
Chapter 366 Borodin's Seal

Chapter 366 Borodin's Seal
Sometimes, people are really easy to be hinted, commanded, bewitched, and seduced by others, and influenced to varying degrees by other people's will.

For example, Audrey He, she said to invite Yue Chuan to drink, Yue Chuan subconsciously branded the wine in his mind, and all his thoughts afterward revolved around the wine, so that he ignored the existence of water. It was still because of what Audrey He said before.

It is too easy for people to be suggested and led by others, and to walk step by step according to the will of others.As Audrey He said, they have no "self".

Without self, it is easy to be infected and assimilated, just like the ice water in the glass, the one that is close to vermilion is red and the one that is close to ink is black. The color of the wine will become whatever color it is mixed into, so that people only pay attention to the wine, not the water. Will care about the ice water before.And after being awakened by Audrey He, Yue Chuan suddenly came to his senses.Although it is only a perspective to look at the problem, it reflects many principles of martial arts.

Speaking of water, Yue Chuan couldn't help thinking of a sentence in "Lao Tzu": "The highest goodness is like water. Water is good for all things without fighting for it."

Yue Chuan doesn't understand the great principles of "Lao Tzu", but he thinks that water does have something to look forward to, such as "with the softness of the world, it can ride the hardest of the world", such as "the sea is tolerant to all rivers, and it is big if it is tolerant".

Although there are muddy water, sewage, turbid water and even smelly water, what is dirty and smelly is not water, and water itself is clear and transparent.It is colorless, crystal clear; it is upright, without desires, and upright.Only its transparency can use water as a mirror to reflect good, evil, beauty and ugliness.If a person cultivates to be as transparent as water and calm as water, there is no great kindness.So much so that I couldn't help but praise it.

Entering the king's ruins again, the first five guardians of the king couldn't stop Yue Chuan at all. Their only role was to contribute some invitation letters and materials to Yue Chuan.Not long after, Yue Chuan came to the door of Borodin's room. Looking at the dangerous crimson light, Yue Chuan took a deep breath and stepped in slowly.

The overwhelming imperial aura filled every corner, and Yue Chuan immediately felt a suffocating and dignified pressure, and the oppressive feeling of surrender also emerged, making him want to kneel down and worship.

But Yue Chuan was already mentally prepared.

Before, when faced with this kind of momentum, Yue Chuan only thought about the relationship between Borodin and ignored one point, which was his own existence. Facing this kind of momentum, he only had the existence of Borodin in his heart. Whether it was Borodin's great strength or his brilliant biography, he forgot himself from the beginning to the end.He has been suppressed and covered by Borodin's aura, and he has forgotten himself.

"I am me, I am a berserker, the future hell blood demon god, I am a man who will become a battle god, I will never surrender or kneel to anyone! I will defeat all enemies, Borodin, and offer Your seal!"

Faith is like an anchor, like a foundation, and even more like the broad roots of a tree. Yue Chuan is no longer like duckweed floating in the wind in Porodin's aura. Although he is still suppressed, at least he no longer has the kind of surrender and kneeling The impulse to worship.

The water is very soft, but soft and bone, with faith, persistent pursuit and unremitting pursuit, always rushing eastward, turbulently entering the sea.Yue Chuan was undoubtedly weak in front of Borodin, but Yue Chuan did not submit to Borodin, he also had his own obsession and pursuit, and this belief became more and more firm and fierce.And in the next instant, Yue Chuan's aura changed, becoming no longer so fiery, but soft and boneless like water.

In Borodin's perception, the stinky and hard aura that was originally like a stone in a latrine suddenly disappeared, becoming nothingness and no effort, and did not fight against himself at all. In this way, he could not use his aura to oppress him .How should I put it, the opponent is like a puddle of water, soft and invisible, even if I hold the sharpest magic weapon, there is nothing I can do with this puddle of water.

Seeing that Yue Chuan could no longer be suppressed in terms of aura, Borodin didn't waste any more time, swung his cloak, and rushed towards Yue Chuan with a sledgehammer upside down.

Every step of Porodin is very heavy, like the trampling of a giant war beast, like the beating of a giant war drum, the huge shock wave ravages and deforms the hard ground, rolling up layers of ripples like water waves, every ripple They spread rapidly, and wherever they passed, everything was hit by invisible impacts, either breaking or shattering.

The dangerous atmosphere was so strong and dignified, and the fatal crisis clearly appeared in Yue Chuan's perception, and the ground under his feet instantly turned into the muzzle of a giant crocodile, putting him in danger of overturning at all times.


Yue Chuan leaped high and lightly before the shock wave of the war came.He didn't dare to jump too high, because Porodin would spend all his time guarding under him, and use his sledgehammer to meet him when he fell.

After the danger of the shock wave passed by, Yue Chuan fell from the sky. In order to speed up and prevent Borodin from finding the fighter plane, Yue Chuan also used the silver falling blade.A circle of huge shock waves centered on Yue Chuan's foothold and spread out in all directions. Porodin, who was about to rush to Yue Chuan's side to seize the opportunity, suddenly felt a setback in his body, and his lower body felt unstable. .

There are millions of loyal and powerful knights under Borodin, and Borodin is also an emperor who conquers the world with sharp cavalry. There is no doubt that he is best at riding and fighting, which is horsework.But unfortunately, now he has no horse, and has become a lord who fights on foot.

People who are good at riding and fighting will have various omissions in the bottom plate, and Borodin is no exception.After losing his horse, but still wearing a heavy armor, the stiffness of his lower body will be even more serious. Therefore, under the shock of the silver falling blade, Borodin's knees softened, and he actually had the urge to kneel down.


This is an absolute disgrace, and it is an unprecedented humiliation. How could Emperor Borodin, who was classified as the lord of the continent, bear this kind of shame and swallow this bad breath.

Standing upright, Borodin suddenly swung the huge hammer in his hand, turned an arc in the air, and slammed heavily on the ground, like a raging sea tide, the turbulent waves hit the shore, and the ground under the huge hammer shook instantly. , and then rolled violently, slamming towards Yue Chuan like a long whip.

Seeing this blow, Yue Chuan couldn't help but want to curse. This is clearly a simplified version of the Shrunken Mountain Cracking Slash. It also hits the ground with a huge force, pouring its own strength into the earth's crust, causing the earth's crust to vibrate. , causing damage to the enemy.However, the Mountain Cracking Slash will also trigger the power of magma to erupt to attack the enemy, but Borodin does not have this effect, but his hammer also makes the earth's crust roll, making the ground under Yue Chuan's feet roll like waves.

With his footing unstable, Yue Chuan could only jump up again, and then fall down after the vibration under his feet calmed down. However, Borodin didn't give him a chance to land at all, and the huge hammer slammed towards him fiercely. Although Yue Chuan dodged in time, But these hammers hit the ground, causing the ground to roll more violently. Originally, it was just a little wave, but now it turned into a turbulent wave.

Yue Chuan was unable to land for a long time, and the power of staying in the air was exhausted little by little, and finally exhausted. At this moment, his figure had no room to adapt. He had to fall to the ground and borrow his strength again in order to move around or stay in the air. the power of.But at this moment, Borodin slammed into him fiercely.

The right shoulder is in front, the body is behind, and there is a sledgehammer hidden by the side, always threatening.The head of the mighty beast on Hu's shoulders stretches its teeth and claws, and the two spikes exude a cold light. This is not a pure decoration. Its power is definitely not inferior to that of ordinary magical weapons. , is definitely a heart-breaking end.


Yue Chuan already felt the dangerous aura emanating from Borodin's body. It was a deadly aura, just like the feeling of lying on the railroad tracks when a train hit him head-on. Feel.

You must not be hit by him, you must get out of the way!


Borodin sneered, he seemed to see the picture of his enemy clutching his chest unwilling to fall down, the shame he brought to himself can only be washed away with his blood, he must die!

But at this time, Yue Chuan, who was in the air and had nowhere to hide, held knives in both hands, and slashed at Borodin fiercely.

Yue Chuan lost the power to stay in the air, and his only end was landing on the ground, he had no room to move around.However, he can still shoot, he can still attack, and at this time, what he uses is the air combo!

The Slaughter Blade collided with the Tianqi armor on Borodin's body, making a dull sound. Borodin's armor has a very strong defensive power. Yue Chuan's hasty blow could not break through the defense of the Tianqi armor at all. , it is even less likely to hurt Borodin.

With a contemptuous smile at the corner of his mouth, Porodin seemed to be mocking Yue Chuan's painless attack.But in the next moment, the smile on the corner of Borodin's mouth disappeared, because he understood that Yue Chuan was not trying to attack him, but to use the force of the shock to distance himself from him.

The huge collision force acted on Yue Chuan, and Yue Chuan immediately flew out like a fired shell, but this also resolved his crisis, and even hit Borodin's indomitable spirit.

In the face of Porodin's strong attack, Yue Chuan was still like a pool of soft water, winning without a fight. On the contrary, Porodin had all his strength, but he still couldn't use it, not to mention how uncomfortable that feeling was.

With his feet on the ground, a sense of calmness and solidity arose spontaneously. Immediately, Yue Chuan stepped on his feet and moved quickly.There is no doubt about Borodin's strike ability. If he blocked his retreat with a random shot, he had to be tough with him. If the two of them were tied together, they would not be his opponent.Right now, I have to use my strengths to create advantages for myself.

It's as fast as the wind!

Even if he didn't turn on the berserk, Yue Chuan's speed was still extremely fast. At this time, he had already removed the sacred War Goddess suit, and put on the scale rock shoulders, the Vatican coat, and the shadow-cutting suit.

Facing Borodin's sledgehammer, Yue Chuan knew that it was impossible for him to carry it several times, and the Goddess of War suit could not bring him much safety. On the contrary, the high speed of the Vatican coat was more suitable. It is not broken soon, this is an unbreakable truth.

The speed is already extremely fast, coupled with the strange bending and acceleration of a Shunpo from time to time, Yue Chuan's figure is even more confusing. Porodin was staring at Yue Chuan at first, but after a while he became dizzy and had to shake head.But in such a flash, Yue Chuan was completely lost in Borodin's vision.

How can it be!

How could he disappear!
But in the next moment, Borodin calmed down, because he also encountered the same situation. That was when he subdued the wind knight. With his agility, that guy could always hide himself behind the enemy, making him I disappeared in the enemy's field of vision, and I was able to rely on agility that surpassed the speed of the naked eye to achieve "invisibility" in the true sense.

This little guy is also using the same method!
Borodin smiled domineeringly, raised the giant hammer high in his hand, and then smashed it down hard.His most proficient "three axes" - oh no, the three hammers are finally used!


Give me--

Kneel down! ! !

After three violent and domineering blows in a row, the whole world trembled violently under the power of the giant hammer. Everything in the space vibrated and swayed crazily, and nothing that came out of this space could be spared.

Borodin glanced around confidently. He firmly believed that no one could escape his move. With this move, he defeated too many enemies and killed too many talents. There are only three strikes, but no one can block these three strikes.

That kid should have been knocked out!

The whole world was shaking under the power of the hammers, and the things in the world were no exception. The three hammers clearly hit the creatures in the space indirectly.

But unfortunately, Yue Chuan did not appear. Porodin scanned around, but still did not find the figure who was knocked unconscious.

How can it be!

Borodin suddenly panicked, he never thought that his infallible move would lose its effect, this move failed to do anything to the enemy, this enemy is too terrifying.

However, there was no sign of Yue Chuan in the surroundings, and Borodin felt a little relieved—could he have been directly crushed to death, turned into meat sauce, and covered by the soil layer?

Although Borodin himself didn't believe in this possibility, it seemed that there was no other possibility besides this explanation. Otherwise, why couldn't he be seen?
"Are you looking for me?"

A figure suddenly appeared in front of Porodin. The face that was almost stuck to his helmet scared Borodin half to death. This is a hell of a thing. Where was this guy just now? How did he escape his three hammers? , How did he appear beside her?

However, Borodin's actions were faster than his thinking. With a flip of the sledgehammer in his hand, a shock wave was thrown in front of him immediately, but the figure gradually blurred and disappeared. It was not a real entity at all, it was just a phantom.


Porodin suddenly thought of a possibility—he couldn't have been fighting a shadow all the time.

The more Porodin thought about it, the more likely he became, and the more he thought about it, the more discouraged he became. Only this kind of possibility can explain why the three hammers just now failed to do anything to the opponent.And when he thought that the other party didn't even show his real body, but just a shadow playing around with him, Borodin couldn't help but become angry from embarrassment.

Damn it!How dare you play tricks on me!
Borodin raised the sledgehammer high and wanted to smash it down, but looking at the empty room around him, Borodin finally lowered his weapon powerlessly, because he knew that even if he hit a hundred hammers, the place would be destroyed. The world is turned upside down, and there is nothing they can do to each other.He couldn't even find the opponent's real body, and fought with a shadow for a long time, and his own strength was not at the same level as the opponent's.

However, Borodin did not admit his failure, his glory did not allow him to do so, he slowly returned to his throne, and sat down with a flap of his cloak. The natural expression of Qi.

The sledgehammer stood beside him quietly, the divine light in Borodin's eyes gradually faded, and the graceful light on his body also dimmed a little bit, and he fell into a deep sleep again, as if he had never woken up.

And over there, Yue Chuan, who was hidden in the void, was prompted by the system: Congratulations, the relic of the king who cleared the level is ordinary...

This, is it cleared like this?Borodin is not dead yet!
However, immediately after, Yue Chuan discovered that Porodin had no breath, it was no different from death.The appearance of his armor is also covered with a layer of energy that he has never seen before, that energy protects him from deep sleep, and protects him from being disturbed and hurt by outside movements during his deep sleep.

Yue Chuan came to Borodin's side, looked at the pile of spoils on the ground, and then took out a golden seal from it - Borodin's seal!
Seeing this pink name, Yue Chuan felt a little excited.

In the era when the title of Immortal King was the top existence, how many people spared no effort to brush the remains of the king every day.In that era, where was the highest fan rate, there is no doubt that it is the ruins of the king. If you are lucky, you can get fans every time, and even get several fans at once. The moment you see Porodin being pushed down, you will be on your feet. Sprinkle pink all over the ground, don't you feel your heart pounding with excitement?If you brushed the Wang’s Remains for a day and didn’t see a single follower, brother, uninstall the client, you are not suitable for DNF.

Borodin's seal, this pink material, has always been worth a lot because of the difficulty in obtaining it and the rigor of the obtaining process, and it is the most popular material.Clutching Borodin's seal tightly, Yue Chuan couldn't help feeling excited, because this material contained too many memories, too many hardships and joys.

In Yue Chuan's view, Borodin's seal is a kind of exquisitely crafted coin, with a portrait of Borodin the Great on it, a vast map of the Borodin Empire, and some other iconic things and words—of course , except for Borodin's big head portrait, Yue Chuan couldn't understand anything.

"The workmanship is very exquisite, at least more exquisite than the gold coins of the Habs Empire. Pure gold, the purity is really high. It seems that the Borodin era was prosperous, the country was strong, and the handicraft industry was also very advanced. But such a thriving country, Borodin Why did Rodin bury it?"

The prosperity of a country or an era can be highlighted on coins, and this principle is also applicable to the earth in the 21st century.Looking at the pink-grade coin in front of him, and then thinking about blue-grade coins such as "Empress Skadi's Seal" and "Emperor Helun's Seal", a big question mark appeared on Yue Chuan's head.

(End of this chapter)

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