The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 456 "Fishing Prohibited"!

Chapter 456 "Fishing Prohibited"!
"If you have this intention, it depends on whether you give it or not. If you don't give it, then we can only ask for it ourselves."

"You can see if we can ask for it ourselves." The Sea Snake King threatened, moving his huge body and leading so many troops over, naturally he would not retreat so easily.

If there is no gain, then going back, wouldn't that be very embarrassing?
"Come on, just give it a try, just use you to warn those who want to attack Xingdou Village. We never lack food. But, we are not afraid to improve the food." The black cat smiled, and then entered the range of the formation with Yan Wuhua and the others .

The formation arranged by the cat demon can isolate the toxin and prevent the toxin from escaping, and in the case of replenishing energy, no demon power is needed, only some special materials are needed.

Formation: CCCC: Star Village!

C The first formation, isolating oxygen.

C The second formation is full of toxins.

C The third formation, torpedo soul guide.

C The fourth formation, net cage electric fish.

Afterwards, the coastline of Xingdou Village, all kinds of soul tools and weapons, ready to go!
Xingdou Village is still far away, so that means, the Sea Clan must go ashore, but the shore is no better than the sea, and the transformation can go ashore, so how many people can transform?
Whether it is enough to kill or not is still a question.

"Come on, throw some torpedo over there, stimulate them, let them come over quickly." Little Xiong was very excited, seeing the sea clan spirit beast for the first time, it turned out to be like this, it seems similar to those spirit beasts in the river Beasts are very different, but both are fish...

Bears seem to have a strange allure for fish.

I have been hearing what the rabbit said about the torpedo, is it very powerful?She looked at the rabbit, and Gulu took a sip of wine, what the hell is a torpedo.

"I have, I have." The rabbit was very excited, but he still glanced at the black cat, do you want to fight?

The black cat looked at those sea tribes, and said with a smile: "We will attack when we enter the attack range. When you go out, be careful." The four defenses are specially used by the little cat to deal with the sea tribes. Maybe, he 3 He thought that there would be a day when the Sea Clan would attack their Xingdou Village.

Since it is unavoidable, why care about who will do it first?

"Let's go." The rabbit took the little bear to sit in a submersible, and there were two torpedoes hanging on it, which were very powerful and could blow them up for a while.


"Get ready!" Seeing the rabbit and the little bear go out, the black cat and the others came to the third defensive formation. This formation only has soul-guided torpedoes and underwater soul-guided weapons to defend against those rushing guys.


"Hey, Xihai's idiot, come on." The little rabbit yelled, the little bear sat behind her and was in charge of attacking, and she was in charge of taunting the opponent.

"What are you afraid of? Here you go. Come in if you have the ability. A bunch of badass." The little rabbit was rampant. Seeing that there was no movement from Xihai's army, she felt very bored. Will they fight or not?

There are still a bunch of torpedoes in the air!No, it should be called a deep-sea missile!The soul-guided transport plane has been waiting in the air for a long time, and when they start to attack, they will also drop deep-sea missiles in the air...

The Sea Snake King was still thinking about it. After all, there were so many troops in the East China Sea before, and they didn't take down a single island base.

Could this Xingdou Village be a little more scary?

However, seeing the rabbit so arrogant.

"Come on, kill them! Snatch everything in Xingdou Village, kill!!!" Sea Snake King angrily ordered the army to attack!
After the crab soldiers and crab generals heard the attack order, they charged one by one, densely packed, like a school of hundreds of thousands of fish...

"Little bear, hurry up, press the button, shoot, and blow up those bastards." The rabbit was startled, and hurried back to drive the submersible, Nima, it's too scary, so many...

"Oh, oh." The little bear didn't need to aim at anything at all, he pressed lightly, a torpedo roared, dived away, boom...

Little Bear finally opened his eyes, squinting and squinting are monsters, and she is the same, but now that she opened her eyes, what did she see...

There was a bang explosion, and the group of soul beasts exploded in an instant, a pile of minced meat, pieces of meat, sleeping sea water dyed red...

Is this weapon that scary?The little bear was startled, and with a light press, without much effort, it could destroy so many...

"Slip, slip." There are too many Xihai troops, and it seems that it is not painful to kill so many, "Hey, it's even more terrifying to wait." This place can't stay, it's dangerous, you have to go back, the rabbit drives to dive device, ran quickly, and entered the first formation.

The little bear is also excited, so exciting.

The Xihai army entered the first formation and began to cut off oxygen. The speed became very slow, and some soul beasts even died due to lack of oxygen...

"Sea Snake King, this is the same as what came from the East China Sea. We can't breathe without the oxygen in the water..." an octopus spirit beast said to the Sea Snake King worriedly. Their army suffered from hypoxia, and the battle declined severely.

The Sea Snake King said angrily: "What are you afraid of? We have so many troops, even if we use corpses to pile them up, we have to pile them up..." Before he finished speaking, a rotating metal cylinder fell from the sea...

"That is……"

The bombing begins!
From the time of entering the first formation, start positioning, control the army to attack and launch deep-sea missiles, and explode one by one in the center of the Xihai army.

Although sea water can reduce the power of the explosion, a bunch of soul beasts still died unexpectedly.

The Sea Snake King gritted his teeth, it's okay, it's okay, they have already crossed the oxygen-isolated area, if they persist, they will probably be able to...

what's the situation?
Why did some soldiers die from shock?
"Sea Snake King, this place is poisonous..." Just after escaping from the oxygen-isolated area, the army frantically absorbed the oxygen in the water, but the oxygen is poisonous, and the water is also poisonous...

A large area, a large area, a large area of ​​death occurred in the Xihai army...

The Sea Snake King is resisting those toxins, what to do, what to do, he is afraid...

Why does no one dare to touch a small Xingdou Village?It turned out to be so scary, no wonder there was no movement from the people in the East China Sea.

However, is it too late to retreat?

"Sea Snake King, if you go out now, then I can let you out." The black cat appeared in the second formation, seeing the soul beast die, actually, it hurts a lot, everyone is a soul beast, why bother ?

"No, we Xihai will not lose!!!" The Sea Snake King rushed over, with a flexible body, quickly in the water, hey, instantly appeared in front of the black cat, as long as he caught this girl, then...

"Hehe, that's all right! Good luck!" Behind the black cat, Douluo Yan Wuhua from the other shore blocked the Sea Snake King, and they all went back to the shore to see how many West Sea spirit beasts could reach them.


The Sea Snake King was not convinced, and led the army to charge all the way, and they even knew what they were fighting against...

There were explosions, explosions, explosions everywhere.


However, when he reached the shore...

"Haha, I'm here, I'm here..." The Sea Snake King was covered in scars, and so were the subordinates beside him...

Tens of thousands of troops, how many are there now?

However, looking at the weapons on the sea, the Sea Snake King knew that he was defeated, and the other three seas were watching them, Xihai, they acted, and they also lost...

(End of this chapter)

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