I really don't want to cross

Chapter 285 Actually, just ignore the title of the chapter, if you are serious about it, you will lo

Chapter 285 Actually, just ignore the chapter name, if you are serious, you will lose, wow haha
"Blade Of Wind"

"Wind Blade"

"Blade Of Wind"

On the mountain, Wood sat on a chair and cast magic on the white wolf that was constantly attacking from below.


Due to the long distance, if you are lucky, you can hit once out of ten attacks, and most of the time it is the white wolf who rushes to the front before being brutally dismembered.

As for the reason why those white wolves kept attacking, it was because next to the chair where Wood was sitting, a white wolf that was obviously bigger than the other white wolves was being bound by an iron chain.

This is Wood switching the body of a giant, tied directly from the wolves.

If the wolf king is killed, a new head wolf will appear in the wolf pack, but if the wolf king is caught, the wolf pack will attack wildly.

Originally, Wood didn't intend to use this method, but there are really a lot of wolves in this world.

Normally, the largest pack of wolves is only about twenty.

But there are more than 50 wolves in this world, so he still chose this easy method to be on the safe side.


Definitely not simply wanting to sit.

Crusade more than 50 white wolves, because of the hit rate, Wood spent two hours of magic non-stop before finishing all the white wolves crusade.

If it was another magician, probably the magic power would have been successful long ago.

He took out the adventurer card and took a look. He hunted down more than 50 white wolves including the wolf king, and raised Wood from level 6 to level 13.

The skill points spent on Wind·Blade (Wind Blade) and Passive Abandonment Singing were immediately replenished, with an extra '6' points. Now his skill points have reached as many as '86' points.


"Sure enough, the higher the level, the more experience points you need to upgrade."

Yesterday, two one-hit bears raised him to level 6. Today, more than 50 white wolves made him rise to level 7.

It seems that in the future, I can't randomly point intermediate magic. Before the advanced magic appears in the "learnable skill bar", I must save some more skill points.

After all, advanced magic requires '30' skill points just to learn it, and '10' points are required to light up and abandon singing, and '5' points are needed to increase the power. In summary, to exert the maximum power of advanced magic, it needs to be as high as '45' 'Skill points.


Wood sighed, took out the employment scroll from his arms and sent a message to the Adventurer's Guild, asking those staff to come here to transport the white wolf corpse.

Immediately, Wood found a shady place and closed his eyes to sleep.


Wood didn't sleep for a long time, about half an hour passed.

He woke up with an earthquake.


Wood sat up from where he was lying, first touched the shaking ground, and then looked at the forest behind him.

The shaking of the ground was not an earthquake, but a sound of many wild animals being driven wildly.

Through the gaps in the trees, groups of wild beasts could be vaguely seen running towards the distance, as if the wild beasts instinctively sensed something terrifying.

Wood slowly stood up from the spot, with a faint golden light shining in his eyes, looking somewhere in the forest.

"Huh? Is it human?"

And in the direction Wood was looking at, a shadow nearly three meters high gradually stepped out, revealing the whole picture.

This is a creature with bat membranous wings, dark skin exuding metallic luster, fangs protruding from the mouth, and hideous horns on the top of its head.

Wood recognized the creature's race at a glance.

Because he also encountered similar creatures in the battlefield of the first battle.


A real demon from hell.

Wood's expression suddenly became dignified, and the divine power in his body rose faintly.

"What's the matter with your breath? It's really annoying."

The demon frowned, and then snorted coldly: "Are you going to attack me, the demon, because of some 'just duty' or 'a kind act of protecting the people'?"

Wood was taken aback when he heard the words. Originally, he thought that the demon smelled his divine power and ran over to find fault.

Now it seems that I have misunderstood something?
"Sorry, I'm more advocating 'selfishness', what you said has nothing to do with me."

"Oh, all right."

The devil's face actually eased a lot, and then he suddenly changed his tone, and said in a tone that made Wood "seem acquainted": "My name is Hust, and I am the powerful confidant of the evil god Lord Wolbach. A person enslaved by a certain brat!!"


This is the sense of sight...

You were raised by the Crimson Demons, right?

"So, what's the matter?"

"Actually, I came here looking for Lord Wolbach's aura. I was looking for a black monster around here. It might be Wolbach's half body, so I wanted to ask you, do you know where similar monsters have appeared? of Warcraft."

Do you need to explain in such detail?
The corner of Wood's mouth twitched slightly: "I just came here too, and I'm also not familiar with this place."


Hust nodded: "Excuse me, I will continue to look elsewhere." After finishing speaking, he turned and walked towards the woods.

Wood couldn't help but startled.

this devil...

Surprisingly polite.

After confirming that the other party really left, Wood didn't care, lying in the shade and continuing to wait for the staff of the Adventurer's Guild.


The staff responsible for collecting the corpses came.

Although the staff of the Adventurer's Guild arrived, Wood could leave, but it was absolutely impossible for him to walk back, so he also sat in a car, waiting for the staff.

It was evening when Wood returned to town.

"Thank you, foreman, for your hard work."

"Boss, you have worked hard."

Dust-covered duo are at the gate of the city, saying goodbye to an uncle wearing a hard hat.

Wood directly closed the curtains of the carriage.

"I didn't expect to repair the city wall. There are seven thousand Eris a day. It's really great." The voice of a certain goddess who was excited because she found a job came.

"Yeah, moving bricks is actually pretty good!"

"Use the wages you get to take a good bath, eat a rich dinner, and continue to work hard tomorrow."


Hearing the sound of the two people going away, Wood couldn't help shaking his head.

Noble goddess?
High school students in higher education?

Ha ha ha.

Too lazy to think about those two unscrupulous creatures, Wood came to the Adventurer's Guild with the team.

However, the atmosphere in the Adventurer's Guild today is a bit weird.

The adventurers in the hall did not have the relaxed faces of the past, but all had serious faces.

"Wu...Mr. Wood, you are back."

Wood turned his head and saw Yoyo and Huihui sitting in the corner. After seeing him, Yoyo stood up and said hello.

Huihui sized Wood up curiously, then pulled Yoyo and asked in a low voice, "Yoyo, is he the one you mentioned who paid 500 million Eris to teach magic?"

Wood's steps were paused, but he still walked over as if he hadn't heard it.

"Did something happen? I feel that the atmosphere here is a bit weird."


Youyou was taken aback for a moment, then understood the meaning of Wood's words, and explained: "It's like this, today Huihui and I accepted the mission of crusading the 'One Strike Rabbit', but on the way we met a man who called himself 'Host' A high-ranking demon appeared near the town, so we will report this news to the guild after we return."

Wood nodded knowingly.

"Also, I heard from those adventurers that the headless knight Beldia, a cadre of the Demon King's Army, led a large number of undead creatures to leave the Demon King's City. It seems that they are coming towards us. I don't know if it is true or not." Hui added.


Wood gave Huihui a strange look.

Seeing the strange look on Wood's face, Yoyo thought that Wood was frightened by these two news, and comforted him: "Don't worry, Mr. Wood. If the forest is occupied by demons, many adventurers will have no tasks to do, so The guild organized a demon crusade team."

"Several teams are strong teams, and one of them includes the magic sword warrior from the capital, who will set out to fight against the demons tomorrow morning."

"Fight the devil?"


(End of this chapter)

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