I really don't want to cross

Chapter 284 The so-called eldest lady is often the kind of person who is noble on the surface, but w

Chapter 284 The so-called eldest lady is often the kind of person who is noble on the surface, but who is not sure what kind of person is behind the scenes
scorching sun...

In this kind of weather, you should stay at home and sleep.

Instead of walking on the street like now...

"...Mr. Wood, what's wrong with you?"

Looking at someone who seems to be using all his strength in every step, but walks extremely slowly, Yoyo asked worriedly.

"Shut up, don't talk to me for the time being, I'm thinking about whether an uncle who is going to be three years old needs to erect some shit uncle image."


Are you running three?

Did he just say that he was on his way to the third year?It must be Ben San, right?
Yoyo looked at Wood's side face that was almost as immature as herself with a strange face, and finally decided...

Fake...absolutely fake! !
"Light of Reflection"

Suddenly, there was a singing sound in Wood's mouth.

Yoyo stared at Wood, who was gradually disappearing as the light shone, and was slightly taken aback.

Why use magic?

"Please, please let me be a salesman again. Don't be an abandoned house that always goes wrong. Boss, you just need to hire me. Otherwise, I won't even be able to live in the stables at night."

"Goddess of mental retardation, who is making mistakes all the time!!"

There was a quarrel, and Yoyo turned her head to look, and saw the girl with long blue hair and the boy with brown hair standing in front of a booth, arguing with the boss about something.

"You'd better go find other day-wage jobs."

"I really don't need people here... I suggest you two go to the civil engineering department to find a job. I heard that outside the town, there will be inexplicable explosions every morning, and there will be a big hole every day in the nearby plains. There was even a gap due to the explosion."

The stall owner paused for a moment, then continued: "So there is a serious shortage of civil engineering workers, and they have been recruiting people who fill in the pits and repair the city walls. Thanks to this, the daily wages over there are also very high recently. You used to move bricks and repair them. Walls pay well."

"What?! I'm a goddess, let me do that kind of dirty and tiring civil engineering work, are you kidding me!!"

"Anyway, I'm also a high school student who has received higher education. If I'm asked to move bricks, it's better to let me starve to death!!"

The stall owner who was pointed at his nose and choked on it was also angry: "Would you like to go, anyway, I don't want people here, and I will go to the Adventurer's Guild to cancel the mission later."

"Hmph, you'll regret it!!"

With one voice, the two turned around and left.

Wood lifted the magic, glanced at the two who left angrily, and his face suddenly became a little weird, if I remember correctly...

Not to mention.

"...It's so pitiful, those two must have had a hard time, right?"


Wood turned his head to look at Yoyo, and said in an extremely serious tone: "Those two people... don't deserve pity at all."


Wood didn't bother to explain to Yoyo, so he took the lead and walked towards the house.

Yoyo immediately followed, but they were stopped by someone before they had gone far.

"Both of you, can I bother you a little bit?"

The person blocking the way was an old man in a luxurious tuxedo who looked like a housekeeper.

"No!!" Without hesitation.

"..." The old man.

"That...Grandpa, do you need any help?" Yoyo asked immediately.

The corner of Wood's mouth twitched, do you like meddling so much?
"Actually, I came to this city to find someone."

The old man sighed: "The eldest lady of our family ran away from home because she didn't want to go on a blind date, so I want to ask if you have ever seen a blond girl. As a nobleman, the eldest lady often circles her long hair behind her head .If you have seen such a girl, please tell the Dustinis family, and there will be a generous gift in return."

Miss who ran away from home?

Blonde girl?
Ominous premonition!

Yoyo hesitated for a moment: "The blonde..."

"I haven't seen it! Go ask someone else." Wood interrupted directly.

"That's it."

The old man nodded in disappointment, said goodbye to the two politely, and continued to ask other people.

"have you seen?"

Seeing the old man leave, Wood asked leisurely to his side.

"I'm not sure either."

Youyou shook her head: "However, after you left this morning, a blond-haired blue-eyed cross knight did come from the Adventurer's Association. She came with a silver-haired female thief, but the hair is not what the old man said. It's coiled behind the head, but with shoulder-length hair."


A group of problem children is coming together.

"I must have made a mistake."

Youyou said: "That Lord Crusader doesn't look like a young lady. The Dustinis family is a big nobleman, so the salary must not be small."

"Are you short of money?" Wood asked Yoyo with a strange look.

"No...not...yes, I still lack the words in the morning, but I don't lack them now." Yoyo hurriedly said.

"Didn't I give you 500 million Eris last week and spent all of it?"

Youyou's little head shook like a rattle: "No...my friend Huihui received the commission of 'hunting down the gophers making trouble in the apple orchard' a few days ago, but accidentally blasted the apple orchard together. It was used to help her compensate."

Wood opened his mouth: "...It's really hard for you."


Early the next morning, as usual, Youyou arrived at Wood's residence early.

However, the original magic teaching from 11:[-] am to [-]:[-] am was extended to [-]:[-] am, and the girl spent five hours teaching Wood various magical knowledge.

After teaching, Wood also got up from the bed with incomparable determination, and once again accompanied Yoyo to the Adventurer's Association.

He didn't want to use artifacts in battles in the future...or switch to those who are too lazy to fight with weak creatures, so he can only work harder, do one task a day, and work hard to level up.

But Yoyo didn't continue to sit in the Adventurer's Association to recruit partners today, but temporarily formed a team with a "one hit two" who also couldn't find teammates, and went out to do missions together.

Wood thinks...

Probably because the random firing of "one hit two" attracted the attention of the guards in the city. In order to avoid taking responsibility for the damage, he took Yoyo to a place far away from the town to fire the cannons, so he had the audacity to let Yoyo carry her back. .

There are many more tasks on the bulletin board than yesterday. In this world, various monsters often appear around the city, so the tasks in the Adventurer's Guild are updated almost every day.

After Wood made a selection, he finally chose the task of hunting down the white wolves outside the town.

Although the reward is only 100 million.

But the corpse of the white wolf is worth 50 Eris, and killing the entire wolf pack should earn an additional [-] to [-].

How much money does not matter.

The individual strength of the white wolf is not strong, and it can just be used as a target for practicing magic.

So Wood took a chair, hired a carriage and headed to the mission location.


(End of this chapter)

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