The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 480 Investigation team!

Chapter 480 Investigation team!


"Iron Tiger, it's Iron Tiger again, Iron Tiger controlled all the aircraft and ships before, and Shrek didn't let us come to the human world at all during the days when Shrek was about to have an accident."

"Listen to what you said..." Rabbit fell into deep thought, a little bit interesting, why did Tie Hu do that, is there someone behind his back who can instruct Tie Hu, it seems that only...

Rabbit, Yudie, ghost wolf, and looking at the little rabbit soul, it seems that this guy has really seen it.

Little Rabbit Soul is very helpless_`, "I once promised the leader not to say anything, anyway, I just said so much, the leader is the number 9527, he is devouring evil soul masters." Whoever is offended is offended, hey , Little Rabbit Soul suddenly felt that he was very miserable. If he concealed it, he would offend the black cat. If he told him, he would offend the little cat...

It's just a little soul. At the beginning, when the leader Mao Xiaoxiong opened its intelligence, he probably didn't think so much about it!

Alas, knowing too much sometimes is such an annoyance.

Rabbit and the others were shocked again.


Yudie suddenly said: "After the disintegration of No. 9527, Miss Mu Xi has been keeping it. At that time, Miss Mu Xi must not have known about it. However, on the day of the accident at Shrek Academy, Mu Xi went to Shrek Academy. So, Miss Mu Xi's Will it disappear..." Things seem to be getting closer and closer, and everything seems to be clear, Yudie is shocked, it is impossible, the leader Mao Xiaoyao is still alive, and has been hiding by their side.

Rabbit frowned, "Don't tell me, there must be the little demon's difficulties, but don't tell the black cat yet, we must confirm that the little demon is really safe..." If she talks nonsense, she will definitely be punished when she goes back, and she will sneak out Already a mortal sin.

Yu Die and Ghost Wolf nodded, they really couldn't tell the black cat before the matter was investigated clearly.

After thinking about it, the rabbit snorted coldly, "Tiehu, go ask that damned guy! He must know everything." Tiehu, everything is related to Tiehu, so sure...

"The old entrance has been bombed. We don't know the new entrance..." Yudie said helplessly, a little embarrassed, she didn't know where the entrance was.

Ghost Wolf also shook his head.

After thinking about it, the rabbit said again: "Look at me!"

Take out the communicator: Tiehu, where is the leader, don't tell me, I will tell the black cat immediately.

It's as simple as a word, rub rub, and in an instant, a hover car will pick up the rabbits and take them to the underground base.

Yudie and Ghost Wolf were shocked throughout the whole process, giving the rabbit a thumbs-up, threatening a million-year-old soul!

Powerful, powerful, that is a powerful soul, killing them every minute.

The rabbit is so nonchalantly threatening...

Shrek City, the underground base, is as usual.

The rabbit and the iron tiger are confronting each other.

Yudie and Ghost Wolf dare not speak.

"Rabbit, are you threatening me?" Tie Hu said coldly, and then glanced at the little rabbit soul. Sure enough, this guy is very unreliable, "You too, think that after becoming a fused soul, I can't punish you, yes Isn't it?" There was an aura emanating from Tiehu's body, the coercion of a million-year-old soul, which made the little rabbit's soul tremble.

"Master Tiehu, I was wrong!" The little rabbit was so frightened that he quickly returned to the rabbit's body and did not come out again.

However, the rabbit is not afraid: "What is it to bully a little soul, you better explain it, otherwise, it will be too late when I tell Black Cat them!"

In fact, she panicked a lot in her heart. Million-year-old souls are really scary, not to mention the guy who controls the entire underground base. Since they came in, those mechanical spirits have been staring at them.

Yudie and Youlang were silent the whole time, not daring to speak at all...

"Why should I explain? Even if the black cat boss blames me, then I have my own reasons, hehe, rabbit, you can't threaten me." Tiehu has a huge body, like a metal body, with sharp hair all over his body, and the beast king is domineering. Leaked sideways, "Besides the leader, our mechanical spirit race will not obey anyone. What are you threatening me with?"

As soon as the words fell, Rabbit and the others were surrounded by the mechanical Eldar. It was very unreasonable. If they said they were surrounded, they were surrounded, and they had no chance to resist.

Tiehu is now worried that the black cat will know the matter. According to the leader Mao Xiaoyao's instructions, he must not let anyone know that he has offended the black cat and the others, so he can't offend the Mao Xiaoyao again.

Rabbit was furious, looking at the mechanical spirits surrounding them, "Tiehu, what do you want to do? If I can't go back, the communicator I put outside will automatically contact Black Cat, just wait!" Rabbit threatened Dao, she also has a way to deal with it, and she also knows that Tiehu will definitely not compromise easily.

Yu Die and You Lang chose to remain silent, they would do whatever they wanted, they didn't dare to do anything.

"This?" Tiehu manipulated a communicator, wrapped it with a trace of milky white soul power, and gave a communication to Rabbit, "Rabbit, since you left Xingdou Village, I already know, hehe, the leader won't let everyone Xingdou Village, you are the only one who leaves, how could I not monitor it?"

The situation in the human world is unstable, and the cat demon doesn't want the black cats to come, so he asked Tiehu to watch carefully, and if any one came, it must be closely guarded. As a result, Tiehu discovered the conspiracy of the little rabbit detective .

"Damn it, it's really a cat demon. Where is that bastard? We are so worried about him. Why didn't he show up?" After merging the little rabbit's soul, some pictures of the cat demon appeared. Then, he forced the little rabbit soul to know something Things are not sure, that's why she secretly came to the human world to find out the situation, but she didn't expect that the little cat is really alive...

But why didn't he tell them?
Is it bad to live?
"Rabbit, I'm sorry, the leader is alive, I can only tell you so much, as for other things, I can't tell you."

"However, without the order of the leader, I can't let you leave the underground base. The leader didn't tell the black cat boss and them. That's because of his own difficulties." Ever since the rabbit appeared, Tiehu had already informed Mao Xiao Yao, the little cat already knew something, but for some reason there was no news, and Tie Hu was also waiting for the little cat's reply.

Yudie and Ghost Wolf were shocked.

Yudie asked weakly: "Master Tiehu, then Miss Mu Xi..."

Tie Hu replied: "She has been rescued by the leader, and now, they are not in the underground base."

"..." Yudie was stunned. Sure enough, Mu Xi's family was worried before, but after a communication, they seemed not so worried...

It turned out to be with the leader! ?

However, the rabbit gave up and cried loudly, trying to beat the iron tiger. Naturally, the iron tiger would not hurt the rabbit. It was too sharp and she would get hurt.

However, Mao Xiaoyao replied:

"Bring them here!"

It was finally exposed.

(End of this chapter)

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