The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 368 Defense against Demonized Creatures!

Chapter 368 Defense against Demonized Creatures!


"It must be the cat demon!"

Lin Qingxian, who was carrying Huanya on his back and advancing at a high speed, was stunned by the huge explosion sound. Such a familiar explosion sound must be the masterpiece of the cat demon. There is nothing wrong with that. After all, only that guy has this weapon.

The cat demon is in the crack of the demon clan.

"So many demonized creatures..." Breathing the scent of sweat dripping from Lin Qingxian's body, Huan Ya looked at the corpses of demonized creatures on the ground, her scalp was numb, she had only left for a few days, the demonized creatures There are already so many people, human races, alien races, and even elves, there are...

At the same time, Lin Qingxian saw Uncle Li and the others lurking in a hidden place.

"Miss!" The suddenly vigilant Uncle Li saw Lin Qingxian, motioned his subordinates to continue monitoring the surroundings, and then respectfully said, "No danger, right?" Very ugly, they had never seen so many demonized creatures.

Gently put down Hua Ya, let her sit on a rock, Lin Qingxian turned around and asked: "Uncle Li, what is the situation now, why are there so many demonized creatures? And, chug chu da da, what's that sound?"

So many demonized creatures are coming from all directions, charging one after another, dying, charging, dying, charging...

Some demonized creatures clearly saw them, but ignored them and continued to move forward...

what's going on!
Don't they taste good?

Uncle Li didn't say anything, but pointed to the sky.

"???" Lin Qingxian looked up, and Huanya looked up too. They were stunned, dumbfounded, what the hell was that?
Lin Qingxian was a little better, she had seen Mao Xiaoyao had such a metal monster before, but the shape was a bit small.

Now, there are six such big guys, densely packed next to them, what do you mean, are you going to hold a group meeting?why so many...

"Cat demon!" Huanya gritted her teeth, she had seen a similar metal monster before, when Cangyuhe sent her back, it was also a metal monster, but it was not that big...

"The demonized creatures are charging forward one after another, attacking the troops inside, strange metal troops, that are metal troops we have never seen before." Uncle Li still has not calmed down his mood now, the metal man in the distance didn't know how to take it. Touching something, twitching a few times, and instantly the demonized creature exploded and died...

When the metal bullet hit a big tree next to them, the tree broke, and they saw the metal bullet...

too scary.

The metal troops in the air seemed to have no intention of doing anything. Uncle Li was very surprised, why they didn't wipe them out all at once, but took their time one by one...

"It must be the cat demon!" Lin Qingxian also said firmly, because she saw a familiar figure, a black cat!At this moment, she was in the process of demonizing the creatures, coming and going freely, grabbing the heads of the demonized creatures one by one.

Huan Ya, who was meditating on the spot, slowly released her own purification power, allowing some demonized plants around her to slowly recover and return to green, and they were no longer so lifeless. At this time, a green little spirit bird condensed in her palm , very cute, "Go! Tell my mother, the cracks in the demon clan are out of control, and the demonic energy is invading! Hurry up and shoot the clansmen over here."

The little spirit bird nodded in a very humane way, then took off and flew to an unknown distance...

At the same time, Huanya also saw the black cat, the girl with the same light and pure power as herself, and she was fighting demonized creatures at this time...

So what about cat demons?

Those little cat's subordinates seem to be killing demonized creatures!Could it be that the cat demon is not going to rescue the demons, but is destroying them?

They have the same purpose?
Fanya also thinks.

"Uncle Li, let's go over! The mark has been left, just leave a few people to respond, let's join the battle too! We can't let others look down on our Poole Empire."

Lin Qingxian was full of fighting spirit, with two swords in his hands, full of murderous aura, Mao Xiaoyao and the others worked so hard, they couldn't be lazy.

Uncle Li nodded, but...

Huanya has already flown in by herself...


"The number is starting to decrease! It seems that there are only a few demonized creatures." The black cat gently patted its white wings on its back, shuttled back and forth across the battlefield, and clawed at each ordinary demonized creature. What traces are left on her pure and holy wings like jade.

"Buy more time for the little demon!" At this time, Dai Shu tried to contact the cat demon, but the communication could not be connected normally. The demon crack seemed to block the signal, and they could not communicate normally. What's the situation now.

They don't understand either.

I can only wait, but time passes by bit by bit.

There are still many demonized creatures, and they can only be eliminated one by one without using heavy weapons!Otherwise, just a few custom-installed soul missiles above level [-] can wipe out the demonized creatures.

Ordinary demonized creatures are like scratching the itch of a mech unit. They pose no threat. The real threat is those elves who have been demonized.

Those demonized creatures are truly terrifying. They can use soul power and evolve their abilities. Although their attack methods are a bit clumsy, they can still attack.

"Yeah!" Black Cat nodded slightly, she knew what she should do.

Immediately led the armor troop and the battle armor troop to join the battle against the demonic creatures of the elves. When she saw the elves, she just felt pitiful, but the pity was pitiful. She had to kill these demonized creatures, otherwise, the soul beasts would be destroyed in the future. It will be successful like that.

At that time, no one will pity them!
However, a familiar figure blocked the black cat.

"Stop, don't hurt them!"

Huan Ya suddenly appeared and blocked the black cat's way. Countless vines wrapped around those demonized creatures, temporarily blocking the pace of the demonized creatures.

The souls were asking the black cat whether to attack the elf girl who suddenly appeared in front of them. The souls also aimed their soul guns, ready to attack at any time.

"Get out of the way!" the black cat said coldly, she looked at the elf girl with a puzzled face, didn't the Cangyuhe send her back?How did it appear in this place?

Dai Shu signaled the troops to stop the demonized creatures and not let the demonized creatures approach. At the same time, she came to the side of the black cat, because several strangers appeared again.

That's human!

"Sister Black Cat!" Lin Qingxian waved her hand. It was not easy for her to enter the encirclement. She was almost killed by demonized creatures and metal troops. Fortunately, Uncle Li desperately brought her in.

(Actually, Dai Shu let it go.)
But, after entering, how to get out?

Lin Qingxian was taken aback. So many demonized creatures surrounded them...

"Hold on and don't let any magical creature go in and affect the little demon." Surrounding, anti-surrounding, using Fanya to restrain the time of those elf demonized creatures, the black cat moved the troops, entered the entrance of the cave, and defended!

Now it is not the demonized creatures to prevent them from entering, but the black cat and the others must prevent the demonized creatures from entering.

"Hold on!" the black cat ordered.

The defensive formation is set up, the mecha troops, the horizontal swords will take the lead immediately, one mecha and one giant sword, and they will slash when they go up, and the mechas have machine guns on their shoulders!

Defensive, delaying the time for the little cat, this is what they should do now.

The demonized creatures of the elves are about to break free from the shackles of Fanya, and she has just recovered a little bit of cultivation and soul power, and she can't last long...

At this moment, she is still very weak!
"Sister Black Cat, look..." Lin Qingxian and the others have now joined Black Cat's team, and the soldiers, one by one, are so honest, looking at the demonized creatures and metal troops tremblingly...

kind of scary...

Weak, poor, helpless...

(End of this chapter)

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