I really don't want to cross

Chapter 286 Ah, I seem to have forgotten to wash my face today, and I have been typing since I woke

Chapter 286 Ah, I seem to have forgotten to wash my face today, and I have been typing when I woke up
"Fight the devil?"

Wood curled his lips. He finally understood why the demon named Houst said nonsense like 'You humans are out of duty and kindness'. They didn't take the initiative to provoke them, so they formed a crusade team first...

"That...Mr. Wood..."

Youyou blushed, and kept stirring her hands in front of her body, as if she wanted to say something but didn't dare to say it.

"Your communication barrier is really useless, let me help you."

Huihui glared at Yoyo unhappily, and said to Wood: "Tomorrow morning, the two of us will also join the crusade team, so Yoyo wants to ask you for a day off." After that, she thought for a while and added: " Even if you don't give a vacation, the two of us will go, because..."

"This is a good opportunity for the two of us to show our talents. As long as we prove our strength and don't ask for help to form a team, other teams will rush to invite us!!"


Yoyo nodded with a low mosquito sound, she seemed very uneasy, it seemed that she was really yearning for the scene that Huihui said.

Wood frowned, unavoidably worried.

Because judging from the fluctuations in the magic power emanating from Houst, he should have strength close to the ghost level, and the team in this small town may not be able to defeat him successfully.

However, the hero of the magic sword...

It's the hacker who was sent by the brick-moving goddess, if so, there shouldn't be any danger.

Thinking of this, Wood nodded.

"Go ahead, but be careful."

"Ah... well... thank you, Mr. Wood."

After figuring out what happened, Wood didn't stay long. He went to the counter to collect 100 million for hunting down the white wolves and 100 million for selling white wolf meat, and left the guild.


The time of the night is fleeting.

Without Yoyo's interruption, Wood slept until noon.

After struggling for a while, he got up obediently and went to the Adventurer's Guild.

One is to clear the daily tasks, and the other is... because I am a little worried about that little girl Yoyo.

Although he didn't know what happened during this period, both of them were safe and sound at the beginning of the plot, so there shouldn't be any serious problems.

But that's a normal development, and I'm afraid that because of my own appearance, there will be some shit effect.

When I went out, I found a strong man and hired him with [-] Eris to carry him outside the Adventurer's Guild.


This is the way an uncle should travel.

Take people's money and save people's disasters.

The strong man dutifully sent Wood outside the Adventurer's Guild, and said enthusiastically that he would send him into the guild.

Of course, this very tempting choice was eventually rejected by Wood...

Pushing open the guild door, Wood frowned.

Because the atmosphere of today's Adventurer's Guild is more dignified than yesterday's.

His eyes scanned the hall, and when he saw Yoyo and Huihui safe and sound in the corner, Wood walked over.

"Mr. Wood..."

Wood waved his hand, indicating that Yoyo didn't need to stand up, and then asked, "How's the result of the crusade?"


Youyou lowered her head in disappointment: "The crusade team is divided into several teams, and together they searched for the whereabouts of the demon in the forest. As a result, the demon suddenly appeared and attacked the Demon Sword Hero, severely wounding him, and now he is recuperating in the Church of Eris..."

"What kind of magic sword hero, he was defeated all at once!"

Huihui interrupted angrily: "After hearing that the Demon Sword Hero was defeated, the crusade team ran back without even seeing the demon's shadow. If it was me, I would definitely let the demon know the power of explosion magic." .”

"Ha ha."

Wood let out a mocking laugh.

"Don't say that, Huihui."

Youyou said: "The Lord Demon Sword Brave who was attacked suddenly, cut off one of the demon's wings with his sword when he was seriously injured. We were able to evacuate safely, thanks to Lord Demon Sword Brave, although more than a dozen people were lightly injured hurt."

"Hey, there's no way around that, after all, the high-ranking demon is already a cadre of the Demon King's Army."

As if hearing the conversation here, the adventurers on the other tables couldn't help but sigh.

"Yeah, for novices like us, it's impossible to defeat demons."

"And because of the news that the headless knight Beldia led a large number of undead creatures to dispatch, until the matter of the Demon King Army cadres is completely resolved, other town adventurers cannot come to support."

"Hey, wasting the potions that the poor shopkeeper provided us for free. In order to provide these expensive potions, the poor shopkeeper still said to himself in the morning, 'I can only eat bread and drink cold water this month', We have betrayed the trust of poor shopkeepers."


The guild fell silent again, with despair on everyone's face.

Wood's eyes twitched, so he said...

If you can't beat them, why go to provoke them? Those demons are more polite than you guys.

Luna, who was in charge of the task, hurriedly stood up and said comfortingly: "We are not hopeless. Although we have only recently landed on adventurers, there is an elite who exorcises demons in our town. The rare profession 'High Priest' 'The presence!"

High Priest?
There was joy on everyone's face.

The high priest has always been a rare profession among the higher-level professions. On the one hand, there are too few people who are suitable to be the high priest; Attack skills are not suitable for adventurers.

But for demons and undead, the high priest is like a natural enemy.


However, adventurers are not fools. After thinking about what Luna said, someone said: "You just said 'an adventurer who just landed recently'? Isn't that a level 1 high priest?"

You must know that skills are linked to levels. No matter how talented a level 1 high priest is, he will not be able to learn any useful skills.

"Don't worry, the high priest is a super excellent high priest who has learned all the skills except for some values, and the other values ​​are terrifying."

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar in the association.

"How is it possible that you have learned all the skills?"

"If the high priest is so powerful, he must be able to deal with demons, right?"

"Characteristics, tell us the characteristics of the high priest."

"If you find that high priest, you can easily heal the brave man's wound."


The adventurers were all excited because they saw hope.

"The high priest has... long water-blue hair, and the beauty of a goddess, and he is wearing a blue dress."

When they heard about the goddess-like beauty, the eyes of all the male adventurers shot out the brilliance of 'wolf nature', which reminded Wood of the white wolves he attacked yesterday.

After confirming the characteristics, the adventurers rushed out one by one.

"The high priest must be near various charity activities. Let's go there to find it."

"Then let's go to the church to find it! There are also various places that women like to go."

"What about the city wall?"

"Stop making trouble. How could the high priest with the appearance of a goddess go outside the city walls? He must be somewhere in the city."

Wood looked at the group of adventurers, his face became a little strange.

He suddenly looked forward to the next development.

of course……

Wood has no interest in participating in it at all, not to mention that the demon has no malicious intentions, even if the demon is ready to massacre the city, Wood will just change cities and continue to dawdle.

He didn't stay in the guild any longer, he chose a quest, and under Luna's constant persuasion, he hired a carriage and left the adventurer's guild.

There were cries of 'water blue long-haired goddess' everywhere on the street, and many men who were not adventurers joined the search team, wanting to see what the so-called goddess looked like...

When there are too many people, collisions are inevitable.

Then there was a scene that left Wood speechless.

A certain adventurer bumped into a dirty blue-haired girl in overalls.

"What's the matter with you guy? What are you doing rampaging on the street, the salary I just got is scattered on the ground."

A brick-moving goddess yelled angrily, and then rolled her eyes and shouted: "Hurry up and pick it up for me, the salary I got is [-] Eris, if it is not enough, you can pay for it yourself!! "

"Hey, how about this? After all, you're a girl... woo woo woo..." Someone seemed to want to say something fair, but his mouth was covered right away.

"Sorry...sorry...I'll pick it up now."

While apologizing, the adventurer looked at the gold coins on the ground, and his face suddenly became a little strange: "This money...it's not ten thousand..." While speaking, he looked up, when he saw a certain brick-moving goddess I was taken aback.

"Aqua blue hair?"

"What? Do you have any objections to my blue hair? Hurry up and give me my 1 yuan salary!!"


The corner of the adventurer's mouth twitched, definitely not this.

His whole body was covered in dust, and even those who were buried could not see the exact appearance clearly. They were not blue dresses, but gray civil engineering clothes.


The high priest is a clergyman who has a devout belief in God, and he will never do such a thing as touching porcelain.

The adventurer didn't bother to pick up the money, so he took out a [-] Eris note and gave it to the porcelain girl: "I'm busy now, I'll give you these, just let me go, goodbye!!" After all, the adventurer turned and ran away.

The adventurers who witnessed this scene also avoided the two people on the street...

"Look, this is the way to behave in the world. Hurry up and pick up the money on the ground."

"...Are you also considered an object of worship?"

"Stop pretending to be a good person here, I will be reduced to this point, and it's not all because of you, a good-for-nothing homeboy."

"Who is it that took a hundred thousand Eris and ate and drank, and ended up spending it all in less than a day?"


Wood closed the window silently, and for the first time he felt...

these two,
It's so pitiful! !
Four more nine thousand words are sent... Thinking about it carefully, it seems that I haven't exploded for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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