Sword Immortal System of Super Seminary

Chapter 113 Preparations for the Succession Ceremony...

Chapter 113 Preparations for the Succession Ceremony.
Mo Wuxin clicked his tongue when he heard the words, looked around the vast hall, and exclaimed: "Hundreds of millions of disciples, so many."

"There are more than 9000 million disciples, of which there are only more than [-] million formal disciples, more than one million gods, eight thousand god kings, and thirteen supreme gods." The elder in green robes on the other side explained to Mo Wuxin and Yan with a smile on his face:
"Uh, I don't know the names of the elders yet." Mo Wuxin rubbed his scalp, a little embarrassed.

"My name is Chi Yan"

"My name is Aoki"

"My name is Fengming"

The nine elders gathered around Mo Wuxin, and one after another stepped forward to declare their names, but this name also made Mo Wuxin a little puzzled, the names of all the elders looked like the name of Xianjian.

Later, under the explanations of the elders, he gradually understood what was going on.

Before Jianxian took charge of the sect, Jianzong was not as huge as it is now, there were no nine branches, and there were no so-called elders. Nuo Da's sects were all managed by the suzerain.It is absolutely impossible to put this on the earth, after all, human energy is limited, and it is impossible to manage such a huge sect.

But God can, with the eternal lifespan and all kinds of super technology, manage it all the time without feeling tired.When Jian Chen was in charge of the sect, he didn't know how to manage the sect at all, he only knew how to practice all day long, which made the sect a mess in an instant.

In order to solve this problem, Jianchen came up with such a way to divide Nuo Da's sect into nine branches, set up nine elders, and each elder manages one branch, so that the suzerain only needs to manage nine elders.The biggest difference between gods and humans is that they don't have too much desire. Although the elders are in charge of the nine branches, they never thought about killing the suzerain and becoming the boss.

In the world view of immortal gods, the life of an emperor is no different from that of a farmer. They are just a way of life. Some immortals seem to live in extreme luxury, but in fact they are just too lazy to change their habits. This is divinity, which has been honed over a long period of time. nature.

Divinity, the older the gods are, the more they can reflect this nature, such as Laojun, Zhenyuan, Nuwa, etc., they are all ancient gods who are admired by hundreds of millions of gods, stomping the whole three thousand A character who would tremble three times in the universe.

But they themselves don't think so, like Laojun who has been studying the truth of the universe, the law of the void, and the law of creation in the heavenly court for hundreds of millions of years.His existence is to let Xianyuan step into a higher social form, and it will exist forever.

Mo Wuxin, Qingye Buddha, and Yan followed the elders to the innermost part of the main hall. Nine purple jade seats were arranged in front of the carpet, and there were thirteen white jade seats on both sides, corresponding to each seat. A supreme god.In this great era where the void does not appear and the creation is hidden, the Supreme God is already the highest combat force. Looking at those civilized wars, most of them are dominated by the Supreme God.

Elder Chi Yan stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Now that the suzerain has returned, the succession ceremony should be held as soon as possible."

"It should be so, the time will be set in half a month." The other elders agreed one after another, and then all turned their heads to look at Mo Wuxin, as if they were waiting for him to make a decision.

Mo Wuxin was stared at a little hairy, and said: "It will be half a month later."

"In this case, the old man can only disturb Ban Yue." Qingye Buddha clasped his hands together and said softly:
After visiting the main hall, the next step is to wait for the succession ceremony. Mo Wuxin and Yan will live in the inner hall during this time.Although the main hall is vast, the inner hall is relatively normal, not much different from those ancient princely mansions, except that there are a little more rooms.

The inner hall did not know how many rooms there were, so Mo Wuxin plunged into the soft bed, thinking of the succession ceremony half a month later, he felt apprehensive, when all the disciples would come, and there would be visits from all the great powers in the fairy world.It's not as simple as hundreds of thousands of people. Hundreds of millions of people filled the entire hall and the plain below the hall.

Yan stood quietly in front of the window, the light in his eyes flickered, and the wings behind his back were also hidden, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Mo Wuxin got up from the soft bed, and with a wave of his hand, a wooden table carved with the pattern of blessing appeared in the room, and there were two cups of steaming tea on it. Yan stood in front of the window sullenly, and asked softly, "What's the matter?"

"This world is too big, beyond my imagination. I have never seen a strange world in my 7000 years of memory." Walking in from the outside of the main hall, the eyes of insight have not stopped, a huge amount of information has poured into the database, and the energy is somewhat overloaded.

"what are you worried about?"

"If the civilization that invaded the super god universe is as huge as this, can we angels still stick to justice and order."

"No ifs. Ever since Kaisha became Nuwa's student, Chaoshen Universe has tied the symbol of Xianyuan. Promotion is not only a challenge, but also an opportunity. Ge Xiaolun has the potential to grow into the founding master. When he fully grows up, he will inevitably It can protect the entire super god universe. Nuwa is the guardian of Xianyuan civilization, and anyone who becomes her student will be the founding master at worst." Mo Wuxin wandered around the room, holding the teacup in his hand and savoring it carefully.

Yanxiu frowned, and asked in doubt: "Isn't the founding master the highest level?"

"Of course not, there is a stronger existence beyond the creation." Mo Wuxin said:

"What level?"

"It hasn't been named yet, Heavenly Court is still under study."

"What level is Nuwa?"

Mo Wuxin spread his hands and said: "The guardian of civilization, the existence beyond the founding master. There are no more than three people like her in the three thousand worlds."

"What a strange name."

"The supernatural engineering can only fuse two of the four basic forces of the universe, but it is rare for Nuwa to fuse all four."

The light in Yan's eyes flickered, and he murmured softly, "Fusion?"

"Completely controlling one is the void god, two are the founding masters, and we call the guardians of civilization more than three."

Mo Wuxin suddenly remembered something, turned his palm and a token appeared, injected energy into it, and Elder Aoki appeared directly in front of him a moment later.

"Sovereign, what is your order?" Aoki bowed slightly, and asked respectfully:

Mo Wuxin lowered his voice and said, "Elder, do you know where the wormhole to Qinglian Star is?"

"Um, I know naturally." Aoki was slightly taken aback, and said in a low voice:
Mo Wuxin was overjoyed immediately, and said, "Then take us there."

Aoki shook his head for a while, and said: "Sovereign, Qinglian Star has been completely blocked by Fairy Niwu. Since the fall of Sect Master Jianchen, Fairy Niwu has been closed to death. If you don't become the master, you will not be born. You can't go, but The invitation to the succession ceremony has been sent, if she wants to see you, she can see it."

"That's it, let's wait until the succession hall passes."

(End of this chapter)

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