The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 390 Go to the elves!

Chapter 390 Go to the elves!

His Royal Highness was finally carried down, and those who followed His Royal Highness had all turned into ashes as demonized creatures. At this time, none of the soldiers felt sorry for him or helped His Royal Highness.

They are already very disappointed with His Highness the Crown Prince. If His Highness the Crown Prince inherits the Poole Empire in the future, rebellion may not be impossible.

"Cheer up, the demon crisis is still not resolved, the soldiers need you." Mao Xiaoyao handed Lin Qingxian a small tissue and asked her to wipe her tears. The state is also very bad, this is not a good state, then the magic energy will easily invade a person's mind.

"I..." Lin Qingxian was stunned, holding a tissue, looking at the tissue in her hand, she fell into deep thought, wiped her tears again, suddenly her eyes were full of anger and firmness, yes, the crisis of the demons is still not over Solve it, she must not continue to be decadent, otherwise, she will be sorry for the sacrifice of General Zhang and the others.


"The demonized creatures have spread now, and the crisis is still there, so we must eliminate those demonized creatures." On the other side of the battle, a very uncomfortable news, the demonized creature General Zhang was summoned by the demons to return to the cracks of the demons , General Zhang, the strengthened demonized creature, still doesn't know what fatigue and pain are.

Surrounded by him, he destroyed several mechanical spirit races, killed several elves and alien races, and then escaped into the mouth of the volcano and disappeared without a trace...

Demonized creatures are just that scary.

What's more, it is such a powerful demonized creature. It is estimated that the second emperor, hehe, did not expect that a small human prince can let them have a demonized creature of the ultimate Douluo level. ?
Obergu and the others had already led the team back to tell the tribe what happened now.

"Uncle Li, Uncle Da, you stay and guard this place. I want to take that guy back. If he is not punished, then I will not let it go." Lin Qingxian clenched his fists and said, "Guard this place." The task of the local area is entrusted to you, and we cannot take a step back, because behind us is our home."

If the demon army appears, then the Puer Empire must bear the brunt, and the demonic energy has not given them time to be lazy, and one of them is spreading...

If it spreads to densely populated areas...

"Well, Miss." Uncle Li Shuda nodded. They are experts in leading troops to fight. They used to follow Lin Qingxian's father Zhennan Wang, but now they are sent to protect Lin Qingxian.

"Thank you, this..." Lin Qingxian touched the soul guide armor on his body, hesitant to speak, his eyes full of reluctance.

"It's for you, it's yours! Now, you also know where I live, and you are welcome to come to Xingdou Village to play." Mao Xiaoyao smiled lightly, he was not so stingy, it was just a piece of soul armor, this The level of pirated armor is not at the same level as the armor.

"Well, I will find the things you mentioned as soon as possible, and I will come back as soon as possible." Lin Qingxian had a list of materials that was given to her by Mao Xiaoyao. It seemed that they were all materials to seal the cracks of the demons. Knowing the importance of things, she will do her best to do it.

"Well, let's go! Be careful, there may be demonized creatures on the road, it's time to tell people about the crisis in the Fog Continent."

"National Defense!"

Mao Xiaoyao then left with Black Cat. After all, he has already notified what should be notified, and if anyone does not do their best for the rest, then they will die!Will the Demon Race show mercy to them?

Lin Qingxian nodded, got on the fast horse, and had the hapless prince tied up and set off as well.


"Please wait a moment." Huanya appeared in front of the cat demon and the black cat, with blonde hair and blue eyes, under the majestic wind, she is so beautiful and beautiful, the most beautiful woman in the world, is this from the sky?

"What's the matter?" Mao Xiaoyao looked at Huan Ya strangely, didn't he just make it clear?

1. Hold to prevent the demons from escaping.

2. Eliminate the escaped demonized creatures and prevent them through people.

3. Find materials and re-seal the Demon Crack.

"My mother wants to see you!" Huan Ya suddenly threw out a very explosive news, completely frightened Mao Xiaoyao, she didn't know, she was just conveying her mother's meaning.

As for the Son of Evil?Mao Xiaoyao is indeed, because the leaves that the mother asked the tribe to send, the leaves will only glow when they are around Mao Xiaoyao, so it means that Mao Xiaoyao is the one he is looking for.

However, Huanya also didn't understand why the evil cat demon was invited to such a pure, pure and sacred place of the elves?

This question made Huan Ya very confused.

"Your mother? Don't, I don't have anything to do with your mother. It's also the first time I've seen the elves. Don't talk nonsense. Besides, we have nothing to do with each other, right? Why are you going to meet the parents..." the cat demon I was taken aback, why did I go to see my parents all of a sudden?She has nothing to do with Huan Ya, what's going on?
Pain, pain, pain, a force that distorts the body came from the waist, the black cat twisted it hard, and at the same time looked very angry at the elf girl who was vigilant, she would never allow any elf girl to appear.

Neither can the queen.

"What nonsense are you talking about? My mother is the spirit body you saw last time, and this silly child treats you as a treasure." Huan Ya rolled her eyes and said, "I am a majestic queen of the elves, how could it be possible? Will you like such an evil guy like you?"

Huan Ya gave a blank look, intermarriage with foreigners is not allowed in the elves, besides, she doesn't like cat demons, and even hates them very much.

"Cut!" Mao Xiaoyao rubbed his waist, it was very painful, and he was also very unhappy. He was startled, which caused the black cat classmate to be jealous and caused himself to suffer.

"I don't have time, I'm very busy. I'm very sorry for devouring her spirit body. At that time, I was also in self-defense." The cat demon now just wants to arrange some formations around the mouth of the volcano to prevent the demons from sneaking away Come out and hurt more people.

Of course, Mao Xiaoyao didn't feel sorry for those people, but if there were too many demonized creatures, it would definitely not be a good thing for the soul beasts.

If you don't solve it, hurry up, once, once there is any big move in the human world, the cat demon will not be able to support it in the future, so this crisis must be resolved as soon as possible.

This is also for the soul beasts!

"I have a way to purify the breath on your body and adjust the conflict of your physical strength." To put it bluntly, it can purify the breath on the cat demon, adjust the yin and yang, and when the balance is reached, the chance of reproduction will be greatly increased.

The black cat stopped, grabbed Mao Xiaoyao, bit his lips and begged to look at Mao Xiaoyao.

"..." Mao Xiaoyao was silent, looking at Fan Ya very unhappy, the expression of the black cat at this moment must have known something, and he did not tell her.

So Fantastic...

 Thank you, I once recalled the 10000 book coin reward from the boss, thank you for your support all the time.

  At the same time, I also thank my friends who have been reading.

  Now, not many people have read it. In order not to starve to death, I also decided to open three, cat demon, ghost king, and little Taoist priest, so the update is a bit slower, but I will not be an eunuch. Thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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