I'm crazy

Chapter 123

Chapter 123
Country Y's itinerary was a bit longer than Country L's. Because of Luther Carl's hospitality, Linyuan was comfortable, so he had no intention of going back.

But no matter what, it's been almost two months since she came out, and Lin Yuan plans to go home, after all, she's not the only one in this plane.

"Lin, don't you want to stay for a few more days? There are still many beautiful scenery in country Y that you haven't seen, it's still my entertainment..."

Luther Karl stared at Linyuan with blue eyes like the deep sea, and the unfinished words, I am afraid that anyone who sees these eyes can understand.

He hoped that Lin could stay for a few more days, or...

Lin Yuan rejected his proposal, "No, I still have something to do."

Luther Carl smiled regretfully, did not hold back, and said, "Okay, then I will prepare the voyage for you."

Lin Yuan didn't refuse this time, the private jet is comfortable after all, she won't push it out to enjoy the opportunity.

"Come on, if you come to country Y in the future, please allow me to entertain you."

Luther Carl bowed and saluted, very standard knight etiquette.

After seeing Lin Yuan leaving, Luther Karl withdrew his gaze from Lin Yuan.

The subordinate beside him hesitated softly: "Patriarch, why do you..."

why not stay...

Luther Karl didn't speak, just rubbed the cat doll in his pocket lightly, which he seemingly inadvertently begged for from Lin.

yes!Why not keep her?
Luther Carl is very clear.

Because how could a believer keep his gods?

"Let's go."


Before Lin Yuan got off the plane, he turned on his phone and saw the message pushed over.

"The Yuan Group and the Song Group declared bankruptcy, and the two groups declared bankruptcy in such a short period of time. Is it due to intentional targeting or the group's poor management and other further reasons, please stay tuned later!"

Lin Yuan closed the phone casually, and said without discerning expression: "The efficiency is good."

There are not only reasons for other groups to target, but also Yuan's own poor management.

Yuan Zhou only cared about climbing up the ladder, and he had done a lot of crimes. Now that he was exposed, he might be in prison for the rest of his life.

Not to mention the Song family, you can know what the Song family looks like by looking at Song Wo's domineering president's posture.

Today's domineering president...

Imprisoning women, playing with the underworld, taking heart and kidney, killing people and setting fire to them are all trivial things. For the domineering president, there is nothing they can't do.

Therefore, the fate of the Song family is not the same as that of Yuan Zhou and others. Anyway, it is impossible to live a life of "opening your mouth when you have food" for the rest of your life.

Lin Yuan thought with disgust, what would it be like if she hadn't come to this plane?
As a common man, Yu Yuan could not have resisted these domineering CEOs, so it was normal for Yu Yuan to die in a car accident where no one could find fault.

Her heart was quietly transferred to Chu Yun's body, and she was said to have died in a car accident, and no one would even bury her.

Chu Yun's health is getting better gradually, and he and Song Wo are together happily, and their wedding must be grand enough to be a hot search on the Internet.

As for the two Yu Chen Shifeng who are confused because of the death of their daughter, no one will know, and they may even die in an inexplicable but "normal" way someday because they want to kill the grass.

Creatures like humans are really "interesting"!

"Hey, Yuanyuan, are you home yet?"

The bright voice came from the phone, and it seemed to be more cheerful than before because of the haze.

"not yet."

Feeling Jiang Qian's happiness, Lin Yuan's thoughts gradually shifted a bit. Although most of the creatures like humans are too interesting, there are finally some existences that can make her feel happy.

"Yuan Yuan, will you come to Province S?"


Her journey is arbitrary, and she herself doesn't know where she wants to go in the next moment, so these words are not perfunctory.


The voice on the phone seemed a little disappointed, but it immediately became lighter.

"That's good, but Yuan Yuan, if you arrive in Province S, you must call me!"

She will not go back to City C again. I heard that her parents have never given up looking for her, and their search for her is very clear. Has completely turned into a monster, a monster that makes her feel creepy.

When she stays in Province S for a few more years, she plans to go abroad. Maybe one day, she can come back only when they are gone!

This is the best way, because they are parents, because this is a society ruled by law.

She couldn't and couldn't solve the problem in the way Yuan Yuan said.

It is also impossible to report the case. What will she say if the case is handled?
Did she report the crime because her parents forced her to marry?
Don't be kidding, the final result must be that the JCs will do some ideological work for her.

This is not the fault of the JCs, but the society is like this, even if other people know about it, they will also say, don't they just let you get married?You can't get it!Besides, how old are you and still not married?Your parents are right, at most they are a little excited because they are too anxious!But they are for your own good, don't you know that?
These remarks may still be good, and there may be some people who stand on the moral high ground to condemn you and attack you.

What do women do if they don't get married!
You see, she is so old and still not married, so there is no problem!It must be, otherwise why would no one want it!
Jiang Qian can fully imagine the series of reactions that will happen when this incident becomes serious, and it will definitely be all her fault, and she will be forced to go on the so-called "right track" in the end.

In fact, this world is far from being so beautiful and so desirable, just like although she is working in a company now, no one who knows her, knows that she is not married, there are still a lot of gossip.

Where there is light, darkness will always follow.

But she still doesn't want to give up, especially when she still has the ability to resist, it is even more impossible for her to give up on herself and her life easily.

After Lin Yuan hung up Jiang Qian's phone, he arrived at the door of the house. When he was about to open the door, he realized that he had forgotten to bring the key, so he could only ring the doorbell.

In the living room, Shi Feng is knitting a sweater. It’s almost autumn, and I have to knit a few more for Yuan Yuan, and I have to urge her to put it on. My daughter is good everywhere, but sometimes I’m too lazy to even add a piece of clothing. .

When the doorbell rang, Shi Feng signaled Yu Chen to open the door.

Since those two inexplicable people came last time, Yu Chen was afraid that his wife would be in danger, so she wouldn't let her open the door.

"Yuan Yuan! You are back!!!"

The voice was so loud that even Shi Feng in the living room could hear it.

What, my daughter is back!
Shi Feng quickly put down the sweater, and arrived at the door in three steps in two.

Yu Chen and Shi Feng raised the corners of their mouths happily, and when Lin Yuan sat down, Yu Chen hurriedly packed up his things and went to cook. The daughter must have worked hard all the way, so she must have a good meal.

"Yuan Yuan, how many days can you stay at home this time?"

Shi Feng said with a smile.

"There's a two-month vacation this time. Mom might be annoying me by then."

Lin Yuan also joked.

Shi Feng immediately retorted: "How is it possible, Mom can't wait for Yuan Yuan to live at home for the rest of her life!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his voice and said, "Old Yu, make more dishes!"

"Hey, I see!"

Thousands of lights, one warm.

 That's all for this story.

  Thank you little angel Ling Yuan for your votes *^_^*
(End of this chapter)

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