I'm crazy

Chapter 122

Chapter 122
Although Song Wo has now been abolished, the marriage contract set must still be fulfilled.

Now no one in the Song family objects to Song Wo marrying Chu Yun, and for Yuan Zhou, although the abolition of Song Wo cannot bring him as much benefit as before, the Song family will definitely compensate them for this reason, which is better than nothing. up.

As for the possibility of canceling the marriage contract between Song Wo and Chu Yun, Yuan Zhou never thought about it at all. Let alone Chu Yun is just his adopted daughter. If the disease was left in an ordinary family, he would have died long ago. It is not thanks to his money to support him for so many years.

It was time for her to reciprocate.

and also……

Yuan Zhou thought about it carefully, Song Wo is no longer useful, so the original reason why Song Wo wants to find Chu Yun's heart is not to worry about.

That kind of thing should be done as little as possible, and he doesn't want to block his way of making money because of this.

【Master, the matter has been resolved. 】

Although Lin Yuan didn't bother to know the reason of this incident, the Kunlun Mirror didn't take lightly those who wanted to hurt its owner, although these mortals couldn't hurt the owner at all.


Lin Yuan, who enjoyed traveling in mountains and rivers, had already forgotten what Kunlun Mirror said.

Kunlun Mirror explained Lin Yuan carefully.

Lin Yuan smiled playfully, "Oh, I want my heart!"


The Kunlun mirror trembled in the sea of ​​consciousness, the master was really angry now.

These mortals are really daring, dare to covet...

"Lin, what's the matter?"

Luther Karl, who was beside Linyuan, said softly.

Suddenly he felt an extremely strong coercion. If it weren't for the support of the family's honor, he might have already knelt down.

Lin Yuan restrained his coercion, and the creatures in the whole ocean, which were frozen and afraid to move, immediately ran into the deep sea, and they dared not come to the surface again during this period of time.

Animals are often more able to feel the existence that they cannot feel than humans. The coercion of that moment just now almost scared them to death. Although they have no wisdom, their intuition tells them to run away!

Luther Karl was still looking at her with concern, Lin Yuan said indifferently: "It's okay."

Just thinking, it's time to teach some humans a lesson.

After staying on the yacht for a day, Lin Yuan and Luther Carl returned to Luther Carl's home in Country Y.

Coincidentally, after Lin Yuan came to country Y, he ran into Luther Karl who had just returned to the family to handle affairs after leisure.

It's normal, Luther Karl invited Lin Yuan to his house as a guest, and Lin Yuan readily agreed.

Having someone to entertain would save her from the trouble of being alone.

Therefore, with the arrival of Linyuan, Luther Karl, who had only taken a few days off, happily granted himself another period of vacation.

What about family affairs?
There are so many people in the family, and so many subordinates are not vegetarians!
He usually handles enough things, and he should also give them a chance to exercise, and give them a period of time to see their abilities.

It's the perfect plan.

The exquisite fingertips are drawn in the void, and the inexplicable and strange power slowly gathers together. The lavender light travels along with the lines drawn by the fingertips. This space seems to be a domain, and no one can escape. domain.

In just a few breaths, the mysterious totem was drawn by the slender fingers that grasped the power of heaven and earth, floating quietly in front of him.

The pure black totem is so clear that it can't be seen what it is. Even if it floats in the air like a stagnation, it still gives people a strong sense of crisis.

This is a powerful force that the soul feels dangerous.

Lin Yuan tapped the totem with his fingertips, and the totem was divided into four parts, and the four identical totems surrounded Lin Yuan's body.

Purple light flashed in the dark pupils, and the four totems disappeared as if ordered.

Kunlun Mirror has long been unable to hold back its curiosity.

【Master, what is this? 】

Lin Yuan's complexion was a little pale, and using divine power in such a plane without any spiritual power really consumed a lot, not to mention that she had suppressed her divine power due to the factors of the plane.

Although those things can be punished by other methods, for example, she can get people to deal with those humans with just a phone call, but in the end it is more comfortable to do it yourself.

The most important thing is that those punishments that are already heavy enough in the eyes of humans are not worth mentioning to demon gods.

The power of the soul gradually burns away until it becomes the nourishment of this world, that feeling will be more interesting than that.

But otherwise it's okay...

"It is the spell of one of the three thousand demon gods in the chaotic era."

Lin Yuan answered Kunlun Mirror's question, chaos is boundless, generally speaking, three thousand demon gods rarely meet each other, but when they do, they will never die.

However, Linyuan's luck has been bad in the chaotic period. She has encountered many chaotic demon gods, and the demon god who is good at spells is one of them.

After paying almost the price of death, Lin Yuan successfully annihilated the demon god in the chaos, and she also obtained the demon god's inheritance spell.

The one just now was just one of the little soul curses.

Of course, this smallness is based on Linyuan's standards. No matter how small the incantations of the Chaos Three Thousand Demon Gods are, any one of them can make this world disappear.

Because of the suppression of divine power, Linyuan deliberately reduced the power of the spell, so it is just right to use it on human beings now, it will definitely make them feel the unbearable pain in this life, and it will not let the soul disappear quickly.

After listening to Lin Yuan's explanation, Kunlun Mirror quietly shrank into a ball and hid in Lin Yuan's sea of ​​knowledge.

Its eyes are full of one question: Has it offended its master?
But the master is really amazing, it really likes the master!
At the same time, Song Wo, Chu Yun, Yuan Zhou, and Min Handai suddenly felt a sharp pain, which was so strong that they wailed out almost the moment they felt it.


Chu Yungang was still looking at her new clothes in the room, but immediately fell to the ground and rolled, tears streaming down her face, and within a minute, she had no sound of wailing, her body convulsed, and she almost fainted No, it was obviously such a severe pain, but her heart did not show any symptoms of attack, and it was still in her chest.

The heart attack, which she avoided in the past, now she can't wait for it to attack immediately, maybe then she won't be in such pain.

Chu Yun gradually curled up on the ground, tears and snot dripping all over the floor.

She didn't know how long the pain lasted, and suddenly it stopped, but before she could breathe a sigh of relief, a more severe pain than before swept over again.


Chu Yun has made a sound from her, in fact she can't even open her mouth, it's her soul howling, Chu Yun's pupils constricted, like a dying person, but in fact she is fine, she There is nothing wrong with my body.

Yuan Zhou, Song Wo, and Min Handai were also in the same situation. They felt as if they were being burned by karmic fire on the eighteenth floor of hell. They wanted to die and commit suicide, but they couldn't even move their arms.

And this is just the beginning...

 Thank you for the votes of just thinking about little angels ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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