Sword Immortal System of Super Seminary

Chapter 112 It really is a big sect....

Chapter 112 It really is a big sect
The Xianyuan universe is vast and boundless. With hundreds of millions of years of civilization evolution, the Xianyuan civilization that originally lived in one side has now spread all over this universe. The Sword Sect is located in a certain nebula in the Xianyuan universe.

Jianzong has a long history. Its founder and Laojun Nuwa are contemporaneous gods, but they did not fall in the later wars. In the following tens of thousands of years, Jianzong gradually declined until the rise of the previous sword fairy. , took charge of the sword mound, opened up the nine branches of the sword sect, gathered millions of disciples of the sect, and gained a great reputation.Afterwards, he single-handedly wiped out the Necromancer Nebula with a single sword. The demons he killed were defeated, and he swung his sword into the void before he recovered from his injuries, achieving a brilliant record.

Although Jianchen fell, Jianzong has grown completely in his hands. The nine elders of Jianzong each hold a lineage, and all of them are all the strength of the Void God, let alone the disciples of millions of immortal gods.

The most powerful half-dragon civilization in the past was nothing more than a supreme god plus several god kings. In front of Jianzong, a line of disciples was enough to destroy them.

After one and a half months, the golden-winged roc finally returned to the Xianyuan universe from the super god universe with the support of the green leaf world. Laojun bid farewell and left in a hurry. As the chief scientist of the Xianyuan civilization, he has a lot of things to be busy with.

When Mo Wuxin knew that there was a Heavenly Court in this universe, he was stunned at the time, and only realized after Laojun's explanation that this Heavenly Court is not that Heavenly Court.

The Heavenly Court here is just a sacred place of science, where many scholars like Laojun are silently doing research. They are the foundation of Xianyuan and the drivers who push civilization to a higher form.In the entire fairy source, 90.00% of the genetic systems in the nine point ninety-nine immortal gods originated from heaven.Generally, Heavenly Court designs the most basic genes, and then each sect rewrites the data according to itself.

Qingye Buddha walked out of Qingye World with Mo Wuxin and Yan, stood on the back of the golden-winged roc, looked around this beautiful starry sky, unlike the super god universe, the starry sky is dark and dead.

The golden-winged eagle's body is too large, and its wings can spread across a galaxy. Because it is flying in the universe, it has shrunk its size to only a planet.

Mo Wuxin looked around, and could see many gods driving their mounts and flying in the starry sky.

The snow-white Pegasus, with its wings spread out about the size of the earth, just brushed past the golden-winged roc eagle.

The blue bull, which was about the same size as the golden-winged roc, pulled a huge chariot from above its head and passed slowly.

The mounts here are as common as the cars on the earth, and they are all extremely large, some of them are pulling things, like that chariot is bigger than the spaceship, Xiang Taotie's main ship is like a toy in front of it, it looks too big Small.Such a big chariot, what's in it, maybe a sun is enough.

Later, Mo Wuxin realized that it contained gods from alien animal civilizations. They reminded that the huge and ordinary small world couldn't hold it at all, so they could only use this clumsy method, and it would basically be there after sleeping for a hundred years.Of course, there are also chariots that are indeed used to install stars, but those are only tools used in war. In the big universe market, a perfect-level solar energy sells for millions of god coins.

The god coin is the common currency of the three thousand universes, in the shape of a half crescent, with void runes engraved on it, orange.

The speed of the Dapeng Eagle is very fast, basically flying for a while, jumping into the space, but it takes three days to bring the nebula where Jianzong is located.

Mo Wuxin looked at this area, not knowing what to say, there was not a single planet in his square eyes, there was a ghost sword sect.

Qingye Buddha explained: "Since the fall of Jianchen, Jianzong has been hidden. Every day the sword fairy is misbehaving, the sect will not open."

Yan opened his eyes of insight, and saw a pitch-black area. There is really no planet here. He wondered: "Is it really just hiding? There is really no planet here."

"Moved away."

Mo Wuxin was stunned, pointing to the huge cosmic void in front of him, and said: "Such a large space has been emptied."


Mo Wuxin swallowed, shook his head, called out the Nine Immortal Swords, stood in front of him, activated the genetic system to scan this area, and soon he would gain something.

"Wormhole found, please enter the permission password."

The nine-handed fairy swords burst into light one by one, quickly lifted off into the space, and disappeared.

"I" Mo Wuxin was still in a daze when he saw his sword disappear.

After a while, several figures walked out of the space, with old faces and bodies, but each of them still looked tough. When they came to Mo Wuxin's body, they bowed and said in unison: "Meet the suzerain."

The robes of different colors looked slightly different from the ancient costumes above the TV, but they were almost the same.The nine colors correspond to the nine fairy swords, and also symbolize the nine veins of Jianzong.

"Well, take it lightly, everyone." It took Mo Wuxin a long time to come back to his senses, and he nodded and helped them all up.

The elders bowed again and said: "I have seen Qingye Buddha."

"My Buddha is merciful!"

After saying hello, the elders raised their heads to look at Mo Wuxin, and kept nodding with a smile on their faces, as if they were very satisfied with the new suzerain.

"Sovereign, Qingye Buddha, please wait a moment."

After the elders bid farewell, they flashed into the starry sky, sacrificed nine immortal swords, and moved the planets back one by one.

Brush! ! !

Planets appear in the wormhole like magic. Mo Wuxin and Yan can see the puzzlement in each other's eyes at a glance. This completely subverts their world view. Do these planets have no gravity?
Putting a planet in the universe and putting a pawn on a chessboard may seem like little difference, but in fact they are very different.First of all, we must consider the problem of gravity. If the planet is thrown out like beans, the result will definitely be a big collision of the planets.

Mo Wuxin was extremely puzzled, and turned to ask the Qingye Buddha next to him.

"The law of void can be changed in a short time to ignore the effect of gravitation."

In just 10 minutes, a huge nebula appeared in front of Mo Wuxin again, and finally it was a bright sphere, which was so huge that thousands of stars revolved around it.

After the elders moved the planet back, they came to Mo Wuxin and the others again, and said, "Please move to the sect."

The Dapeng Eagle passed through many planets and stopped in the outer space of the main star of Jianzong. The elder accompanied Mo Wuxin and others through the wormhole and came to the gate of the sect.

Luxurious, truly luxurious, extremely luxurious.

Mo Wuxin landed outside the main hall of the sect, looked around and couldn't help sighing in his heart, thinking about the difference between the palace on TV and the scene in front of him, it felt really different.

Jianzong's main hall is luxurious, not to mention really big, it's not ordinary big, it's extra big.

Nine carpets of different colors stretched for more than ten miles, and these dozens of miles were all in the main hall.In other words, this hall is more than ten miles long. Of course, this is just the hall. The height of the steps outside is hard to describe. It is as high as a mountain peak. It is paved with bluestone bricks and there is no gap at all.

The entire staircase is ten miles wide and a thousand feet high.Below the stairs is simply a large plain, a large plain paved with bluestone bricks.

"This place is too big." Mo Wuxin looked at the enthusiastic elder in front of him, and couldn't help sighing:
You You, an elder in a red robe, explained: "Sovereign, there are hundreds of millions of disciples in our sect, including millions of gods and gods. This is the gathering place, and all disciples are required to attend, so the place is a bit bigger."

(End of this chapter)

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