Chapter 716 All Disappointed

Chapter 716 All Disappointed

The reason why Li Er didn't speak for a long time was naturally because of his own thoughts.

He naturally wanted to reject these small countries' marriage, but if he said it directly, it would surely make these small countries speculate about Tang Dynasty, but if he didn't say it, then it would be difficult for him to get off this shelf, and the emperor's face would be imprisoned. The current Li Er.

But Changsun Wuji saw the change in the current wind direction and thought to himself.

"It seems that the Holy Majesty does not want to make peace with these small countries. My suggestion just now may have the opposite effect. This is absolutely impossible!"

As a powerful official of the generation, what Changsun Wuji is best at is trying to figure out Li Er's thoughts too much. After all, accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger. If you can't guess the emperor's thoughts in time, then it is difficult for this huge court to have his seat.

Changsun Wuji cupped his hands directly and said, "I would like to report to the Holy Majesty, I have thought about it carefully just now, and feel that I, the heir of the Tang Dynasty, is now the time to learn the way of sages, and it is really not a good opportunity to get married. If the Holy Majesty insists on If you want to get married, then I'm afraid it will be a waste of the good opportunity for my prince of the Tang Dynasty to study hard and delay the prince's study time. I must have some concerns when inheriting the empire of the Tang Dynasty in the future. Please also ask the majesty to think about my prince of the Tang Dynasty. Reject the request of these small countries to marry each other! Holy Master Mingjian."

As a senior member of the imperial court, Changsun Wuji's words and deeds naturally became the weather vane for some ordinary officials.

After all, not everyone has the ability to figure out the emperor's mind. If these ordinary officials want to get Li Er's approval or appreciation, then they must have a sense of presence.

However, due to the limitation of their own level, these ministers did not know what to do, but now that Changsun Wuji spoke, now these ministers also understood how to speak.

The ministers below all cupped their hands and said: "My lord, the prince of my Tang Dynasty is indeed still young. If the lord insists on getting married at this time, I am afraid that it will not only delay my learning opportunity for the next emperor of the Tang Dynasty, but also very difficult to learn." It's easy to bring the people of my Tang Dynasty into a realm of eternal doom, not to mention that the prince of my Tang Dynasty is still young. If the emperor insists on making peace, but the prince doesn't understand the matter of men and women at all, presumably the princesses of these small countries Even if you marry into my Tang Dynasty, you will not be truly happy, so for the consideration of the two countries, please ask the Holy Master to enlighten you and reject the marriage proposals of these small countries! Your Holy Majesty think twice."

"My lord, if my Great Tang wants to marry the prince now, even if I can choose the priority among the princesses of these countries, then my Great Tang will definitely make these small countries feel unconvinced, but my great lord The etiquette system of the Tang Dynasty cannot be messed up. Looking at history, there has never been a prince of any country who can include two princes and concubines. If this precedent is set in my Tang Dynasty, then I am afraid that the court will collapse in the future. This is the collapse of the country. My Majesty, please think twice before rejecting these small countries' requests for marriage marriage. Your Majesty has learned from you."

"My lord, the current crown prince of my Tang Dynasty is really not suitable for marriage. If my lord insists on making a marriage, it will easily make the next generation of emperors of my Tang Dynasty not capable enough. I can't guarantee it! Please think again, Your Majesty, for rejecting the marriage proposals of these small countries."

Although Li Er was reluctant, he was still very reluctant.

After all, this achievement can be described as huge. Datang didn't spend a single soldier, and all the small countries around Datang surrendered to Datang, surrendered one after another, and even asked for peace with Datang. Datang's position is very important. As an emperor, Li Er also understands what the actions of these small countries represent.

"If I agree to the request of these small countries to get married, I am afraid that even the historians will be shocked by my achievements in the future. Qin Huang Han Wu only created a prosperous world for a while. If I agree to the request of these small countries, then I It not only created a peaceful era, but also included foreign races into our Tang territory, and also expanded the country several times. Compared with Qin Huang Han Wu, I am slightly better than Qin Huang Han Wu, which is really exciting."

"What's more, the Supreme Emperor, who has lived in the deep palace for a long time, is now eyeing my throne covetously. If he knows that I have brought these small countries into the territory of the Tang Dynasty without a single soldier, the Supreme Emperor must also be afraid of my ability. I will obediently hide in that Taiji Palace, and have no thoughts about me."

"But although the benefits are huge, it is really not suitable for my prince to be married now. This is a difficult matter to solve."

Li Er shook his head helplessly. Although the benefits of getting married are huge and very easy to obtain, as long as Li Er nods, the envoys of these small countries will return to the country as soon as possible, and send the princesses of their own countries to the country. Send it to Datang to make peace.

But Li Er also remained sober, and now the marriage can only protect Datang's temporary interests.

If it takes a long time, it will be these small countries that will benefit.

After all, the prince of the Tang Dynasty is the next generation of the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. As long as the prince ascends the throne, the status of the princess will naturally rise.

As the master of the harem, the queen also has the power over ten thousand people in the Tang Dynasty.

If by that time, the princesses of these small countries all want to repay their country, I am afraid that Li Er will be powerless by then.

After all, the prince's marriage must not be sloppy.

And the envoys below are almost giving up. After all, so many ministers asked Li Er to refuse at the same time.

As the emperor, Li Er would definitely consider the advice of these ministers carefully.

These envoys undoubtedly had a bitter look on their faces. After all, this plan for marriage was the last trick they came up with.

If they really can't succeed, then these countries really have nothing to do.

If they don't get the consent of Datang to bring them into the vassal state, then it can be said that all their efforts for so long have been in vain.

The envoys looked ashen, as if they were waiting for Li Er's refusal to come out.

On the other hand, Bai Jingyi found it very interesting after seeing the reactions of these envoys.

These ministers were like eggplants beaten by frost, withering one after another.

As for their little things, Bai Jingyi is also very clear in his heart.

"It's nothing more than wanting to control the prince, and then control the next monarch of the Tang Dynasty, but I'm afraid these envoys will lose their calculations."

(End of this chapter)

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