The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 365 That Evil Person?

Chapter 365 That Evil Person?

Uncle Li and the others went to check the direction of the fighting sound, Lin Qingxian chose to continue chasing the elf girl.

The secluded dense forest and the speed limit made Lin Qingxian very uncomfortable. Why do all the flowers and trees seem to be targeting her, and those flowers and trees will attack?
It's a little weird!After thinking about it, it must be the attack method of that mysterious girl. Lin Qingxian felt that she should be caught first, and she must be asked clearly.

"Don't run away, I just want to ask you a question, if you are running, I will hit you!"

Along the way, there was blood, which meant that the mysterious girl had been injured. Lin Qingxian blamed herself a little, maybe it was her own arrow that hurt the girl...

However, at this time, the elf girl still didn't intend to stop, she ran, went back, and told her clansman everything, this is what she wanted to do now.

Compared with the realm, Lin Qingxian is only the soul emperor, and the elf girl is a Contra. Even if the elf girl is less injured, she is still a Contra.

"Offended!" Lin Qingxian took out a soul guide, suddenly a little excited, like a bazooka, she cherished it, and felt very distressed, it was something she got from the black cat, and she was never willing to use it... …

Use once, use less.

The realm of the mysterious girl is higher than her own, Lin Qingxian doesn't want to fight her head-on, she needs a little tricks, those little tricks, she learned a lot during the two years with Mao Xiaoyao...

Routine is a set!

Several smoke bombs exploded, and the dense forest began to be filled with smoke. Although the smoke was not poisonous, it still made people cry.

"Ahem!" The elf girl coughed violently. She couldn't sense the surrounding situation now. This strange smoke blurred her vision, and she couldn't help crying.

Suddenly, a flash bomb!

In an instant, the elf girl was flashed, lost her direction in an instant, and lost her eyesight.

An electromagnetic net fell and covered the elf girl's body, moving it, electrifying it...

"This is..." The elf girl was not calm anymore, she closed her eyes and felt the familiar electric shock. She just recovered her eyesight and looked at the power grid on her body in disbelief. So like?

"Let me go! Who are you, and why do you have such evil things?" The elf girl struggled desperately, but the electromagnetic net firmly covered her, making it impossible for her to break free...

Moreover, as long as there is soul power, the electromagnetic net will shock her...that is, she cannot use soul power, but how can she run without using soul power?
The elf girl used her soul power crazily, and was electrocuted crazily...

"I don't know what you're talking about." Lin Qingxian appeared, pointed at the elf girl with a soul guide crossbow, looked at her strange appearance, and said, "Who are you, and why did you appear in our Puer Empire? I don't remember that the foreign race has such a beautiful race as you." With long blond hair and pointed ears, Lin Qingxian began to recall whether the foreign race had this race, but after thinking about it, the foreign race didn't seem to have such a beautiful race.

The elf girl chose not to speak. Now, she was just thinking about how to escape. The other party was a girl, which made her less nervous.

"Damn it!" Seeing that the other party didn't speak, there seemed to be no arrow wound on his body at this time, only his thigh was injured, but it was still recovering. Lin Qingxian finally didn't want to show mercy to his subordinates. After all, at this critical moment, anyone An unidentified person is a threat to the Poole Empire.

When she was disobedient in the past, the little cat would just give her a shock!Lin Qingxian wants to try it today, what kind of abilities does this strange girl have...


There was great pain on the face of the elf girl, but she still gritted her teeth and persisted without saying anything.


Lin Qingxian's heart softened after the phone call.

"You, you!" Lin Qingxian exploded in anger, why is this girl so stubborn?What would she do if she didn't say anything?Continue to call?
I can't bear it...

"I will never give in like an evil person!" The elf girl closed her eyes tightly, waiting for the other party to relax...

However, a small gadget in his arms fell.

They all watched.

One knows, one doesn't.

Lin Qingxian took out that thing from the air... She glanced at it strangely, a little uncertain, she was looking at the elf girl strangely, she was very confused and puzzled, what was going on?

"Where did you get this thing? Do you know someone named Mao Xiaoyao!" Soul guide communicator?Is that the name?A little uncertain, but Lin Qingxian was completely shocked, what do you mean?This thing seems to be something that Mao Xiaoyao only has. Back then, she saw Mao Xiaoyao talking to this thing from a distance.

Talk to yourself, like a fool.

"The little cat is stupid?" Lin Qingxian said softly, trying to scold the little cat, facing the soul guide communicator, to see if there is any reaction...

Well, there seems to be no response.

After all, no communication number was dialed.

"Cat demon!"

"Hehe, sure enough, you are the person sent by that evil person." When the elf girl looked at Lin Qingxian, she was already in despair. It seemed that the other party had been following her all along, so those killers...

"Kill me!" The elven girl shed tears of unwillingness. In the outside world, she really couldn't believe anything. In the end, she was still hunted down by the little cat!

That handsome face, why is it so evil?
Why not just kill her?

After saving her, why did you treat her like that?
"You really know that guy, where is he now?" Lin Qingxian was a little excited, what about the Fujiyama tribe, when she tried to venture in before, she was almost caught by the orcs, and then she never dared to go in to look for the cat demon again. .

Mao Xiaoyao said before that she is welcome to play, but Lin Qingxian is also in a dazed state and doesn't understand where it is.

However, now there seems to be one who understands.

Lin Qingxian withdrew from the electromagnetic network, playing these things with other people is really looking for death, since the mysterious girl knows Mao Xiaoyao, then the things that other people have must be better than her own.

Breaking free from the electromagnetic net, the elf girl looked vigilant, her palms began to slowly gather soul power, ready to attack at any time! ! !

"Hey, what's your name, why don't you take me to find the little cat?" Lin Qingxian really wanted to learn the technology of those mysterious soul guides. Ever since she used these things, she began to study...

However, there is only one research direction, and there is nothing else. It is almost impossible to start everything from scratch.

The soul power in the palm of the hand disappeared, and the elf girl was stunned. Looking at the other party's sincere eyes, it seemed that she was not lying, but...

"Are you testing me?" The elven girl was still vigilant, and said, "The cat demon you are talking about is a very evil person. That thing was given to me by a good man named Cangyuhe!" The elf The clan girl was also testing to see how Lin Qingxian would react.

"That's right, a very evil person!" Lin Qingxian thought of those two years...the scene where blood flowed like rivers, countless aliens and human races died in that war, but after the war, it is very peaceful now .

The aliens did not come to grab food anymore. According to intelligence, the aliens seem to have started to grow their own food...

However, all those changes were all because of the little cat!

That wicked fellow!

(End of this chapter)

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