The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 457 Four Seas Shake!

Chapter 457 The Four Seas Shake!

"I've warned you, but you didn't listen. Now, what have you got? Transformation is not easy. Don't waste it. Go back!"

On the shore, all kinds of weapons have been prepared. This is just the defense of the coastline. The air force is also preparing to drop bombs. The land is no better than the sea.

Various weapons can be played to the extreme!
The Xihai army is basically dead, and the only surviving Sea Snake Kings are also heavily scarred. On the Xingdou Village side, they just lost a little ammunition, and it was a little troublesome to clean up the corpses, that's all.

Why didn't the other Sanhai's soul beasts do anything?

In fact, they just want Xihai to try this Star Village that has lost its leader.

However, losing a leader will not make Xingdou Village a little lamb at the mercy of others, and Xingdou Village will only become stronger.

On land, if there is a soul guide army like Douluo Continent, Xingdou Village may not be able to resist it, but the Sea Clan?The four formation defenses themselves can wipe out their entire army, let alone attack ashore.

Still the same sentence, fish cannot live without water!
The Sea Snake King was not reconciled, looking at the few remaining subordinates, he said viciously: "Our West Sea is incompatible with you!!!" He also has the domineering spirit that a 10-year-old soul beast should have, but, he wants to match it. It seems not, IQ is not enough.

The black cat smiled lightly and didn't care about anything.

Yan Wuhua also said: "After losing so many troops, you should go back and think about how to protect the West Sea! The land is not your territory." Will a weakened West Sea, a West Sea that broke with Xingdou Village, be annexed?

This seems to be a problem!
Very big problem!

The face of the Sea Snake King changed.

"What's the benefit of breaking up with us?" The rabbit also despised, and said, "Sabi! Little bear, see off the guests and throw them back into the sea. If they don't leave within 3 minutes, they will be killed." They cooperated honestly. , No, no, the other three seas have no complaints, but Xihai wants to be the boss?

Low-level soul beasts don't have that idea, so they are probably the bosses of Xihai.

The sea snake king was angry and wanted to do something, but the drunk little bear threw him into the sea directly, and several crab soldiers and crab generals kicked him one by one.

There is no ability to resist, the time counts down, if you don't go out, then the formation will be activated, and no one will survive.


The black cat is thinking, she is silent, looking at the blood-stained sea, it is a breath of death...

"Don't think too much, we are in self-defense, if we don't do that, there will be more enemies." Seeing the black cat's uncomfortable expression, Dai Shu hugged her shoulders and said, "Even if the little demon is here, He will do the same, home is behind him.” A leader’s compassion for the enemy should not be there, it is fatal.

There are tens of thousands of troops in Xihai, and every soul beast has a soul ring. Human beings are probably happy to see it, so the soul rings, and the soul bones...

However, it is impossible for soul rings to be wasted, they will only become a pile of research data and materials, winner or loser, that is the fate Xihai chose.

After breaking off diplomatic relations with Xingdou Village, when the other Sanhai soul guide weapons develop, that is when Xihai is annexed. From then on, the name Xihai still exists, but the power of Xihai will never exist.

Greed will not stop, there is no end to the heart.

"I know." The black cat closed its eyes, took a deep breath, then left, and went home, even if it was for the children, for the cat demon, maybe they should kill less in the future.

However, today is different!
She also hoped that this would be the last time, the last time, if they didn't make trouble in Xingdou Village, they wouldn't be afraid of trouble.

Seeing the black cat leave, Dai Shu hesitated to speak.

Yan Wuhua patted her, "Let the black cat be quiet! In the future, if we need this kind of thing, we can solve it. Her temperament is not suitable." The black cat's character is sometimes violent, but that kind of violence is not killing. When Mao Xiaoyao was around, she had been persuading Mao Xiaoyao to give up the war, give up everything, and live a good life.

However, now that she is in the position of Mao Xiaoyao, she only understands Mao Xiaoyao's thoughts at that time, so now she is also very conflicted in her heart.

I'm in a mess!

This is very bad for a pregnant person, and it will easily affect the health of the body. Yan Wuhua does not recommend that black cats be involved in some things.

"Well, I know how to do it." Dai Shu sighed and looked at the back of the black cat leaving. In fact, she was also very uncomfortable. Killing is not the only way to solve the problem, but killing can make some people flinch and make them fear. Let them pay the price in blood, and let them stop thinking about it!
Hu Lili and the others also looked at each other in blank dismay.

The rabbit and the little bear didn't think too much, one drank alcohol, the other ate carrots, the two of them are a combination with no age limit and no cultivation level limit, eating, drinking, drinking...

However, the news of the defeat and heavy losses of the Xihai army quickly spread throughout the sea, and the sea tribes who were about to move were shocked one by one!
A Star Dou Village is so powerful?

In combination, with the matter of the East China Sea Army before, the idea of ​​the Sea Clan wanting to attack Xingdou Village to reach the peak is so unrealistic.


Then, the East China Sea declared a break with the West China Sea and launched a war...

With the blessing of island base equipment, the East China Sea army is invincible, killing the entire West China Sea...

Beihai, Nanhai, shivering, and finally the black cat came forward and talked with Grimacing Ape, and the East China Sea army left without doing anything to the other two seas!
It took just a few months for everything to happen too fast, and the situation changed rapidly.

Douluo Dalu is becoming more and more unstable, and something is going to happen vaguely.

In Xingdou Village, there are still many soul beasts being sent every day. When those are sent back from the human world, they have two choices to take revenge on humans. Then go to the island base and live in Xingdou Village, waiting for the next step.

This is also the condition of the negotiation between the black cat and the grimacing ape, not to interfere with the normal choices of the spirit beasts, and they choose their own path, which is also the freedom that the cat demon hoped for back then.

Soul beasts don't need to be slaves!

There are not so many soul beasts who want revenge, and not so many soul beasts who want to live a stable life. They are more confused, what should they do in the future?
At this time, at the home of the little cat.

Cangyuhe was checking the body of the black cat, and the rabbits were all there. So many things happened in Xingdou Village, none of them went back to the human world, and they all chose to stay in Xingdou Village.

"How is it? When will my eldest nephew be born?" The rabbit touched the black cat's soft belly with his cold little hand, and his eyes rolled around, why didn't he move? It's been a few months.

Everyone laughed, people like little ghosts and rabbits, they didn't seem to grow up.

The black cat gave the rabbit a blank look, and walked away with his hands so cold.

Cang Yuhe frowned, and said: "Generally speaking, it is indeed difficult for our spirit beasts to conceive, and the cycle will be a little longer, but it is impossible for this child to be born within a few years."

"He just took shape..." It was also the first time I saw Cangyuhe. Mao Xiaoyao once said that the order of heaven affects everything, and human beings are blessed by heaven. Therefore, after they practice for decades, they can be tens of thousands of years stronger than spirit beasts. Both are strong.

The soul beasts were shocked, just formed?
(End of this chapter)

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