The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 367 Stopping Demonized Creatures!

Chapter 367 Stopping Demonized Creatures!

"The cat demon is so bad!"

"Damn it, hate it, before he used evil means to forcibly extract my soul memory, and now he is probably going to the crack of the demons, does he want to save those demons?"

Huan Ya thought of a very scary question, since the little cat is so bad, will he save the demons?After all, their breaths are so similar...

"Moreover, the direction we are going to follow the demonic creatures... is the fissure of the demon clan that my elves have been guarding, the crater of sealing the demon..."

Huan Ya suddenly realized something, her face was pale and powerless, a little at a loss, would the clansmen there be in any danger?Before, when she was attacked by demonized clansmen, the clansmen were still fighting at the crack of the demon clan...

just now……

"The Crack of the Demon Clan..." Lin Qingxian's complexion changed, like a flower that suddenly withers and loses its beauty in an instant. The place they are going now is actually the Crack of the Demon Clan?Then the legend should be true, the elves are responsible for guarding the fissures of the demons and have been isolated from the world ever since.

However, they saw some demonized creatures along the way, and they all went to the cracks of the demons. Could it be that something happened to the cracks of the demons?
Is it really a cat demon?
After thinking about it, it doesn't seem right.

"Probably not! Although the cat demon is very hateful and bad, if his homeland is also in the foggy continent, then he will definitely not do that." Lin Qingxian shuttled through the dense forest with Huanya on his back. It is getting closer and closer to the crater of Fengmo Crater where the fissure of the demons is located, because there are demonic energy everywhere nearby, and the demonic energy has begun to spread...

Quietly leaning on Lin Qingxian's fragrant shoulders, Huanya chose to remain silent, her eyes showed a look of worry, I hope!At the same time, she also hoped that the clansmen on the other side of the crack in the demon clan would be safe and sound.


On the other side of the Demon Crack, the battle continues.

Mao Xiaoyao and the others were attacked by two demonized creatures, one came out from the crack of the demon clan, and the other appeared continuously from the outside, and they were surrounded.

"All wear gas masks, use oxygen to breathe, and don't absorb too much magic energy."

The mecha troops form the first defense, the mechanical soul troops form the second defense, the battle armor and the armor are the third defense, and the innermost ones are Mao Xiaoyao and the others.

In the air, six large transport soul-guided planes were hovering to support the battle at any time, and a bunch of hovering fighters appeared densely around Zhou Zai, and the soul missiles were also in place.

"Little demon, we are surrounded! Shall we retreat first?" The black cat worried. She saw those demonized creatures, one by one losing their minds, their faces were hideous and terrifying, and the number was still increasing. They were very crazy, as if they were It's like trying to keep them in this place.

"I suggest taking the initiative to attack! Destroy those demonized creatures!" Grimace Ape also said, expressing his opinion, those demonized creatures would not use soul skills at all, and their combat effectiveness would be reduced by half. There is no way.

As a titled Douluo, as a soul beast preparing to break through 10 years, Grimace Ape really wanted to go up and fight those demonized creatures, just to vent the anger he had accumulated for a long time, and he didn't like the defensive style.

However, the island base has been very quiet recently, cooperating with An Ying on a daily basis, and Grimace Ape is in charge of the cooperation.

However, the Shadow Ghost King still chooses to cooperate with humans, which makes Grimace Ape hate it very much, because he hates humans, and humans are damned.

One day, he will return all the harm that humans have left to him.

"..." Mao Xiaoyao looked at those crazy demonized creatures with a silent expression, one by one falling down one after another, it was terrifying.

Everyone's suggestions are good, but why are there so many demonized creatures appearing at the same time, and the continuous stream of demonized creatures outside are basically infected by ordinary people.

In other words, the ones who came back were all ordinary demonized creatures. Moreover, looking at the appearance of the clothes, humans, aliens, businessmen, civilians, and soldiers all came back from various places. Why is it so urgent?
However, the demonized creatures that prevent Mao Xiaoyao and the others from entering the cracks of the demon clan are the most difficult, because they are all elves...

A very terrifying race, and the demonized creatures inside seem to start to change, similar to evolution, at this moment, they can use soul power to attack...

Everyone is waiting for the cat demon's order, what should we do?There is no way to blindly defend, as they will become very passive.

In this magical place, they are even in danger of being infected.

"Use the soul guide gun to attack the head of the demonized creature, try not to use the soul missile to attack, this is the crack of the demon clan, be careful."

"Grimace ape, big black cow, take some machine souls with me to the Demon Crack, and the rest are here to block the demonized creatures."

"The continuous stream of demonized creatures and these desperately defending demonized creatures seem to be stopping something, so it means that there must be something under the crack of the demons, and we must stop it!"

"Hold on, let more demonized creatures come back, and save us looking for them one by one!"

Mao Xiaoyao looked at a hole deep in the ground, the crater of Fengmo Volcano, an extinct volcano that has been extinct for thousands of years, below is the crack of the demon clan, and in front of it is the demonized creature of the elf clan!It's a bit sad. In the memory of the elf girl, these people are all elf soldiers who are responsible for guarding the fissures of the demons.

However, they have now turned into demonized creatures one by one, and the demonic energy has invaded their minds and lost their minds.

"You mean, the demons may make big moves under the cracks in time and space, so the demonized creatures are so desperate to block us." Dai Shu frowned, and said: "Then those demonized creatures that are constantly coming Creatures, are they summoned?" Hearing Mao Xiaoyao's words, the matter seems to have entered a very serious stage. When they were airborne just now, the enemy didn't expect it, so they were so anxious...

"Delay time, let more demonized creatures come, then you can completely wipe out those demonized creatures that go out!" The black cat also smiled, so that they don't have to look for any demonized creatures, after all, now the demonized creatures are all summoned return.

Grimacing Ape, they all agreed to do that.

Bang bang bang bang bang, the sound of metal bullets, they are using soul guide guns to attack, one shot after another headshot, now the corpses of demonized creatures are everywhere, and the purple blood has dyed the whole earth purple...

Purple blood, that is completely demonized!

"Well, just do that!" Mao Xiaoyao said, time does not wait for anyone, nor does it wait for spirit beasts, he has to go down to see what kind of plane those two demons are doing, and they don't hesitate to call demonized creatures back.

He must stop it!Although, he knew that the elven troops would definitely come, and the armies of other empires and other races would not stand idly by, but now they had to solve some problems first.

Grimace Ape is ready, and so is Da Hei Niu. Dozens of mecha spirits have come over, waiting for Mao Xiaoyao's orders at any time.

"Let's go!" Mao Xiaoyao put on the armor helmet and stopped absorbing the magic energy. The magic energy here is not so pure, so the front demon crack is small, but it may also become bigger. I hope there will be time.

"I'll go down too!" The black cat stepped forward and said, she wanted to go down too, she couldn't let the little cat take risks by herself in such a dangerous place.

"You stay!" Mao Xiaoyao said, ignoring the black cat's request very unreasonably, and then, under the opening of a seventh-level soul missile, he entered the crack of the demon clan with Da Hei Niu and the others, and went deep into the ground...

"Damn it!" The black cat clenched its fists, very unhappy, why can't she go?
"We must stop these demonized creatures, so that the little demons will be safer below." Dai Shu shook her head and smiled when she saw the cat demon so decisively, then patted the black cat on the shoulder and said, "When we finish destroying these demons We can go down and help."

"When he comes back, I must make him look good." The black cat was unwilling, very unhappy, she was a little angry, every time the little cat wouldn't let her participate in some dangerous actions.


 A few people read books...

(End of this chapter)

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