Templar Sun King

Chapter 369 Prophets and Faith

Chapter 369 Prophets and Faith

Herman died a bit unjustly.

Garen's strength is already much higher than his, and he still has the outstanding fighting spirit of the light attribute, the dark attribute of the mummy, and the three powerful alienation abilities of the Holy Hammer, Fatal Concussion, and Arena. How can Heman be Garon? opponent.

In addition, after being ingested by Garen's arena, Herman was so shocked that he lost his mind, and he was hit by a fatal concussion before he even had time to react, and he couldn't die anymore.

In fact, all targets taken into the arena by Garen will get the information provided by the arena that the other party can only go out unless one party is completely dead. However, Herman was almost killed by the holy hammer first, and was transferred to In a completely unfamiliar environment, Garen seized the opportunity to easily kill him after repeated blows.

But in the eyes of the onlookers, it was a completely different scene: Heman suddenly stopped in place when he was only 100 meters away from the border of the desert principality, his scarlet eyes were full of fear, and then he was chased by Garen, directly Killed with a hammer.

The legendary mid-level mummy of the Desert Principality was smashed to death with a hammer. People who didn't know the details thought that it was only the mummy lord who was smashed to death so simply!But Jiuzhushen testified that the hapless mummy that has turned into powder is a genuine legendary sword master.

The person in charge of the Feathered Snake Principality's Barnes Grassland battlefield couldn't help but shudder when he looked at Garon's tall and mighty figure on the field, and then at the rather ordinary warhammer in his hand.

Garen's already mighty figure grew even taller in his eyes. Just kidding, a master who can kill another legendary sword master with one hammer, even the goddess's clan, would not be able to find a legend with the same fierce combat power Come on, his small body can't bear it.

The rabbi also stared in a daze after Garen smashed Herman to death, then turned around very smartly, without even looking in the direction of the desert principality.His defiant look would definitely have drawn the wrath of the mummies a few minutes ago.

But now, the entire Desert Principality's camp was quiet and scary, and all the mummies were stunned by that terrifying hammer, speechless.

Adam, who had already upgraded, was equally enthusiastic. He had to admit that compared to the attacks of spell-based occupations, sometimes violent, brutal, fist-to-body battles like Garen's were more shocking and deterrent.

"Oh..." After a long time, the soldiers of Feathered Snake Principality came back to their senses and cheered.

I just got smashed to death with a hammer?This is impossible!
Heman looked at his hands, it was indeed a mummy, but the powerful power of the legendary sword master disappeared, and there was only a pitiful bit of vindictiveness circulating in his body.

There is a desert in front of him, with yellow sand everywhere, and the scorching sun hanging high. Behind him is a temple of the God of the Desert. There is no mistake, this is the capital of the Principality of the Desert. After he died in battle, he was reborn in the Kingdom of the God of the Desert.

Heman, who was originally a legendary mid-level, died and was reborn in the god he believed in, the God of the Desert, in the kingdom of God. His strength dropped by two ranks, and he retained the power of the silver mid-level—if he wanted to regain the power of the legendary rank , that was probably a long, long time later.

He was literally smashed to death with a hammer!

Even now, Heman couldn't accept the fact that his legendary sword master was killed so easily.In fact, it's not that he hasn't thought about death. For them, death is not the end, but the beginning of another life.

But to be crushed to death with a hammer, it would be too embarrassing to die!

He hasn't even had time to use his third alienation ability yet!

"You are, Lord Herman!" A surprised and delighted voice sounded beside Herman.Heman, who was still immersed in the sadness of being killed so easily, looked listlessly at the mummy who didn't know when it appeared in front of him.

"Master Herman, you are really Lord Herman!" The mummy shouted excitedly, "That's great!"

Facing Heman's murderous eyes, the mummy realized belatedly that the "great" sentence just now seemed to be cursing Heman for a good death.So he hurriedly apologized: "No, Lord Herman, I didn't mean that..."

The mummy stammered: "I mean, it's great to see you here... No, who is capable of taking you..."

Before he finished asking, the mummy was slapped aside by Herman, whose strength had dropped to the silver rank.

The battle between Garen and Herman was seen by the Desert God. To be honest, even the Desert God himself did not expect Herman to die so simply.

He sent the three rabbis to Barnes Grassland in order to kill the legendary sword master who arrogantly dared to intervene in the principality's war.It turned out to be a good thing, his legend was smashed to death with a hammer in less than 3 minutes, which is really shameful.

Yama found a good helper this time, and the other legend was not weak, so he forcibly blocked the magic attacks of the Rabbi and the two without losing the wind.

But now, there are three legends who dare to fight against him.Because the young man was promoted to legend without warning at the same time Herman was killed.

After finally waiting for an opportunity to carve up the Feathered Serpent Principality and improve its strength, how could the God of the Desert allow the three legends to destroy his plan.His scarlet eyeballs rolled, and he already had an idea.

"Send me an order to open the laboratory and send them to the battlefield."

With the help of the great Sun God, the remnants of the Misty City finally got rid of the pursuit of the mummy army, and led by Summers, they crossed the ice field and found a warm valley in the desolate north to live temporarily.

This valley is inlaid in the vast white ice field. Because of the terrain, the temperature is slightly higher, and there is snow-melt water from the snow-capped mountains. The water source is abundant. It is an extremely rare green area in the ice field.For the remnants of the Misty City, it is as precious as an oasis in the desert, and it is a miracle.

The 3 people were arranged in an orderly manner under the arrangement of Summers, with a clear division of labor, and each performed their duties. Some were responsible for finding food, and some were responsible for building shelter.

"I found a plant in front of me that I have never seen before, but I just don't know if it can be eaten?" A man said very regretfully.Many seemingly innocuous plants are highly poisonous and can easily bring down an adult.

The milk and bread given by the sun god were almost exhausted when they found this valley, and it was all up to them how to survive here without the protection of legends.

"Otherwise, we can take some back and ask the Prophet." The Prophet is their respectful title for the old herdsman Summers, which means someone who can communicate with God and obtain revelation.

"Yes, yes, we can ask the Prophet."

The Prophet Summers, whom the two talked about, was praying devoutly to Adam at this time, as he said before, three times a day, without falling behind once.

Next to him, several younger children looked curiously at Summers who was praying, knelt down on the ground in a similar manner, and prayed to the great sun god together.

When he opened his eyes after praying, Summers was delighted to see a child next to him with an extraordinary aura of faith.

He asked, "What's your name?"

"Prophet, my name is Assyria."

"Very good, Assyria, starting today I allow you to pray to the great sun god with me every day. I hope that one day you can become a respected priest."

To shepherd the lamb for God, it is far from enough for him alone to be a pastor.Whether it is to survive here smoothly or to increase the belief in the Sun God, he is obliged to develop more believers and train priests.

Assyria was speechless with excitement, and cheered after saluting to Summers.

"Prophet, we have discovered a new plant, but we are not sure if it is edible."

Summers took a look and saw that what they brought back was a crop similar to wheat, but smaller and darker in color, showing a special cyan color.

"Put things on the ground." The two respectfully placed the plants on the ground, watching the prophet's movements with curiosity and anticipation.

After Summers was bestowed with magical powers by Adam and became a priest, he quickly understood the role of faith and became more devout and firm.Just two days ago, he was surprised to find that there were five more magic spells in the list, which were Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Understand Language, Spell Sensitivity, and Detect Thoughts.

Considering their current situation, Summers did not hesitate to learn the second-level magic of detecting poison first.

While muttering a prayer in praise of the Sun God, Summers pointed at a plant he had never seen before, and a beam of bright light fell on it.The light flickered and turned into a milky white symbolizing non-toxicity.

"Edible and non-toxic."

"Great, Lord Prophet, maybe we can grow this plant artificially." In addition to the wheat and other crop seeds they hurriedly brought with them when they fled, they will finally be able to avoid starvation in the future.

"En." Summers nodded, stood up and looked at the people working in the valley. Most of them began to emit aura representing the belief of the sun god, with thumbs as long as they were short.This was not enough, Summers thought, and finally he decided to build an altar in this valley himself, and lead the people to pray to the sun god three times a day.

(End of this chapter)

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