Conan reborn as a detective

Chapter 1046 Gin: Curacao! !

Chapter 1046 Gin: Curacao! !
"Kirodo! Mr. Akai, Mr. Amuro!"

All the wires connected to the bomb were collected in a fire hydrant box, and when Toru Amuro was sweating profusely to dismantle it, Conan also came to find it.

"The problem is that the five colors of the fountain's spotlight are the same as the five color films on Curacao, and even the transparency is the same," Conan said anxiously, "When Curacao sees the color matching and density of these lights, You will think of the undercover list! Her brain is the information storage medium, and when the pod reaches the highest point, the door of her memory will be opened and her memory will be completely restored!"

"So that's the case, it's really a magical ability to have such a thing."

Akai Shuichi looked surprised.

"But at least one thing is certain. Since they installed a bomb here, they will definitely attack the Ferris wheel. The only way to rob Curacao without being affected by the explosion here is from the sky. I will go to the sky to see it now." Come on, buy some time."

Conan looked at Toru Amuro when he heard the words: "Mr. Amuro, how is it? Can you defuse the bomb?"

"No problem. I know how to dismantle it. My friend from the police academy taught me that," Amuro said cautiously. "The key is to see how much time you have to dismantle this thing."

"That's right, I don't know when they will detonate..."

"At least five more minutes."

Gao Cheng came back after observing the position of the pod and said.

"Those people will not detonate easily before robbing Curacao or abandoning Curacao. It will take 5 minutes for the pod to reach the highest point."

Based on the analysis of the current situation, it is not difficult to judge the plan of Gin and his party. The possibility of success is really very high. After robbing Curaçao, the bomb can be detonated to cause chaos. If Curaçao betrays the organization after recovering his memory , can also detonate the bomb to kill Curacao together.

Still as insidious as ever.

"By the way, Conan," Gao Cheng suddenly remembered, "Did Xiaolan come with you? Ayumi and the others...could they also come?"

"Xiaolan?" Conan's face changed drastically, "Sister Xiaolan should be with Yuanzi, are they here?"

"Hey, you don't know at all, do you?"

Gao Cheng had a bad feeling.

Yuanzi also came, so it must be those little ghosts who got on the north Ferris wheel under the misunderstanding of the waiter.

Xiao Ai and the doctor didn't come, so it's not surprising that those guys would find Yuanzi to come over. Ordinary people can't let a few children jump in line, and because of a misunderstanding, they got on the North Wheel under the security guard.

"Yeah," Yuanzi responded to Gao Cheng's phone call, "We are now at the aquarium... the case you want to investigate should be here, right? Eh?! Bomb?!"

"Keep your voice down," Gao Cheng said speechlessly, "In short, you and Xiaolan stay away, there is no time to evacuate the tourists now, so don't cause panic."

"But," Yuanzi said anxiously, "that group is still on the Ferris wheel!"

"I'll find a way."

Gao Cheng looked under the Ferris wheel.

Although the large-scale evacuation was unsuccessful, people on the Ferris wheel were stopped, the southern wheel was also blocked, and the tourists on the gondola were also dispersed after returning to the ground.

It's just that those unlucky kids don't have time to go back to the ground.

After instructing the two of Yuanzi, Gao Cheng stood quietly by the window and looked down at the amusement park.

From this angle, a member of the organization should be observing nearby. Although the plan to hijack Curacao from the air is very good, it obviously needs support.

Regarding this candidate, it is probably Belmode who rarely participates in frontal combat.

At this moment, the woman is probably observing the pod where Curacao is, providing information to Gin and others.

As time passed, Conan couldn't help but followed Akai Shuichi to the highest point of the Ferris wheel, only Gao Cheng remained silent.

He doesn't care much about the leak of undercover information. Even if Curaçao recovers his memory, it will be fine. According to the current development, if there is no accident, Curaçao will not follow back to the organization.

And once Curacao made this decision, Gin would immediately consider him a betrayal.

Now all he needs to care about is how to deal with the aftermath.

It would be fine if Toru Amuro was successful, but if the bomb was not dismantled in time, the entire north side Ferris wheel would collapse in a chain when it exploded, not to mention the children in the gondola, and the tourists around the aquarium would hardly be spared.

Even though the gondola in the North District has not yet reached the highest point, Curacao was stimulated by the color light to restore his memory. After counterattacking and knocking out the public security Kazami, he immediately contacted Belmode with Kazami's mobile phone.

"Sure enough, your memory has been recovered before." In the playground restaurant, Belmode, who was seated by the window, had been watching the Ferris wheel, and laughed after receiving a call from Curacao, "Is it deliberately pretending to be amnesia in order to find an opportunity? "

Curacao was a little dazed, but did not deny it: "When are you coming to pick me up? There are a lot of police officers guarding outside."

"Those are not problems, Gin will pick you up immediately, together with the pod," Belmode replied, and then asked, "However, when did you recover your memory? Rum said he received the message from Your mobile phone sent a message saying that Bourbon and Keir are not undercover agents, if the person who sent that message wasn't you..."

Curacao recalled that Conan took away his mobile phone, and said calmly: "Of course I sent it. Is there any problem?"

"No, the time is coming, Cinderella, waiting there for the pumpkin carriage to pick you up..."

The corner of Belmode's mouth raised, watching the countdown on the computer go to the end.

"here we go."


In the amusement park, the power supply was suddenly cut off without warning, several areas were plunged into darkness, the water light show was interrupted, and the Ferris wheel stopped operating. Only the indoor aquarium area with separate power supply on the other side was not affected, and panicked tourists also flocked Gather towards the aquarium area.

"Are you going to start?"

Gao Cheng got used to the darkness a little bit, and immediately heard the sound of propellers coming from above the Ferris wheel.

"Damn it," Toru Amuro said with an ugly face, "It's so dark that I can't see the line branch clearly. It was only a little bit close to being demolished, but the power went out at such a critical time..."

"Those guys cut off the power specially, this is for you, time is running out."

Gaocheng walked up to Toru Amuro, took off his watch and handed over the flashlight.

Gin seems to be planning to take Curacao away together with the pod, but now he can't control that side, no matter whether Curacao will betray the organization or not, he has to save the little devils first, and Conan and Akai Shuichi both on top.


The moonlight reflected into the interior of the Ferris wheel with the cold wind, and Gao Cheng also found the positions of the pods where Ayumi was located. After the Ferris wheel stopped operating, it happened to be able to go there to save people.

"Curaçao!!" Inside the armed helicopter above the Ferris wheel, Gin asked his subordinates to throw away the pod that was about to be taken away with a gloomy face. The pod that was detached from the Ferris wheel immediately fell from the middle, and even almost hit Gao Cheng. Stuck in the axle position.

Belmode, who noticed the movement outside, hurriedly contacted and asked, "Qin, what's going on?"

"Curaçao is gone," Gin said coldly, "Now change the plan and get rid of Curacao!"

"Not sure if she betrayed?"

"Leaving from the pod without authorization, isn't it a defection? Find Curacao immediately!"

Gin stared at the display screen, and told his subordinates to drive the helicopter away, ready to attack at any time.

According to the thermal imaging camera, there are still many rats inside the Ferris wheel...

Gao Chengcai dodged the falling pod, and before he could move, he encountered Curacao who jumped down like a master of qinggong on a steel beam.

After recovering her memory, Curacao is not as cute as before. She moves in the Ferris wheel like walking on the ground, and her long silver hair fluttering in the wind looks like a witch.

Sure enough, this woman still defected.

"You should know the consequences of leaving like this," Gao Cheng said suddenly, "Gin Jiu will definitely not let you go."

Curacao froze, turned his head but failed to see Gao Cheng in the darkness, frowned and asked vigilantly, "Are you a police officer?"

"No," Gao Cheng shook his head and said, "I just don't quite understand, knowing that the consequences would be serious, but defecting at this time, or is it because you haven't recovered your memory?"

Curacao was slightly absent-minded, and didn't leave immediately: "I don't know why, but I like the current self more than before. If I go back like this, I will return to the original point."

As if thinking of something, Curacao quickly said again: "Don't worry, their target is me. When I lure them away, those children will leave you alone, detective."

Gao Cheng silently watched Curacao run away, and almost at the same time, the violent bullet rain chased Curacao all the way down. The powerful firepower could not even withstand the steel beams, and the electronic screen on the side became a sieve.

"Thermal imaging?" Gao Cheng looked outside the Ferris wheel while avoiding the attack.

The attacks that were scattered at the beginning were all concentrated on Curaçao. Obviously, Gin had special detection equipment and recognized Curaçao.

This woman is using herself as a bait, she really wants her life.

Seeing the severe collapse of the ferris wheel on the north side, Gao Cheng hesitated for a while, and shouted to Toru Amuro, who successfully dismantled the bomb above: "Mr. Amuro, the children are in the pod on the left, please take care of them!"

Without waiting for Toru Amuro to respond, Gao Cheng also dodged and jumped off the steel beam, chasing Curacao who fell into the fountain together with the collapsed steel under the heavy bullet rain.

It would be a pity if this woman died like this...

(End of this chapter)

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