
Chapter 925

Chapter 925
The world where Hercules lives can see dense meteor showers in the sky every moment. It didn’t take long for people to know that this is not an ordinary meteor shower, but some deadly demons. Some of these things will produce a strong explosion after falling , but some will be preserved safely, scurrying around like gophers, once humans are found, they will rush up at an extremely fast speed, exploding and self-destructing.

At the beginning, people thought it was because they did something wrong and were punished by Hercules, but then they gradually realized that this was not God’s punishment, but a demon was making trouble, so these people turned to pray and asked Hercules to kill the demon. , to avenge the dead.

Hercules wanted to turn a blind eye to these things, but he couldn't do that. If he didn't do anything for a long time, it would inevitably cause the loss of faith, and the faith he had managed for countless years would also be destroyed once, and without enough The power of faith, his divine power will also be affected.

But the problem is that Hercules dare not go out of the world, because he knows that the enemy also has a god-level powerhouse, waiting for him outside the world, but the other party will not enter his world, so the two sides can only stand in a stalemate.

Forget it, let the power of the world return to normal, cut off all those minions, and the enemy will naturally retreat.

Feeling that the power of the world below is no longer unbearably strong, the four players jumped down immediately.Today's Four Finals have initially mastered the ability to fly, and can land safely even without a parachute.Hercules is watching covetously below, and riding a parachute is simply courting death.All the soul fighting members are practicing their ability to fly. If they can't master this ability, they won't be able to participate in the next battle, and this will be their assessment.

Are you here?
On the ground, a tall and long-armed young man stood leaning on a sword. He was not tall, but his body was full of mountain-like aura. His 1.8-meter body gave people a feeling of looking up to a high mountain. The calmness and weight of the mountain were on him It is vividly displayed, his body standing with a sword is like a pillar of the sky, he is the most eye-catching, dazzling and most unnegligible existence in the world.

Naturally, Si Jue would not ignore this young man. On the contrary, Si Jue's eyes were fixed on him all the time, because he was the target of this trip, the Hercules.

Just hearing the name Hercules, one would subconsciously think that this deity is a savage and savage figure, and would never associate the name "Hercules" with this slightly thin young man.But this young man named Lin Feng is indeed a Hercules.

"Strength" does not lie in his looks and stature, but because he has comprehended the rules of strength and exerted his strength to the fullest. Fighting soul members can still carry a half-movement when facing Floyd, but all fighting souls None of the members could catch Hercules' one move, no matter who they were, they would instantly kill them with one move without exception.

In the air, Sijue had already picked up his heavy cannon, locked on the Hercules Lin Feng from a distance, and shot it out with a bang. It didn't matter whether the cannon could cause damage to the enemy, Sijue just relied on the recoil of this cannon Pull away from Hercules and land yourself safely.

The cannonball was very fast, and arrived within a few thousand meters, but when the cannonball was about to approach, Hercules moved instantly, and the giant sword leaning on his body suddenly turned upside down, and was lifted high by Hercules, and there was no trace of it immediately. The fancy vertical chop, without any skill, is the simplest and most direct collision, the blade of the giant sword slashed at the top of the cannonball.

The blazing fire exploded instantly, accompanied by scorching air waves and rumbling explosions, the figure of Hercules was swallowed up without any suspense.But in the next moment, the barrage of fire clouds and even the sound waves were torn apart like cloth, and what flashed by was the giant sword in the hands of Hercules. Under the incomparable force, everything was cut off , whether tangible or intangible.

The fire cloud barrage swept and wreaked havoc on both sides of Hercules, and Hercules stood upright, with a sense of invulnerability from water and fire, and a pair of eyes watched the four finals with fierce fighting spirit.

"You use this despicable method to force me to fight, well, I have fulfilled your wish, come on, die!"

Hercules' giant sword pointed at Si Jue from afar, a mountain-like pressure hit his face, Si Jue's body shook slightly, and he took two steps back involuntarily.

At the same time, the scientists in Sky City are all busy operating various instruments. They try to collect and analyze the data of Hercules, hoping to draw some results that can be popularized.Floyd was born as a magician, even if he obtained some results, he might not be able to apply them, but Hercules is different, he is a warrior, and his manipulation and application of power can be applied to warriors in the heavens, In their view, Hercules is a living textbook, a database.

"His power is incredible. Driven by this power, his sword can not only cut through matter, but also cut through energy! Let alone the flames of shell explosions, he can easily cut through even a beam of light .”

Cutting off the light beam sounds ridiculous, just like cutting off the water with a knife, it is purely idle and boring, and has no meaning at all.But scientists in the heavens have seriously studied that just like the sound barrier produced by air, light should also have a similar barrier. Only when the speed reaches a certain level can one feel this barrier, and only when the speed exceeds this speed can the barrier be broken. , can also cut off the beam.

"You mean that the speed of his swinging the sword has exceeded the speed of light? However, according to the analysis of the instrument, the speed of his swinging the sword is very slow, and it can't even reach the speed of sound."

The gap between the speed of sound and the speed of light is more than one hundred and eight thousand miles, but why Hercules' sword can cut through the invisible energy, and the fire cloud barrage was torn apart by him like a curtain.What is the mystery in this?
Yue Chuan has also been paying attention to the battle below. Hearing the discussions of those scientists, he slowly said: "He just used pure brute force, without any speed or skill, but he has cultivated to the extreme of brute force. crushed by force."

Ultimate power?
The four finals have also been pursuing the ultimate power. In her mind, the ultimate power is the ultimate destructive power. This is why she chose the gunner, because she likes the roar of the cannon and the moment when the shell explodes. It seems that the giant cannon is power and the ultimate destruction.But after becoming a gunner, I realized that there are places that giant cannons can't reach, there are things that giant cannons can't blow up, and there are...

Sijue finally realized that his previous understanding and comprehension was not only superficial and one-sided, he didn't even understand what power is, let alone the ultimate power.But now, Sijue has a good opponent, a god who understands the true meaning of power. Sijue believes that Hercules will tell him what real power is.

There was a crazy smile on the corner of his mouth, Sijue raised his chin and gave Hercules a provocative look, and said slowly: "Use your strength to ravage me to your heart's content!"

(End of this chapter)

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