
Chapter 365 Borodin

Chapter 365 Borodin

Regarding Borodin, Yue Chuan learned from the background information that in the distant ancient times, there was an extremely powerful empire, and that was the Borodin Empire named after Borodin.

The emperor of the empire, Borodin, is powerful and unparalleled in strategy. He has advisors like rain, generals like clouds, and millions of loyal knights.It is precisely because of this that the Borodin Empire included the universe and unified the mainland, becoming the only empire on the mainland.

The imperial capital of Borodin has become the center of the entire continent. All the abundance and praise on the continent exist for him alone. His will is the law, and he can control the whole world. He is the well-deserved master of the continent.It's just that, as his master, he didn't feel any glory or excitement, and instead, he became happier every day.So much so that in the end he made a crazy decision, a decision that destroyed the Borodin Empire overnight.

Because many princes of the Borodin Empire are vying for power and profit more and more fiercely, and the strife between each other is getting more and more serious. The drama of fighting for power and profit and intrigue is being staged every day. Tooth cold.Under such circumstances, many lords were also eager to move, and secretly carried out secret actions.

Borodin felt that his glorious empire was like an ice sculpture on the crater, which was in danger of becoming a dream at any time, and this crisis was becoming more and more real and imminent, so that Borodin could no longer be the same as before. Pretending to be deaf and dumb, turning a blind eye to the behavior of the offspring.

Borodin, who was invincible on the battlefield, was defeated in family affairs. In the end, he made an incredible decision, which was to let the court magicians cast magic and seal his kingdom and the Borodin Knights Underground, let his Borodin Empire sleep in the ground. He doesn't want to see the empire he built collapsed. He just wants to sleep for a while. When he wakes up, he will bring his Borodin Knights with him again. , swept the world.

In Yue Chuan's view, King Borodin is like Qin Shihuang who swept the universe and unified the world, and his ending is also surprisingly similar to Qin Shihuang. He won the world but lost home. Qin Shihuang was the eldest son Fusu and Hu Hai. The situation of Borodin was more serious, but the same thing was that their empires were all ruined.What is even more similar is that Qin Shihuang made his invincible army into terra cotta warriors and placed them in his underground imperial mausoleum, while Borodin directly sealed his millions of knights together with his imperial city underground.And they all fantasize that one day they can come back to the world and rule the world again.

This is why Yue Chuan was interested in Borodin, because Yue Chuan liked and even worshiped Qin Shihuang so much that he even used the name Qin when he established a country.And in Borodin, Yue Chuan saw the shadow of Qin Shihuang, so he became very interested in Borodin, if he could fool the millions of knights like Borodin...

As soon as he stepped into Borodin's room, Yue Chuan felt a pure and mighty aura. It was not murderous, nor was it stronger than murderous, nor was it cold.It was a scorching and dazzling aura like the sun, a light that people could not look directly at and could not desecrate, and it was also a desire that made people worship and could not help but kneel down.

The majesty of heaven!

Like a long river, flowing like a long river, like a scorching sun, the breadth and majesty of the world is reflected in the individual, he is the world, the sun and the moon, and eternity!

This is not the aura brought by cultivation, but the unique charm formed by a person's fate.

There are four kinds of fate in the world, namely emperors, generals and ministers, and the rest are all sentient beings.Emperors, generals, and generals symbolize four identities. People with these four identities have unique personality charm and aura. The higher the achievement, the stronger the aura, and it is even enough to affect the fate and change the fate.

Undoubtedly, Borodin is the fate of the emperor, and he has the aura of the emperor.

Although Yue Chuan is also the king of a country, in front of Borodin, his gold content is insignificant at all, and the gap between the two can almost be calculated in light years.Therefore, Yue Chuan was under heavy pressure, even an unbearable load, not only physically, but also mentally and spiritually.

Entering Borodin's room, Yue Chuan finally understood where the murderous aura and resentment outside came from. Those were the residents of the imperial capital of the Borodin Empire. They were sealed underground and died tragically. The Borodin Knights are all arrogant soldiers who kill Yingye, so naturally each one is murderous.When these people gathered together, the aura generated could definitely punch a hole in the sky.

But no, because Borodin is here, his existence is like the mountains on the leylines, the scorching sun in the sky, he is an emperor, he can dominate everything, suppress everything, the soaring resentment and murderous aura are all under his suppression Now, the momentum exuded by millions of living and undead spirits dare not compete with him at all, so they are all sealed in the ruins, and the accumulation and brewing of countless years will bring about such a qualitative change.

The aura that millions of living and undead could not compete with was now acting on Yue Chuan alone.Moreover, Borodin noticed his existence, his eyes were slightly closed, and he did not see how he was acting. The momentum in the room suddenly became dignified, and the lights and candles on the wall were also dimmed under the influence of the momentum. array.

Yue Chuan felt that his body was trembling, his legs seemed to bear a huge force, and a desire to bend emerged from his heart.

Surrender, surrender to Emperor Borodin, you can avoid this kind of torture, surrender to Emperor Borodin, you can get supreme glory and rewards, surrender!
One after another brain-drilling demon sounds rang in Yue Chuan's ears, but he had never surrendered to anyone, let alone kneel to anyone, so he stubbornly resisted, resisting the oppression from his body and spirit.


"give me--"

"Kneel down!!!"

Borodin has not seen a creature that can stand upright in front of him for many years. Whether it is humans on the mainland or monsters in the mountains, they all submit to him, and any creature that dares to resist him will be killed by him.No, no, no, he didn't need to do anything at all, and he didn't even need to order, there were many subordinates who did everything for him.Therefore, he got used to submitting, getting used to kneeling, and getting used to the sense of accomplishment of thousands of people bowing down.

That feeling is really obsessed!

But now, a humble creature broke into his world, disturbed his deep sleep, and stood in front of him without kneeling.

This is provocation, Hong Guoguo's provocation, not only provoking his majesty, but also provoking his glory.No, this kind of thing must not happen again, provocation must pay the price.

Emperor Borodin seemed to have thought of something, his emotions became agitated instantly, his eyes instantly turned scarlet, and a thick frost-white murderous aura emanated from him, and the blazing murderous aura enveloped and drowned his whole body. He quickly spread around the center, covering everything in the room, including Yue Chuan, in the blink of an eye.

Seeing Borodin raising his famous weapon, the sledgehammer, Yue Chuan felt bad. Hearing those familiar words, Yue Chuan didn't know what Borodin was going to do next.

Borodin's attack routine is very simple, but this does not mean that Borodin is a fool who is easy to deal with. On the contrary, what Borodin practiced is to simplify the complicated and ingenious ways, and the ever-changing hammering methods are in his hands. It became a simple smashing, but his smashing integrated the essence of thousands of martial arts, and it was a collection of essentials from countless classics.

One hammer is like ten million hammers.

Especially when he yelled that sentence that was like a death talisman, countless adventurers were frightened and ran away with their heads in their hands.

Yue Chuan knew what was going to happen next, and he knew how to deal with it, but his body didn't listen at all. He wanted to jump, but his legs kept trembling, and he even had the urge to kneel down on the ground.While the two impulses and ideas were arguing endlessly in his body, Borodin's sledgehammer had already hit the ground heavily.

The hammer hit the ground, but it was like hitting a drum. The ground vibrated violently like a drum. The whole room and even the whole world were vibrating crazily. Some things were constantly shaking. In Borodin Shrinking and trembling under the power.

The unimaginably huge force was transmitted along the soles of the feet to Yue Chuan's spine through the leg bones, and then to the neck bones and skull... Yue Chuan's whole body was instantly ravaged by a strong force, as if someone was pinching his tail and shaking it continuously The snake, after a few swings, its bones were like broken chains, which could no longer be connected.

Lying powerlessly on the ground, looking at the violently shaking ground, Yue Chuan smiled helplessly.Is this the power of Borodin? It is really too powerful to resist, let alone resist.

After the world turned into the gray of death, Yue Chuan returned directly to the town, not because he didn't want to be resurrected, but because he was afraid that after his resurrection he would not be able to bear the incomparably strong aura, so he lost the belief in resistance and knelt down to Borodin.

Yue Chuan has seen the God of Light before, and he has also endured the aura of the God of Light.That kind of momentum almost made him collapse, but it also unexpectedly made him condense into a godhead.

The strength of the God of Light is tens of thousands of times stronger than that of Porodin, but the God of Light and Yue Chuan are too far away, not only separated by hundreds of millions of miles, but also separated by countless spaces, but even so, his one look still almost kills him. Dead Yuechuan.Yue Chuan and Porodin were only five steps away, and the pressure and aura they endured were much more than that of the God of Light, only stronger than weaker.

Can't resist!
Although he didn't want to admit it, Yue Chuan knew that he couldn't resist that kind of momentum, and he was almost subdued by that kind of momentum.It wasn't that Yue Chuan was weak, but that Porodin was too powerful. The era in which Porodin lived and the enemies he had fought and fought were beyond Yue Chuan's imagination, and his aura was naturally beyond Yue Chuan's ability to compete.

To put it bluntly, Yue Chuan's structure is too shallow, his experience is too little, and his foundation is too weak!
Yue Chuan had never seen any big shots, so he would be so unbearable when facing Borodin.It's like an old farmer who doesn't go out in the village all day long, and the biggest official he's ever met is the village chief. It's no wonder that when he suddenly meets a prince or even an emperor, he speaks incoherently and throws his body to the ground.But if a person who drank tea and discussed Taoism with the Three Emperors and Five Emperors all day long, seeing the so-called princes and generals is no different from watching ants.

However, for this situation, Yue Chuan has no good solution. He can't find an emperor and meet him face to face every day to get familiar with his aura and get used to his aura.Not to mention whether he could find an emperor who was far better than Borodin, even if he found it, Yue Chuan didn't have time to get familiar with it.The awakening mission requires one month, to be precise, it has been less than a month.

Yue Chuan looked at Wang's ruins, but did not choose to enter again.

When he was able to adapt to the murderous aura and resentment inside, the few guardian knights could no longer pose a threat to him, at most they were just sandbags to hone themselves.However, Borodin was different, the majestic and imperial aura in him was stronger than the previous murderous resentment, and Yue Chuan had no way to counteract this aura. In this way, entering the king's ruins was no different from sending him to death.

Yue Chuan is not afraid of death, but whoever has nothing to do to die, is it a pleasure to be tortured and killed?
Scratching his head, he was still helpless and clueless.Yue Chuan didn't know how to break the oppression of the imperial spirit.

The previous murderous aura and resentment were aimed at the erosion of the body and the threat to life. For this, Yue Chuan has a way to deal with it and a way to break it, so there is nothing to worry about.However, the rich imperial aura in Porodin's body was different. It was more of an oppression aimed at the heart and soul, making people surrender from the bottom of their hearts and souls. Yue Chuan had no resistance to this.

Annoyed, Yue Chuan found Audrey He.

Yue Chuan found that in this world, the only person who shared the same language with him was Audrey He, perhaps also a time traveler, and because of his thinking beyond the times, the two always had a lot of sympathy.

Hearing Yue Chuan's narration, Audrey He lowered his head slowly, thought for a while, and said, "An existence that is so powerful that you can't resist, and whose aura alone makes you feel surrendered?"

Yue Chuan nodded.

"Then, are you afraid of him?"

Yue Chuan shook his head resolutely, he was not afraid of Borodin at all, otherwise why would he challenge Borodin again.

"Since you are not afraid, why do you want to submit to him?"

Yue Chuan was dumbfounded.Since I am not afraid of him, why do I want to submit to him and think that I cannot compete with him?Are you really afraid of him?
"It's not that you are afraid of him, nor is it that you surrender to him, but that you..." Audrey He organized her words and said, "It's that you don't have any ego in your heart at all!"

Yue Chuan was puzzled, how could this have something to do with not having a self?
"The charisma of personality can easily infect others, make others feel good, identify with them, and even generate loyalty and even faith. I have never met Borodin, but I can understand from your narration that he is a great emperor. His personality His charisma must be unparalleled, and he can easily convince others. This is why he has millions of powerful and loyal knights, and those people are all convinced by his charisma."

Audrey raised her head and looked at Yue Chuan without blinking, "You are not subdued by his oppression, but subdued by his infection. Because you have no self, it is easier to get lost in the charm of his personality."

After finishing speaking, Audrey He turned around to avoid Yue Chuan without waiting for her to speak, and turned back again after a while, but at this time she was holding a wooden barrel in her hand, which was made of thick wooden planks put together and fastened with iron hoops Although it is made of wooden planks, the seal is so tight that even Yue Chuan can't see the contents inside through the lid.

Audrey He placed the wooden barrel in front of Yue Chuan, lifted the lid, and immediately there was a whiff of freezing air, which turned out to be a bucket of ice.Then I saw Audrey He take out bottles of wine of different colors from it and put them on the table one by one.

Yue Chuan suddenly had a funny feeling. He had been in the other world for so long, and he seemed to have become a native of the other world. He didn't know where the summer enjoyment like soda with ice and iced watermelon had gone. , but did not expect to see familiar things here at Audrey He.

At this time, Yue Chuan suddenly remembered what Audrey He said just now - you don't have a self, you are more likely to get lost.

That's right, I have been lost in another world, and the earth's characteristics in me are gradually fading away, gradually fading away from everyone.On the contrary, Audrey He is still independent. Her spirituality has not been consumed by this world, but the world has been changed by her little by little, even though it is only a musketeer army right now.

Seeing Yue Chuan's bewildered eyes, Audreyhe gently stirred the crushed ice in the bucket, and the crackling sound finally pulled Yue Chuan's mind back.

"Please drink!"

Audrey He poured half a glass of ice water, then opened a bottle of red wine and poured it into the glass.Asked Yue Chuan: "What is this?"

"Wine mixed with water."

Seeing Audrey He's actions, Yue Chuan couldn't help searching his stomach and squeezing his only knowledge of drinks, but unfortunately, he only saw those flirts in novels who invited their sisters to drink cocktails and so on. I only know a Lafite from 82, and the deepest impression is that it is expensive, and the biggest shortcoming is that I have never tasted it.

Audrey He ignored Yue Chuan, poured another half glass of ice water, then poured an orange wine into it, and asked Yue Chuan, "What is this?"

"Wine mixed with water."

After repeating it again and again, Yue Chuan finally couldn't bear it anymore, and asked: "You ruined this good wine, the wine is not mixed like this!"

Audrey He pursed her thin red lips slightly, and said with a smile: "Why do you always think that this is wine mixed with water, but not water mixed with wine? Why do you think that water spoils the wine, Instead of the wine spoiling the water?"

Those words hit Yue Chuan's heart hard like a slap in the face, and he couldn't help shivering. In this slightly hot noon, he was dripping with cold sweat.He finally understood what Audrey He wanted to tell him.

Yue Chuan looked at the glasses of wine of different colors, then smiled slightly, took a glass casually, and said to Audrey: "Thank you for inviting me to drink water."

Audrey He clearly said to invite Yue Chuan to drink, but Yue Chuan said thank you to buy himself a drink of water.Because he already knew the crux of the matter, and he also understood how to deal with Borodin's aura.

Water is water, and no matter what is mixed with it, it is still water.Water has never been changed, it has always been there.The difference is just human perception, but no matter how humans judge, water is still water.

At this time, Yue Chuan couldn't help humming: "I, that's me, a firework of a different color..."

(End of this chapter)

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