The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 479 Detective Little Rabbit!

Chapter 479 Detective Little Rabbit!
"Little rabbit, did you really lie to me? For this matter, I sneaked into the human world."

"The human world is so dangerous now, and evil soul masters are being caught everywhere. I am so cute, and I will be in danger."

The rabbit Yu Linglong came to the human world at this time and became a small private detective. She wanted to investigate some things, so she hid the black cat and the others and sneaked into the human world.

As for why!
This has to start with the little rabbit soul. Originally, before the cat demon had no accident, the little rabbit soul was already in the underground base. After the cat demon had an accident, he also forgot about the soul.

Recently, the soul of her little rabbit was suddenly sent to Xingdou Village!After the fusion, she found some strange memories, which were terrible. She didn't dare to tell the black cat about them, so she sneaked to the human world to investigate clearly.

A little white rabbit soul is exactly the soul used by the cat demon last time. It did not return to the cat demon after the disintegration of 9527 last time. The cat demon seems to have forgotten something. Although, the little rabbit spirit was threatened by the iron tiger Don't talk nonsense, Mao Xiaoyao thinks that's all right.

However, after the fusion, the memory seemed to leak something, causing the rabbit to know something.

The rabbit was suspicious, so he came to investigate.

But, she didn't alarm anyone!

When she came to the human world, she didn't even look for Tiehu, but she was doing a secret operation. At this time, she was investigating the situation of the underground base. If she hid, then Mao Xiaoyao would definitely be in the underground base.

It's just that she doesn't know why Mao Xiaoyao did that, if she is alive, why doesn't she look for them?He didn't know, were they very worried?

The black cat smiles to show people every day, but when no one is around, she always sees the black cat crying.

Everyone is always so reluctant to remember, because of the memory, the heart will be very painful, and the tears will fall.

Little Rabbit Soul pointed, and they came to Mu Xi's house, "My lord, here you are." He made a very immature voice. In the past, the little cat taught it those words, but now, it just started to learn to speak.

The rabbit became vigilant, looked around, and seemed to find something wrong, this is not another place, this is the home of the human girl that Mao Xiaoyao likes.

Could it be that the little cat likes the new and dislikes the old, abandons the black cat and lives a happy life in the human world?
The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, the rabbit was about to knock on the door and ask what happened, when suddenly, two figures appeared to stop the rabbit.

Yudie, ghost wolf.

"Little rabbit, why did you come to the human world? Did the black cat boss ask you to come?" Yudie and Youlang appeared, Mu Xi disappeared, they didn't know what to do, they waited nearby for Mu Xi to come back every day, However, since the Shrek academy exploded, she has never appeared again.

Those friends who contacted her, those friends didn't know either.

But in one communication, Yudie heard the conversation between Mu Xi and her mother, it seemed that she was fine!

But where?

"Yu Die, You Lang, why are you in this place? Is it possible that the little cat is really inside?" Rabbit got angry and rolled up her sleeves. Why is the cat demon's guard in this place?

Yudie and Youlang looked at each other, what do you mean?Why can't they understand what the rabbit is saying?However, when they saw the rabbit entering Mu Xi's house, they stopped them and couldn't go in.

"What are you doing?" Rabbit was very unhappy, she wanted to go in and beat up the cat demon.

Yudie said: "The leader is already... He is not inside, and Miss Mu Xi is not there either. Before the leader's accident, we have always been responsible for protecting Miss Mu Xi."

"Miss Mu Xi disappeared in the disaster of the Shrek Academy explosion, and we don't know where she is." However, the rabbit still can't go in. First, it's dangerous, and second, it can't disturb other people's lives.

"The cat demon is not inside, you really didn't lie to me?" Rabbit looked at the little white rabbit spirit on her shoulder, and looked at Yudie and Ghost Wolf. She was very confused now, which one should she believe?At the same time, she also felt uncomfortable. The news of Mu Xi's disappearance... They also knew that it was Snake Seven who told them.

For this reason, the black cat cried again.

"If you don't believe me, you can watch it yourself, but don't disturb other people's lives, the leader forbids us to get close to it before." Ghost Wolf also warned, this rabbit is too strange, is it boring to tease them?
Rabbit looked at Yudie and confirmed again.

Yudie nodded.

The rabbit is cute and looks like six years old, and the powder carved jade is very cute, especially the pair of rabbit ears. She scratched her head, with a question mark on her face, and then looked at the little rabbit soul, what does it mean?

The little rabbit soul blinked, raised its paw, and swore, saying: "Master, I really didn't lie. Elder Tiehu didn't let me tell you. In fact, the leader is not dead, he just can't move his body, and I just lost my cultivation..."


"Elder Iron Tiger will scold me, blah, blah blah, the leader will beat me too." The little rabbit cried anxiously, blah blah, it was very wronged, the leader Mao Xiaoyao would not let anyone tell what it knew at the time , Tiehu is also a warning...

"What?" Yudie's voice was a little loud, and then, a few guys slipped away, because Mu Xi's mother opened the door and took a look,? ? ? , no one ah, why hear the sound?
Nothing was found, and she thought it was her daughter. She was very disappointed and closed the door immediately.

There is no one in the corner, there is garbage everywhere, and the environment is a bit poor.

Rabbit, Yudie, ghost wolf, they all looked at the little rabbit soul, in order to avoid the Sky Eye satellite, they purposely found such a place.

Since it was arranged by Iron Tiger, the Sky Eye Satellite will expose them.

"What's going on?" Yudie's face was full of question marks, and so was Youlang, who was always indifferent, but now he couldn't calm down.

Sir, what's the matter?
Why is it dead or alive?
The rabbit sighed, very much like an adult, but she was just a six-year-old cute baby, that sighing expression was very cute, she explained: "In the fusion of the memory of the soul, I did see a trace of the little demon, and found that he was alive... …Active in the underground base, the memory is complete, and it may be the past, but I am not sure, so I came to investigate."

"But my soul swears that the little demon is at Mu Xi's house. I thought that Mu Xi's disappearance was fake, and she was with the little demon!" Rabbit knew that he was really a little excited just now, but, what happened Shuan Maoxiaoyao, she didn't dare to mess around.

Yudie and Youlang fell into deep thought.

Yudie explained: "We are actually independent in protecting Miss Mu Xi, but one day, a mechanical spirit clan No. 9527 suddenly came to Miss Mu Xi's house. When people find it, it disintegrates..."

That appearance, no matter how you look at it, is the soul of the little rabbit on the shoulder of the rabbit.

"Later, Lord Tiehu contacted us suddenly, and asked us to persuade him to let Boss Black Cat go back..."

"Also, stop Miss Mu Xi from going to Shrek Academy, but that day, Miss Mu Xi kept going, and then something happened in Shrek Academy..."

Some things seem to have nothing to do with each other, but in fact they are all related...

(End of this chapter)

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