Chapter 469 Rules!

"Don't look down on people, don't think that you are very powerful, we can eat bitterness." After Mu Xi and the others left, looking at the girl, Xu Xiaoxue also said: "Also, jealousy can't be a big deal, if you are capable, Bibi. "Compared to sister Xu Xiaomeng's simple and explosive temper, Xu Xiaoxue thinks a little bit more. These people just think it's unfair.

However, birth is not something they can change, and it is not their fault to have money.

As for suffering, they may not lose!

The girl snorted coldly, and then she didn't say anything. I'll know the details tomorrow.

Everyone is gone!

Xu Xiaoxue breathed a sigh of relief.

Still dissatisfied, very upset, Xu Xiaomeng said: "Sister, I'm a little cold." The quality of the quilt is average, not cold or hot, and it's still a little cold under the ice and snow.

Upper bunk and lower bunk, double.

Xu Xiaoxue threw her pillow and quilt on it, and said with a smile: "Just sleep together!" Sleeping together can solve all problems, and they can also keep each other warm when they are cold.

Xu Xiaomeng nodded, and then warmed the bed for her sister. It was warm, and the two girls smiled...

But they are also sad, they could have enjoyed happiness in Mingdu, and they can have whatever they want to be happy, but when they think about their fate after graduation, they are not convinced, they don't want to be a marriage partner.

So he and his elder brother Xu Haoqing also joined the army, joined the army of his second brother, concealed his identity, and wanted to break out of his own world.

However, Zhong Liying, who was watching from the side, also realized that something was wrong. Just now, she wanted to help, but just when she wanted to make a move, the adjutant appeared.

But when she saw Xu Xiaomeng and Xu Xiaoxue, she didn't understand why the two princesses also came to join the army.

Now that they are here!
So, that guy, will he come?
Inside the cave, the heating base, and various high-tech instruments and equipment were all brought from the underground base.

Eating dried fish, Mao Xiaoyao was looking at the female soldiers' dormitory with great interest, tsk tsk, that figure, that picture, it's a pity that everyone seems to be very conservative, and no one dares to soak in the so-called hot spring in Daxuedi.

Suddenly, he was knocked on the head and scolded: "Little cat, you bad guy, peeping at what other people are doing, don't watch, don't watch, you're so immoral." Mu Xi came back, and when she came back, she Seeing Mao Xiaoyao smirking at the girl's dormitory, she stomped her feet in anger, and directly cared about the monitoring screen, glaring at him!
What do you mean?
Female soldiers also have privacy, why peep at others?
This general is a bit immoral!
If people know it, they will be beaten.

Mao Xiaoyao shook his head and denied: "I just took a look, I didn't do anything special, what are you thinking?" He didn't have that kind of thought, but when there was a dispute just now, he was a little worried about Xu Xiaoxue and Xu Xiaomeng. Yes, he will definitely not let the two of them suffer any grievances.

It will slowly make them quit!

The army is not suitable for them.

Mu Xi was still angry and pouted.

"The two girls just now, I know, they are my friends in Mingdu, their real identities, but, two royal princesses." Mao Xiaoyao grabbed the little hand that wanted to resist, very soft and warm, Let Mu Xi sit on his unconscious lap. At this moment, both of them look like him.

The federal royal family, after all, is still the Xu family. Even if it is a federal system, their royal family still has its own important status in the federation.

There is still a little impact.

It's just that, unlike before, the royal family dominates!

Mingdu, friend, princess?Mu Xi was stunned, looking at the little cat in disbelief, then... the identity is a little scary, the second prince's army came in with two princesses?
(Mu Xi knows some things, but she doesn't know what the cat demon's real purpose is to use the human army. She only knows that the cat demon is just to restore her body.)
"Princess, friend, then you can't watch it either. It's okay, the female soldiers will be managed by me, and you can't exceed your authority." Mu Xi turned her head and said angrily. She supported the cat demon to use the status of a legal army to operate in the endless mountains. However, she does not support Mao Xiaoyao doing things that hurt those people, and those things cannot be done.

"Hey, what should I do? My mother-in-law warned me that I can't do some things. It's snowing heavily, and I'm as lonely as snow. Now I'm hugging a beautiful girl, but I don't know what to do."

Hugging Mu Xi, the evil hand is already warming somewhere, the little cat teased, this Mu Xi is also jealous, if the black cat is there, that guy must be stronger than Mu Xi, making trouble non-stop, she is jealous king.

It was very cold, and Mu Xi felt a big evil hand, icy cold, scrambling on her chest, pinching and kneading, and then she hugged the little cat with all her strength.

"What are you doing?" Mao Xiaoyao was puzzled, bullying her legs so she couldn't move, right?
Shouldn't boys hug girls?

"Sleep!" Mu Xi was very angry, and threw Mao Xiaoyao on the bed, took out the quilt that was confiscated just now, and asked Mao Xiaoyao to warm her bed.

Cuddle and sleep!
It's that simple!
Mao Xiaoyao also put her arms around Mu Xi, and found that she was a little cold. The Endless Mountains, I don't know, will the creatures of the abyss give me some surprises?

Mu Xi hugged too.

hug and sleep...

The next day, in the early morning, it was just dawn, and the horn in the igloo began to make a low voice, "Everyone, gather within ten minutes, otherwise, let me go swimming." Swimming in winter seems to be a good punishment Yesterday, I was considerate of the heavy snow and the hard work of climbing the mountain, so I let the soldiers sleep more, but today I was not so lucky.

Mao Xiaoyao shouted, since he is in the army, then he will naturally follow the military training. In the future, he will also have to rely on these people to help him cover himself, show his meritorious service, and show the second prince.

Therefore, daily practice is indispensable.

The cat demon... In fact, he was also pulled up by Mu Xi...

Really cold……

Soldiers, some veterans still have the ability to wake up a little bit. In 10 minutes, one barracks, one barracks as a unit, one hundred barracks, each with 50 people, in an instant, on the snow, that open space can accommodate 3 people A place where a lot of people gather...

The snow is flying, the lights are bright, and everything is so harsh.

"Xiao Meng, get up, get up..." Xu Xiaoxue also got up with difficulty, and found that everyone else was putting on clothes, just the two of them...

Too bad I'm going to be late.


10 minutes, start the countdown!
Looking at the time, Mao Xiaoyao was already waiting, the cold wind was howling, in order to pretend to be aggressive, he also exposed his head and let the heavy snow blow there...

"Okay, the time is up, those who are late stand aside." Mao Xiaoyao asked Xiaolan and Xiaolu to stop those late guys. Unfortunately, Xu Xiaomeng and Xu Xiaoxue were among them...

Xu Xiaomeng, Xu Xiaoxue, and several soldiers were all punished to stand aside. There were dozens of them, both men and women.

"Now that you're all here, let me introduce myself. My name is Nicholas! I'm the supreme commander here." Mao Xiaoyao introduced. There was originally another Zhao Si, but after thinking about it, it was a bit funny. serious.

Adjutant: Yao Xi (Mu Xi)

Instructor: Little Blue, Little Green!

 Nicholas. Cat Goblin

(End of this chapter)

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