hand, Ouyang Xue, with a gloomy face, kept waving the bleeding spear to block Zhao Yun's encroachment, but he never imagined that this person was so crazy and had such a strong fighting spirit.

"Hahaha, yes, come again, Silver Dragon Spear, Kanglong Doesn't Regret, Lingyue is in Yuan, fight!"

Zhao Yun became more and more courageous as he fought, and the more he killed, the more excited he became. Silver Dragon Spear has made rapid progress in his situation, constantly breaking through, and his marksmanship is even more breakthrough.

After more than ten rounds, Ouyang Xue could hardly fight back. This was the most embarrassing battle since his debut.

Even in the face of Xue Rengui, he had the upper hand, and no one beat him so hard that he couldn't fight back.

"Ah, you're too deceitful, get the hell out of here!"

Ouyang Xue's tiger's eyes were bloodshot, and he let out an angry roar, and he even used the blood spear as a club, cutting across it like a cracked mountain.

This stick was powerful and heavy, like thunder, and there was a piercing sound in the void, which was extremely ear-piercing.


"Go to hell"

"Dang!" "Dang!" "Dang!".
At this moment, Ouyang Xue's battle blood had been ignited, he had already forgotten that the soldier in his hand was a blood spear, and even more forgot that the spear technique he used was just like a furious war ape, smashing horizontally and vertically.

A stick is heavier than a gun, and a stick is heavier than a stick!

His outburst, as well as the frightening crazy stick technique, finally stopped Zhao Yun's madness and embezzlement.

The blood spear raged, hitting Zhao Yunhan's spear continuously, at this moment Ouyang Xue finally swept away the gloom in her heart, and looked at Zhao Yun provocatively.
"Dog thief, if you don't go to heaven, there is no way to hell. Don't try to escape from Lao Tzu today, heh heh!"

Holding a blood gun in her hand, Ouyang Xue stared at Zhao Yun with staring eyes, tried her best to stop her trembling arms, and roared fiercely.

"It's up to you? I want to keep me too. It's just a dream, let's die. It's time to avenge General Zhang Hao."

Zhao Yun snorted contemptuously, and with a movement of his body, he jumped towards Ouyang Xue like a gust of wind, and the silver spear pierced out like thunder, hitting Ouyang Xue directly in the middle.

The purpose of this shot was very clear, it was to pierce through Ouyang Xue's chest and make him pay a terrible price.

Ouyang Long's martial arts were comparable to Zhao Yun's, and he was full of fighting spirit at this moment. He would not be afraid of Zhao Yun at all, and instead of retreating, he would advance instead. The blood spear flashed an arc and swept straight towards Zhao Yun's neck.

Facing the blood light in the howling wind, which was as fast as a gust of wind, Zhao Yun didn't dare to be careless, but the silver spear remained undiminished.

But at this moment, his figure leaned back like lightning, forming a [-]-degree angle with the ground, narrowly avoiding Ouyang Xuexue's blood gun.

Seeing that Zhao Yun dodged his blow, Ouyang Xue was slightly surprised.

But at this moment, he felt a cool feeling coming from his chest, and he didn't dare to neglect, he tried his best to dodge to one side, what Zhao Yun did, he can do the same.


Although he dodges like the wind, Zhao Yun has another plan, knowing that this guy wants to dodge, so the spear is slightly turned to one side at this moment.

So even Ouyang Xue, who was as treacherous as a fox, fell into Zhao Yun's way. His left rib was pierced by Zhao Yun's silver spear, and blood flowed.


Feeling the pain coming from her ribs, Ouyang Xue gasped, stared at Zhao Yun with incomparable resentment, and retreated quickly.

Faced with such a great opportunity, how could Zhao Yun let it go?With a wave of the silver spear, he killed Ouyang Xue.

"Go to hell, Silver Dragon Cleave Sky Spear, Battle Dragon is in the wild, howling in Kyushu, die!"

"Block me!"

The pain between the ribs made Ouyang Xue's strength weaken unconsciously.

Facing Zhao Yun's powerful and heavy shot, he could only block it with gritted teeth.





"Sher, no."

"call out!"

When Ouyang Long, who was watching the battle not far away, saw Ouyang Xue being thrown into the air by Zhao Yun, he was immediately out of his wits and almost fainted.

Just when Zhao Yun was about to give Ouyang Xue the final blow with his gun, there was a sound of piercing through the air, and Zhao Yun instinctively swung the gun and threw it behind him!



This cold arrow finally disrupted Zhao Yun's movements, and the Azure Dragon Blood Guard was not a sculpture. At this moment of stupefaction, he rescued Ouyang Xue who was thrown flying by Zhao Yun.
"Hmph, I, Zhao Yunshi, will fight against you for stabbing people in the back. The old thief Lei Yan is waiting. Sooner or later, I will cut off your dog's head."

When Zhao Yun saw the cooked duck flying away like this, he was naturally extremely annoyed, staring coldly at Lei Yan who had ruined his good deed, with a murderous intent.

"Humph, Huangkou boy, today you will surely die, give it to me, and whoever kills this thief will receive a reward of ten thousand taels."

When Lei Yan heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

Did he know that this little thief's combat strength was abnormal, so powerful that even Ouyang Long and his son were crushed by his hands.

Not to mention him, his red dragon whip was cut off by Bei Minghao, and he went straight to Wangyang and sighed at this moment, there was nothing he could do about Zhao Yun.

However, it is said that there must be a brave man under a serious injury, and after Lei Yan offered a sky-high price of ten thousand gold, the eyes of the Azure Dragon Blood Guards suddenly turned blood red.

At this moment, everyone forgot the difference in strength between themselves and Zhao Yun, and rushed towards Zhao Yun with guns.

"Ah, a group of ants, get out of here!"

When Zhao Yun saw these ants-like existences, he dared to show his fangs at him. He was immediately angry, and with a swoop of his silver spear, he brought a boundless sea of ​​blood in an instant.

Dozens of heads fell with the blood.

With just one blow, more than a dozen Qinglong blood guards were separated from their bodies, and the dead could not die any more.

But the reward of ten thousand gold has already made Qinglong Xuewei forget about life and death, and there is only one thought in his mind: kill Zhao Yun and get the reward.

"Hmph, ignorant boy, even if your combat prowess is overwhelming, I have hundreds of thousands of Erlang under my command, and each of them can drown you with a single mouthful of spit."

"Hmph, even if they stretch their necks for you to kill, they will exhaust you to death."

Looking at Zhao Yun, who was in a hard fight and surrounded by the Azure Dragon Blood Guard, Lei Yan thought darkly in his heart.

"Ah, go to hell, Wrath of the Dragon, kill the world with blood, kill!"

Suddenly Zhao Yun roared angrily, like the roar of a war dragon, everyone felt their eardrums burst, and dozens of heads fell off in the next instant.

A vacuum suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Yun, and everyone fell in front of Zhao Yun.
"Zilong, if you don't leave now, when will you wait?"

At this moment, the three of Bei Minghao came back again and roared ten feet behind Zhao Yun.

Without the restraint of the enemy general, the three met gods and killed gods, met Buddhas and Buddhas, and came back to meet Zhao Yun again as if entering a land of no one.

At this moment, Zhao Yunzhi raised his arms and trembled slightly, knowing that he had reached his limit, and he really couldn't leave if he didn't leave.

"Hahaha, old thief Lei Yan, wash your neck and wait to be slaughtered. I will kill you next time."

Zhao Yun laughed angrily at Lei Yan who was not far away, then took a gun and chased Bei Minghao and the three of them.

Everywhere he passed was covered in blood, it could be said that he was covered in blood armor, smiling proudly on the battlefield stained with blood.

After that, the four of them were even more powerful, and they fought towards the periphery without any fear, without the slightest pressure
Lei Yan stared fiercely at the four people who escaped, his face was ashen.

"Chasing, seventh brother, you fucking eat (shit), why don't you chase after me?"

At this moment, Ouyang Long's furious roar came from beside his ear.
(End of this chapter)

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