
Chapter 926 Fighting Hercules

Chapter 926 Fighting Hercules
Floyd stopped the bombing. In Yue Chuan's words, the world below will be his territory sooner or later. It will be difficult to rebuild after the bombing.

This time the soul fighting members didn't come together in a swarm like last time, but fought one by one, with the four finals taking the lead, and the other members were all on the sidelines watching Luezhen.

Surrounded by the crowd, Hercules looked indifferent. To him, the 30 or so people in front of him were all ants and could not threaten him at all. If they hadn't used despicable means to threaten his followers, he would not have bothered to pay attention to them.

However, this little ant dared to challenge her, and she didn't know who gave her the courage.

Turning around, swinging the sword, a huge force burst out, and then Hercules' body flew towards the fourth battle like a cannonball.

"The flying speed of his body is four times that of the giant cannons used in the Four Finals, and this is far from his limit, and he still has more power left."

"The power from his body poured into the giant sword, just like the explosives in the cannonball exploded. The giant sword was thrown out vigorously, driving his body to fly and approach the enemy. Weird, this flying method is really weird."

"It's like no matter how strong a person is, it's impossible to pull himself up vertically by his hair. This is really unimaginable, but Hercules did it."

Hercules appeared in front of Si Jue almost instantly, his cold eyes piercing Si Jue's bottom, his stagnant aura enveloped Si Jue's whole body, he raised and smashed the huge sword in his hand, and slashed at Si Jue's head.

Sijue knew that the power of Hercules was very terrifying. Sijue also tried to parry in the previous fight, but both the hard cannon and her body were cut in two by Hercules. The incredible power of Sijue is still fresh in my memory. .


slide shovel...

Si Jue lay flat on the ground in an instant, his feet shoveled fiercely towards the ankles of Hercules. At the same time, Si Jue fired a cannon behind him, using the recoil of the hand cannon to make his sliding shovel faster, and also more powerful.

The power of Hercules is indeed terrifying, invincible and invincible, but he has a fatal weakness, speed.

Hercules' giant sword, Jianfeng, had already cut the skin on Si Jue's cheek, and a string of blood shot out, but Si Jue narrowly escaped the enveloping edge of the sword, Hercules' giant sword only cut off Hair bundle.

The four judges sneered, all the strength of the whole body was poured into the legs. The iconic thing of the launcher is the giant cannon, but it does not mean that the launcher has nothing but the cannon. Their legs cannot be ignored After all, leg work is a compulsory course for sharpshooters, and even powerful sharpshooters can easily break steel pillars.

The most vulnerable part of the legs is the head-on bone, and this is where the sliding shovel focuses on attacking. Just like the iron shovel, if the shovel is hit from the front, even if the legs are not broken on the spot, the tendons will be broken.Even if Hercules is physically tyrannical, he would still suffer some trauma if he was shoveled by the Four Finals.

When Hercules saw the movements of the four decisive battles, he neither dodged nor dodged, instead he sank his body and shouted in a low voice: "Carry the mountain and carry the river, don't move like a mountain!"


With a muffled sound, Si Jue's legs collided with Hercules' legs, and then there was a crisp clicking sound, and someone broke a bone.It's four finals.

The four finals had the advantage of being the main attacker, and Hercules was basically a passive defense, but the result of the collision between the two sides was that both legs of the four finals were broken, and Hercules was safe and sound.

"Hercules moved just now, just at the moment they collided."

In the city of the sky, scientists from the heavenly world noticed the details of what happened at that moment just now through high-tech instruments. The moment Hercules collided with the four finals, his body shook. The vibration was not large, just like shivering from the cold.

"Hercules didn't defend passively, he counterattacked, and his attack was the shock of that moment."

Several scientists immediately expressed their conjectures and analysis.But Yue Chuan didn't listen to a word, all his thoughts were immersed in the words Hercules said just now, but the distance was too far, the instrument couldn't transmit back what Hercules said.

At this time, a ray of light flashed across the city of the sky, and the four finals appeared with a pale face. She failed in one move, and she was killed by Hercules without any suspense.

"What did Hercules just say?"

Hearing Yue Chuan's inquiry, Si Jue immediately said what Hercules had just chanted.

"Carrying the mountain and carrying the river, not moving like a mountain?"

Yue Chuan pondered over these two sentences carefully, feeling the artistic conception in them, and he was keenly aware that these words had something to do with the divine power of Hercules.

"Mountainless as a mountain comes from a very famous military book. It pays attention to the posture of soldiers when defending. If they don't move, they are like mountains. But I am more interested in the previous sentence, carrying the mountain and carrying the river."

Yue refers to mountains, and river refers to rivers. The general meaning of this sentence is to carry mountains and carry rivers.Yue Chuan couldn't help but think of what a scientist said just now about cutting off the light.Cutting light should be the secret of the speed rule, but what Hercules possesses is the secret of the power rule, it is impossible for him to cut light.But back to the river...

Carrying a river on its back is somewhat similar to cutting light, but this is the rule of strength.But, can the river really carry it?

Carrying mountains is easy, but carrying rivers is difficult. After all, rivers are not as tangible and qualitative as mountains.

But thinking of the previous scene where Hercules cut through the cannonballs, the fire cloud, smoke and even the sound waves with his sword, Yue Chuan vaguely understood something.

"Carrying Yuebeihe, not moving like a mountain is the power rule comprehended by Hercules. It may be all or part of it, but there is no doubt that Hercules can do this. His attack power is enough to carry Yuebeihe. His defense He is as immovable as a mountain, even if he stands there motionless, there is nothing you can do about him."

Sijue squatted on the ground, stroking her legs subconsciously with both hands. Her legs had been repaired the moment the resurrection coin was revived, but the moment when the sliding shovel hit Hercules kept replaying in Sijue's mind.It was like a huge mountain pressing down on me. I couldn't imagine the majestic force, let alone bear it. I was killed by Hercules without firing a single shot.

But Sijue also knew that even if he fired close to Hercules, the effect would be the same, and his shells would not be able to hurt him at all.

"Too powerful, almost invulnerable."

Yue Chuan smiled, "If it wasn't like this, how could we achieve the effect of sharpening? If every opponent is like Freud, how can you improve?"

Floyd on the side was very resentful, and thought unhappily, who did I provoke?
"Go ahead, think carefully about the words "carrying the mountain on your back and not moving like a mountain, and continue to challenge Hercules tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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