The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 364 Unlucky Elven Girl!

Chapter 364 Unlucky Elven Girl!

"You humans will pay the price one day. Now the demons have reappeared in the world, but you are besieging and killing me, an elf. Hehe, human beings are hard to change." The elf girl sneered, she had heard of it since she was a child. The thing about humans, humans being greedy, evil... that's a really scary race.

It wasn't until today that the elf girl knew that what her mother said was not wrong at all.

"Hehe, what's none of my business? Demons? Hehe, are you kidding me? Are you the one who seduces people from the demons?" The human showed lewd eyes, and slowly came to the side of the elf girl, ready to stretch out his evil spirit. hands, ready to knead that XXOO...

Unfortunately, the difference is only 10 centimeters...

However, the elf girl is also ready to blew herself up and died together!Never let humans insult themselves.


"Ah..." the human screamed suddenly.


The scream made the elf girl open her eyes instantly. What's going on, she already wanted to commit suicide, and now she is full of thoughts...

Very reconciled, because she did not go back and report to the clansmen about the crack in the demon clan.

But what's going on?


The elf girl was stunned at the scene in front of her. A demonized creature with a ferocious face, blood-colored eyes full of chaos, very crazy, was biting the neck of that human, and that human was in great pain...

However, the head of that magical creature was still blown, and the man covered his neck with his hand, writhing on the ground in great pain...

At this time, the elf girl took advantage of this time, gritted her teeth, and had already broken free from the shackles. With a trace of life force, she slowly healed her thigh wound and limped to leave.

Now, the devil energy invaded the mind, and that person was in chaos. If she didn't leave, she would face a powerful monster later.

"Evil comes with evil!" The elf girl sneered at the man who fell to the ground. His face was changing little by little. He was bitten just now, and the demon energy seemed to have invaded. He couldn't last long.

However, the group who chased and killed her before appeared again, and the elf girl was desperate, why was she so unlucky?

"Tsk tsk, so you're here." A fat man Contra said, surrounded by several people who were all at the level of soul sages, one by one, gearing up, looking at the elf girl with a wretched face.

Noticing a bloody smell, they glanced at the ground, and then found a headless corpse, and the person who was so amazing.

"Bah, made, you deserve it if you want to eat it all by yourself." Fatty Contra looked at the fallen man in disgust, kicked him away, he deserved it if he died, damn it, if he wanted to eat it all by himself, he deserved to be killed, hehe .

It's just that the headless corpse next to it is a bit strange. Why are the nails so long and the color of the whole body is so purple?Poisoned?
"You will pay the price. Even if I blew myself up to death, I won't fall into your hands." The elven girl controlled the power in her body and wanted to blew herself up. This was a way their elves chose to die with the enemy. people catch.

"Hehe, blow yourself up." Fatty Contra smiled, he didn't think the elf girl would dare to blow herself up, but Yindang smiled and slowly approached the elf girl little by little.

Several subordinates were also excited. After all, she was an elf girl. Once sold, the price would be high, which would make them rich. It is estimated that they will live comfortably in this life.

The elf girl gritted her teeth, thinking she was safe, but now she is going to die after all?

Do not……

It seems not necessarily!
"Ah..." The demon creature appeared and attacked the group of people. Without knowing what happened, a person was bitten off his arm, and screamed instantly, alarming the entire dense forest. How far it spreads, scaring away birds and beasts.

Fatty Contra's complexion changed, and when he looked back, he found that the person lying on the ground just now was biting one of his little brothers frantically.

The picture is like a ghost eating people, very terrifying.

"Made!" Fat Contra kicked the demonized creature away and saved his little brother, but unfortunately the little brother didn't make it through, lost his arm, and his face was bitten beyond recognition.

There is still nothing wrong with the demonized creatures. They never know what pain is, and they don't know how to flinch. As long as their heads don't explode, they can still act!
It can still attack the living crazily.

"Kill him!" Fatty Contra said angrily, this man's breath was obviously wrong, his red eyes, his face were ferocious, he seemed to have lost his mind.

Biting someone's arm?What a terrible thing that is, the key is actually eating...

The younger brothers started beating the demonized creature in groups, using everything, such as soul skills, to smash down hard, just to attack the demonized creature.

Moreover, they found a problem, that is, this crazy person doesn't seem to know what pain is. It has the speed and strength of Contra, but it can't use soul skills.

Other aspects, even being strengthened, don't know fatigue, don't know what pain, only blindly fight...

However, the elf girl who took advantage of the chaos and escaped was finally safe. She found a white elk, used the ability of the elves to communicate, sat on it, and left this place...

"Did the monster appear? It seems that I have to go back and tell my mother about them." The elf girl gently touched the elk. As a partner of nature, their elves can communicate with all things in nature, and even the battle that is happening there now, through She can also know a little bit about some plants.

If it was her before, she would definitely save those people, but after a few days in the human world, she suddenly understood a truth.

It varies from person to person!Those people hurt themselves, so they will not save them.

call out!
However, when you are unlucky, no matter what you do, it is unlucky!An arrow feather pierced the tranquility of the air, and hit the elf girl with precision. Bang, the elf girl resisted desperately, and a protective shield appeared around her body. However, the huge force still made her fall from the elk...

"Monster?" Lin Qingxian suddenly appeared, holding a bow of the soul tool in his hand. It was one of the gifts given to her by the cat demon. They are all enlightenment items of the soul tool. Whether it can be made or not depends on the How did she understand.

Lin Qingxian wanted to go up to have a look, but just when she heard the screams, she ordered the troops to approach quickly, and when she found a swift figure, she shot past without saying a word...

"Too bad, it doesn't seem to be..." Scratching her head in embarrassment, Lin Qingxian made a safe gesture, allowing the soldiers hidden around to appear, and the soldiers surrounded the fallen elf girl. . .

At this time, the elf girl wanted to cry, why was she so unlucky?Having just recovered a little bit of her soul power, she chose to attack...

In an instant, countless vines entwined towards the soldiers. With such a strange attack, the soldiers were a little confused, and it was difficult to break free for a while.

The elf girl ran away again...

Lin Qingxian was also taken aback.

"Miss, do you want to chase?" Uncle Li broke free from the vines, and he saw a girl running away.

"I'll go and have a look, you guys go over there and have a look, it might be a monster attacking people, once you find the infected, don't be merciful, we can't save them, maybe death is their relief." Lin Qingxian glanced at that From the direction of the screams, a girl would not appear in this dense forest for no reason. This girl must know something, otherwise, she would not run away when she saw them.

Uncle Li and the others also went to check in the direction of the screams.

(End of this chapter)

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