The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 481 The Living Cat Demon!

Chapter 481 The Living Cat Demon!

"The leader told you to go there, I will arrange for you to go there, don't cry!" Tiehu had no choice but to _`, it also acted according to orders, to hide so many things, it must offend some people.

This situation is normal.

The rabbit burst into tears, stopped scolding the cat demon, blinked his big eyes, pitifully, ate a carrot and was shocked, and said: "Where is he?" Not only she was puzzled, but Yudie and Ghost Wolf were also puzzled. , where is the leader?
Iron Tiger replied: "Endless Mountains!"


The screen returned to the Endless Mountains. Since regaining the ability to walk, Mao Xiaoyao got up on time every day to train with the soldiers. Mu Xi scolded him every time for his bravery.

However, even if he becomes an ordinary person, Mao Xiaoyao has to become the most powerful one. Therefore, the soldiers are required not to use any soul power. Mao Xiaoyao is very excited to find soldiers to fight every day.

The soldiers were beaten to the ground one by one, their skills and combat experience, none of them were as good as Mao Xiaoyao, a guy who fought and robbed food since he was a child.

The best among ordinary people, Mao Xiaoyao seems to have done it. However, a bad news today made him unable to calm down. At the beginning, a mistake of his own caused the rabbit to come...

Watching the soldiers training, Mao Xiaoyao fell into deep thought.

"Why, what are you doing in a daze? You can fight with the soldiers now." Mu Xi didn't have a good mood. The training camp has been going on for a month, and then he went to the Blood God Legion to negotiate the channel issue. Once he got the abyss channel, he could kill the abyssal creatures Obtain meritorious service, then the entire Snow Wolf Legion can really come alive.

After the second prince sees it at that time, the Snow Wolf Legion will have more and more late-stage resources.

"What?" Mu Xi asked, the little cat seemed to be worried about something.

"A few friends are coming. I don't know how long I can hide the news that I'm still alive. The black cat is so smart, it must have noticed something." The cat demon didn't want to worry anyone since he hadn't recovered before.

After recovering, Mao Xiaoyao was even more worried about being exposed.

Because the situation is not right, Grimacing Ape is about to move, if at this time, he appears without leadership ability, then the situation will be more complicated.

That's why Mao Xiaoyao held back that wave of longing, didn't miss it, and waited for tomorrow.

Hope, Black Cat and the others can understand...

"Actually, so what if you know? Xiao Yao, you are too sensitive and insecure. You always think about how to protect us, but have you ever thought about protecting yourself?" Mu Xi gently looked up at the sky, endlessly The mountains are always dark and the environment is very harsh, but whenever the situation is tense, it is also the most beautiful time, she said: "As a girl, I understand the feelings of the black cat, but at the same time, you have to give us confidence , we will protect you, and at the same time, give yourself confidence that you will get better." Mao Xiaoyao's fear is also their worry, but Mao Xiaoyao never thinks about herself, always for them, Mu Xi Sometimes I want to knock this idiot hard.

"Alas!" Mao Xiaoyao sighed, she knew Hei Mao was suffering, and she also knew that she was sorry for her... So, he chose to hide some things.

Mu Xi gently leaned against the little cat, but they seemed to have forgotten one thing...

"General Nicholas is so ugly, why does the adjutant like him?"

"What do you know, you are a single dog, you are good-looking in the eyes of lovers, and the feeling of liking, what do you know?"

"I think it's pretty good, the adjutant is very gentle, the general is very violent, Beauty and the Beast..."

"Ha ha!"

"Kiss one..." I don't know which bastard yelled such a sentence, and Mu Xi was so scared that he hurriedly straightened his image, ahem, are they outside? !

Miserable, miserable.

Mao Xiaoyao was also unhappy, and immediately said: "It seems that the training is still not enough. All the snow-capped mountains are walking with heavy loads. If you can't come back at night, don't come back at all."

The soldiers screamed, and then began to walk with heavy loads one by one. After so many days of training, they were already familiar with it, and they were not so afraid of the snow mountain.

Da da, da da, a few days later.

A suspended transport plane landed and transported some military supplies.

"This rabbit is so cold, what the hell is this place, why is it so cold?" The rabbit sneezed, it was so cold that she shivered, but what kind of place is this? Why are there so many human troops... Besides, it was their Star Dou Village equipment.

What is the cat demon doing?
Yu Die and Ghost Wolf are also very cold, they didn't bring so many clothes, there are so many strange igloos, many human soldiers, this is a military base?
Suddenly, Xiaolan appeared: "Come with me, the leader is waiting for you inside."

The rabbits were brought into the cave, and in an instant, they felt very warm.

"Haha, it's still warm here. It's too cold outside, too cold." The rabbit moved her ears, and she didn't seem to need to hide herself inside. There must be no human beings in such a place. From the time she saw the igloo, she had already Know.

Yudie and Youlang nodded, it was really warm.


A voice familiar to them said:
"Rabbit, long time no see."

Rabbit's ears perked up, looked in one direction, burst into tears, rushed up, jumped, and hugged tightly, "Xiao Yao, woo woo, you're not dead, you really aren't dead. "The rabbit burst into tears and cried, crying very sadly. His eyes were originally red, but they became more and more red from crying.

Yudie was also crying, the leader is fine.

Ghost Wolf was also excited.

Holding the cute rabbit, the little cat said: "As you can see, I am not dead, I am still alive."

In a word, I am still alive, the little cat owes me a long time, a long time, and many, many people...

The rabbit cried for a long time, it was a happy cry...

"Are you hungry! I'm preparing hot pot, how about we sit down and eat, let's talk slowly?" Mu Xi appeared, she had just gone to prepare hot pot ingredients.

"Miss Mu Xi!" Yudie was also excited.

Putting down her things, Mu Xi hugged Yudie, "I'm fine." Meeting is a song, endless joy...

"Come on, rabbit, sit down and eat, and talk slowly, why are you crying?" Mao Xiaoyao put the rabbit on the stool and wiped her tears.

Mu Xi also motioned for Youlang and Yudie to sit down.

Everyone sit down, it is indeed a good choice to eat hot pot in such a cold place.

Mu Xi smiled and picked up food for the rabbit. She was the youngest to be saved here, and she cried the hardest, "Here you are."

The rabbit was stunned, holding the bowl and chopsticks, "Thank you!"

Mu Xi smiled and said, "Don't worry about chatting while eating."

There are endless things to talk about when they meet again, she doesn't know how much she misses, she is very happy that the rabbits and the others can come.

Because, they are all worried about Mao Xiaoyao, now that he is safe, aren't they very happy?

Rabbit secretly looked at Mu Xi, they didn't meet many times, but today was indeed the first time they met, so at first glance, Mu Xi was indeed very beautiful.

However, the rabbit was very angry.

Is this why Mao Xiaoyao abandoned them?

too hateful.

(End of this chapter)

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