Crazy evolution bug

Chapter 77 The Holy Grail of Blood (7)

Chapter 77 The Holy Grail of Blood ([-])
In the middle of the night, Lawrence, a genius swordsman with hidden strength, assumed the role of vigilance, and everyone else had already fallen asleep...

Originally, Wang Xiaoyu wanted to take on the task of guarding, so he went to find some food nearby to fill his stomach, but the bald warrior Ruth did not let Wang Xiaoyu take up the task of guarding in the end.

Because Wang Xiaoyu has [Fatigue Resistance], it is enough to rest once a few days, and there is no need to sleep at all, so Wang Xiaoyu also got up in the middle of the night.

"Didn't you say that you don't need to be on guard? Go back to sleep. You must have been alone in the jungle these days and haven't slept well for many days." Lawrence said with a smile when he saw Wang Xiaoyu coming and waved his hand.

Wang Xiaoyu shook his head when he heard the blond swordsman's words, then pointed to the red-headed cricket on his shoulder, and continued to write on the notebook with the magic pen.

[With its help, you can actually sleep peacefully. ]
Lawrence showed a stunned expression: "Forget that you still have a cricket that can detect danger. With him helping you in the jungle, you must have saved a lot of trouble."

Wang Xiaoyu nodded, and then continued to write.

[fine. ]
Nodding to Wang Xiaoyu, Lawrence didn't speak, and the bonfire not far from the two quietly fell silent for a while.


"Actually, I have a question. Can you tell me where you are from? Of course, if it's inconvenient for you, you don't have to." Lawrence, who was suddenly silent, asked Wang Xiaoyu.

Wang Xiaoyu was slightly stunned for a moment, he really forgot to prepare the answer to this question, but soon a place emerged in his mind, and Wang Xiaoyu quickly wrote it down.

[Myrathon. ]
"Myrasong, is it the one near the Peak of the Sky? It must be very uneasy between the orcs and the Magicweave Empire..." Lawrence sighed and said to Wang Xiaoyu.

The appearance of Myrasong appeared in Wang Xiaoyu's mind, and the place in "Tianyu" that Wang Xiaoyu felt most belonging to was Myrasong.The scenes in Myrasong also kept flashing in Wang Xiaoyu's mind, which contained many memories of him and Fina, and he even became the guardian knight of Myrasong later...

Wang Xiaoyu nodded to Lawrence in affirmation, thought for a while and then continued to write in the notebook.

[Wars are indeed a little more frequent. After all, humans and orcs have been in constant friction, but we usually flee early when we hear the wind. ]
"Even so, you must have a hard time there..." the blond swordsman said with emotion.


Wang Xiaoyu chatted with the swordsman Lawrence for nearly a whole night, and Wang Xiaoyu also had some guesses about Lawrence's identity under side-talking.

After the sky was slightly bright, Wang Xiaoyu and the giant shield adventure group started the task of collecting starlight grass.

In Wang Xiaoyu's impression, Starlight Grass is an auxiliary material in healing potions, and it is considered a relatively rare material.

Everyone quickly started their journey through the wolf jungle. It took about ten hours. When the evening arrived, everyone successfully passed through the wolf jungle.

During the march, everyone said more than once that the frequency of the jungle wolves here is very abnormal. After all, there were three elite jungle wolves that attacked them once yesterday, and as a result, only 4 or 5 mortals appeared once in the next whole day. The super jungle wolf launched an attack on them.

Only Wang Xiaoyu knew the real reason for this, and that was because in the past twenty days, he had preyed and eaten too many of these jungle demon wolves.

After passing through the wolf forest, because the place where the starlight grass was collected is not very far away, everyone didn't stop to rest. After 2 hours of accelerated march, they soon arrived at the lake of starlight.

As the sky gradually turned dark, the starlight grass near the Lake of Starlight also emitted fluorescence.

The fluorescent starlight grass is easier to collect. After collecting in the middle of the night, Bald Ruth's space bag has been filled, so everyone began to camp again to rest.

In the early morning of the next day, everyone started to return the same way. After about four days of marching towards the southeast, everyone successfully left the Elven Forest and came to the grassland next to the Elven Forest.

During these four days, Wang Xiaoyu also saw the tragedy left after Ryder set fire two months ago. Although there was a heavy rain the next day and the fire was extinguished, the burned area still made everyone come closer. Times of Day.

Of course, the burned place is no longer a mess. After 2 months, it is covered with green again, and various plants and trees have grown from the ground covered by ash.


As time went by, Wang Xiaoyu could meet one or two humans from time to time as he traveled on the grassland.

In the evening, Wang Xiaoyu and the giant shield adventure group successfully arrived at the small town that Wang Xiaoyu had heard about, which belongs to Tallinn Town, which belongs to the country of wizards.

This small town can be said to be the base of the four-person group of the Giant Shield Adventure Group in the Kingdom of Wizards. A similar location is Lore City near the border of the Silver Empire. In short, the usual adventure commissions of the Giant Shield Adventure Group are in these two Nearby between towns.

Of course, in addition to accepting some commissions in the Adventurer's Guild, the Giant Shield Adventure Group will occasionally make a guest appearance as a mercenary group to protect the caravans moving in the two cities. They are still very convincing here as the peak warriors.

npc: Tallinn town guard George (mortal)
Occupation: Town Guard

Rating: 15
Combat: 7.2
When approaching Tallinn Town, Wang Xiaoyu activated the player's magical skill [Exploration Technique], and checked the information of the two guards at the entrance of these towns. He also had an intuitive understanding of the guards in this town, and their strength was not very strong. .

The two town guards and the bald warrior Ruth obviously knew each other. After greeting each other a few times, they turned their eyes to Wang Xiaoyu. After the bald warrior and Hank explained, the two guards quickly let go of their worries. Considering Wang Xiaoyu's identity, he let the group in.


Like most small towns, there is a low stone wall on the outskirts of Tallinn Town. Although there is no practical use, at least the residents living here can feel at ease.

In the town, there are brick and stone houses mixed with some wooden houses. Although it doesn't look rich, the lively scene of people coming and going after entering the city still shows that people here are living well.

However, no matter how prosperous the place is, there will be poverty, not to mention the place itself is not very rich.

Wang Xiaoyu soon discovered that the female archer Eve walked to the edge of the city wall, and then distributed some food to several beggars nearby...

It was at this moment that the red-headed cricket on Wang Xiaoyu's shoulder made a sound.

"Brother, that human has a problem..."

Wang Xiaoyu turned his head to look, and found that the red-headed cricket was shaking its antennae, stretching out its legs and pointing in one direction.

Following the direction pointed by the red-headed cricket, Wang Xiaoyu saw that it was a gray-haired female beggar, wearing a messy coarse cloth, who was eating the bread Eve gave her, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with it. Sure, Wang Xiaoyu launched [Exploration Technique] on him suspiciously.

npc: Angela (???)

Profession:? ? ?
grade:? ? ?
Combat Strength: ? ? ?

"Is the difference in strength too large? Or suppressed strength? Or camouflage skills?"

Wang Xiaoyu murmured, but he did not choose to contact the old woman pretending to be a beggar, but followed the members of the giant shield adventure group and walked forward quickly without slowing down.

He is not a player from his previous life now, he only lives once, and it is better to keep as little contact with unknown things as possible...

Continue to walk forward, because the Adventurer's Guild has been closed at this time, so they decided to take Wang Xiaoyu to find a hotel to rent, and then make other plans.

(End of this chapter)

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