The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 389 The Prince of Shabi!

Chapter 389 The Prince of Shabi!


"Quick, get out of there."

General Zhang committed suicide just now, the cat demon who came one step late finally came late, but unfortunately he was still one step late, General Zhang was already dead, he committed suicide, he didn't want to become a demonized creature.

But, is it safe not to become a demonized creature after death?The answer will be known later...

"???" The black cat looked back at Mao Xiaoyao, and was very happy to see that he was fine, but why did he leave?Isn't this person dead?

The chief of the Fujishan tribe was suddenly shot flying, knocked far away, and hit the ground, a big hole appeared, which shows the great strength...

Everyone was surprised, what's going on?When they looked over, they found that General Zhang's "resurrection" was not a real resurrection, but a demonized creature, looking at them with bloodthirsty red eyes.

Yes, demonized creatures!
The demonized creatures don't care whether the demonic invader is dead or not. The demonic energy invades the sanity of the walking corpses. Their murderous aura is only instinctive. Anyway, they want to kill all the creatures they see.

Before their heads were destroyed, they could still become demonized creatures, walking corpses. General Zhang never dreamed that after his death, he would still become a demonized creature.

The little cat fell down at a high speed, and quickly left this dangerous place with the black cat in his arms. Fighting at the limit Douluo level is not something they can deal with.

Atolst had already gone up to fight, and the chief of the Fujishan tribe stood up and joined the battle. After becoming a demonized creature, General Zhang became very crazy.

"Little demon, where are the demons?" The black cat was hugged by the cat demon, and a princess was very happy to hug her. However, she was still worried about the situation of the demons. Six tenth-level soul missiles would completely kill those demons. Is there no army?

And, will Mao Xiaoyao be angry about letting General Zhang commit suicide, and will he feel that he has done something wrong?

I thought a lot.


Huan Ya also saw Mao Xiaoyao, since Mao Xiaoyao came out, the battle inside was basically settled, because she didn't see a demonized creature.

Lin Qingxian was crying in pain. Until now, she couldn't accept the fact that General Zhang was dead. Now, General Zhang has also become a demonized creature. If a strong man of this level falls, then for them Poole Empire, would be a very serious blow.

Obergol was a little excited, because he finally saw Mao Xiaoyao himself again.

"There is no demonized creature inside, and the demons have already retreated to the entrance of the crack. Moreover, they have arranged a formation, which is very powerful. I have no way to dispel that formation for the time being." Mao Xiaoyao originally wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue, but, When I went in, I was trapped by a formation, and I almost couldn't get out.

That's why he chose to retreat and was thinking of other ways, but he never expected that a powerhouse at the limit douluo level would become a demonized creature?
How could it be that General Zhang became a demonized creature so easily?A strong man of this level has a strong mind, and sometimes the magic energy can't do anything to them.


"Great!" The black cat smiled happily, and the demon army finally retreated. Moreover, after the big explosion just now, the demon must be very afraid of them now.

So many demonized creatures have also been dealt with, everything is so perfect.

The only downside is that the six tenth-level soul missiles were "gifts" they planned to leave to humans, but they were all used on the demons' side.

Kind of a pity.

However, after using it, Mao Xiaoyao discovered that the tenth-level soul missile is awesome, not to mention the twelve fixed-installed soul missiles currently owned by humans, which are at the level of killing gods.

"I have ordered the troops to stand guard at the entrance of the cave, come out and kill one by one." Mao Xiaoyao said, and now they can only do that. Now they still have a very important thing to do, that is to clean up the corpses of the escaped demonized creatures, as well as the one in front of them. trouble...

Putting down the black cat and checking if there was anything wrong with her, seeing that she was fine, Mao Xiaoyao was relieved a lot, because exhaustion of soul power would cause great harm to the body.

The black cat turned around, saying that he had nothing to do.

Mao Xiaoyao nodded, and came to Lin Qingxian's side, looking at His Royal Highness who was lying casually on the ground, and looking at the demonized creature General Zhang who was besieged at this moment, he suddenly felt that sometimes he obeyed orders too blindly , will pay some price.

Therefore, command is very important. Since you are incapable and unsuitable, then don't think about doing anything to become what you are now. The guy lying on the ground is simply the culprit.

Escort fart, kill it!

"What do you keep this kind of person for?" Using the power of the demon, the little cat condensed a big water ball, which was crystal clear, transparent and clear, and hit it hard, His Royal Highness was woken up, and the whole body was still in a state of fear.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me." His Royal Highness knelt down directly, trembling, and he kept kowtow.

"Look! This is the person you are protecting!" Mao Xiaoyao has no way to describe this guy now. Anyway, he is just a wimp, and it has no effect other than being persuasive and demagogic.

His Royal Highness?Hehe, if the Poole Empire were to be inherited by such a person, it would not be difficult for the Fujiyama tribe to destroy the Poole Empire.

Fujiyama tribe?The cat demon smiled, probably very happy now!After all, the Poole Empire lost such a powerful man.

"You, you, you...General Zhang, General Zhang, kill this demon spy for me." His Highness the Crown Prince was furious when he saw the little cat scaring himself, but no one responded to him, and every soldier looked at him angrily. Looking at himself, and, he also saw a more terrifying thing, General Zhang seemed to have become a demonized creature.

"Shut up!" Lin Qingxian slapped the so-called His Royal Highness on the face very hard, without any mercy, His Highness was slapped and flew to the side of the soldiers, rolling on the ground.

No soldiers came to support him.

His Highness the Crown Prince covered his face and a tooth that had been shot off, his eyes widened and his body trembled. He was stunned and said, "Lin Qingxian, do your Lin family want to rebel? What do you mean by beating me?" ?”

Lin Qingxian clenched his fists and said angrily: "It's you, a trash who led so many of our brothers to die inside. General Zhang was injured by the demons in order to save you. After he chose to commit suicide, he still became a demon." Turn into living things." Step by step, Lin Qingxian really wanted to kill this hateful and hateful guy, this kind of person is not worthy of their protection.

Moreover, in order to save him, it is really not worth sacrificing General Zhang.

"It's him, it's him, it's all him, our soldiers were all killed by this demon spies." His Royal Highness pointed to the cat demon who was chatting with Obogu next to him, and said: "It's all..."

However, before he finished speaking, he was kicked back to Lin Qingxian's side by a soldier. He still didn't want to admit his mistake.

His Royal Highness turned around and glared, but the soldiers also glared at him, why?
"Ah!" Lin Qingxian cried like she was going crazy, and kept hitting His Highness the Crown Prince, punching and kicking, how much she hated, then how hard she hit, His Highness was dying, and she, too tired……

"..." Cat demon.

(End of this chapter)

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