Chapter 715 Start to worry

Chapter 715 Start to worry

All the princes and ministers spoke to Li Er one after another, asking Li Er to reject the marriage request of these small countries.

And Li Er finally found the steps, as if he was relieved.

And some smart ministers have already seen Li Er's reaction.

What's more, it's not just Li Er's ambiguous attitude towards this, even the King of Beiliang has never spoken, and these ministers have long understood how to act.

The ministers of the aristocratic family are all ready to speak.

Prime Minister Wang Gui directly cupped his hands and said, "I would like to report to the Holy Majesty, I also feel that what the ministers and ministers said is reasonable. My prince of the Tang Dynasty is still young, and it is really not a good opportunity to get married, not to mention that if someone has something good to tell the princess. Some unruly things, my prince of the Tang Dynasty is also easily deceived, and I ask the Holy One to consider for the sake of the country and the next generation of the Tang Dynasty, and temporarily reject the requests of these small countries! The Holy One is clear."

Wang Chen also clasped his hands and said, "My Majesty, my prince of the Tang Dynasty is now a good opportunity to seize the time to learn the way of governing the country and the theory of saints. If he is given a few concubines at this time, the prince will definitely be addicted to beauty." And wasted a good opportunity to learn, so that the prince of my Great Tang will definitely not be able to take on a heavy responsibility in the future, which will simply affect the next generation of our country in the Tang Dynasty! Please also ask the Holy Lord to refuse the request of these small countries to get married, Holy Lord Mingjian."

With the two officials of the Wang family speaking, the ministers of the aristocratic family behind them also began to speak.

"My lord, although our country is strong in the Tang Dynasty, the crown prince is still young. It's really not the time to talk about marriage. The most urgent task for my prince of the Tang Dynasty is to learn the way of a sage, and he can wait until he succeeds in the future. Lead my Great Tang to become stronger, if you want to make peace with these small countries now, the crown prince will be affected to some extent, please give me a lesson!"

"My lord, the prince of my Tang Dynasty is not deeply involved in the world. If I suddenly include a few concubines for him at this time, it will definitely make the prince who is still young be addicted to female sex. How can my prince of the Tang Dynasty be addicted to sex?" Didn’t this great opportunity just go to waste? If so, then how should the next generation of the Great Tang’s monarch take on the burden of the Great Tang? Please also ask the Holy Spirit to refuse the marriage request of these small countries.”

"My Majesty, although the attitudes of these small countries are humble, you still have to pay attention to their thoughts. If there are good people who want to take the opportunity to brainwash the heir of the Tang Dynasty, if the Majesty agrees, wouldn't it be in their favor? ?The crown prince of my Tang Dynasty is very important, and the prince's marriage must not be so reckless! Please also ask the Holy Lord to refuse the request of these countries to get married!"

"My lord, the prince of my Tang Dynasty still doesn't have the ability to distinguish right from wrong. I am worried that if the princesses of these small countries are included, the accumulation of day and night may change the prince's thoughts. Then His Royal Highness It will be very difficult for me to shoulder the heavy burden of my Great Tang. Your Majesty must be cautious and cautious about the training of the next prince of the Tang Dynasty, and you must not be so reckless! Please think twice, and refuse the request of these small countries for marriage."

On the other hand, Bai Jingyi smiled calmly.

"These small countries want to get married, nothing more than they want to control my Great Tang's next monarch through their princesses, so as to control my Great Tang, but this is absolutely impossible."

Sure enough, with the advice of the ministers of the aristocratic family, those envoys all changed their expressions of worrying about gains and losses.It seems that the overall situation has been decided, and the only difference is Li Er's words.

But Li Er, as the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, naturally would not be so arbitrary.

Although he disdained to make peace with these small countries, what Li Er valued was the value that these small countries could use. If Datang could bring these small countries into vassal states, then first of all, after the border, he would no longer have to worry about wars and other things. After becoming a vassal state of the Tang Dynasty, how dare these small countries have ideas for the Tang Dynasty?After all, if there is such a time, Datang will definitely not be merciful, and it can even be said that he has taken the vanguard, and can directly destroy these small countries as soon as they have an idea, and Datang will not be subject to any influence in the future. burden.

Secondly, although Datang is now strong enough nationally, it is not very stable internally.

The vassal states in the south are already eager to counterattack Datang, and the Turks in the north are also eyeing Datang.

As the old saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is a friend. If the vassal states in the south and these countries in the north are united, then even the invincible Tang Dynasty will find it difficult to resist the enemies attacking from the north and the south at the same time. The mighty Beiliang Army may have to suffer a lot.

If these small countries can be successfully recovered, there is no doubt that Datang will receive an astonishing tribute, which is enough to allow Datang to develop rapidly in the next few years.It can be said to be a good opportunity to enhance Datang's national strength.

Of course, Li Er was not so naive as to think that these small countries would always follow Datang's call, but even so, that was enough. Datang only needed a few years of peace to raise its national power to another level , At that time, even if these small countries turn against the water one after another, Datang will have enough force to destroy them.

And Li Er's silence made these envoys feel very tormented.

"Could it be that the king of Tang is now weighing whether it is good or bad to make peace with our country? Could it be that the king of Tang really knows what we think? If this is the case, then isn't our plan a failure?"

"It's a pity, the king of Tang was almost about to agree to our country's marriage request. At the critical moment, these ministers were allowed to intervene. As a result, the king of Tang has changed his mind now. This is a great opportunity for our country. Just give it to us like this." What a waste! What a pity."

"If our country cannot make peace with Datang, it will definitely be threatened by other countries in the future. Without Datang's protection, what should we do now!"

"It's over, the king of Tang is now weighing the pros and cons, and he probably won't agree to our country's request for marriage, but even if there is no successful marriage, it is good to include our country as a vassal state, Tang Wang, hurry up and understand Bar!"

"If our country can't make peace with Datang, wouldn't all these efforts be in vain? These ministers are really hateful."

Some of the envoys below are angry, some are worried, and some think that their efforts have failed, and they have a lot of ideas.

(End of this chapter)

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