I'm crazy

Chapter 124 Ancestor

Chapter 124 Ancestor
In the vast night, there is a creature moving forward at extreme speed.

The pursuers behind him were getting closer and closer, and Kerwin Andrew blurted out a curse with a serious expression on his face.


He just drank a little out of curiosity, that woman is not dead yet!As for being so desperate?
If it wasn't for the fact that all the high-level blood races were asleep, how could they be forced to this point by humans?

Since 1000 years ago, the high-level pure-blood clans have fallen asleep one by one, and the rest of the blood clans are the converted blood clans from the middle and lower classes.

But that doesn't mean weak humans can do anything to them.

However, after thousands of years, humans have obviously gradually found a way to deal with the blood race, and even established a blood hunting association.

In recent years, more and more vampires and humans have died on members of the Blood Hunting Association, and the two sides have almost become endless enemies.

It wasn't until the last high-ranking vampire made a non-interference agreement with humans before they fell asleep that this kind of meeting was either you die or I live, and the state was much better.

If Kerwin Andrew didn't drink human blood out of curiosity.

Kerwin Andrew didn't see the nobility and elegance of the legendary vampire at this time. The clothes on his body were covered by blood stains, and he couldn't see a trace of the prototype. His originally good-looking face had been disfigured because of running away at high speed for a few days. Even the most attractive The blood-colored pupils lost their luster and dimmed.

It was obvious that his injury was very serious.

"Carl, just kill him right away?"

The blond man with a special silver gun in his hand said to the tall, brown-haired woman beside her.

Carl frowned, disapproving of what Ken said.

"The victim is not dead. According to the regulations of the association, he cannot be killed."

The present peace is hard-won, and no one wants to break it unless it is absolutely necessary.

Ken obviously didn't think so.

He quickly moved to pursue Kerwin, and at the same time raised his silver gun, and with a "bang", a bullet had already hit Kerwin.


Carl lowered his voice and said seriously.

Ken smiled indifferently, "Carl, don't be so serious? Look, it's not a hit! I still have a sense of proportion."

Carl looked at Ken's playful smile and didn't speak, but his brows frowned a little more seriously.

Ken is a member of the association who hates blood races extremely. Every time he goes out on a mission, there is absolutely no one left alive. Obviously some blood races deserve death, but he still kills them.

It would be excusable if Ken had any deep hatred with the blood clan, or if his parents died at the hands of the blood clan, but the point is that there is no such thing.

Logically speaking, people like Ken shouldn't stay in the association anymore, but for some reason, the top management of the association let him stay.

Carl thought of the increasingly uncomfortable atmosphere in the association in recent years, and worries flashed in his heart.

She suppressed the inexplicable feeling in her heart.

He said to Ken again, "Ken, no more shots!"

"Tsk tsk, got it."

What an eyesore!
Why did those old bastards send him out with Karl? Don't they know that he can't get along with "diehards" like Karl?
However, it is true that they can no longer be killed directly, and those old immortals should have opinions if they continue to kill.

These vampires have even greater uses.

Ken looked at the vampire in front of him and licked the corner of his mouth excitedly, what a pity!
The blood hunting association behind him was getting closer and closer, and seeing that he was about to catch up with him, Kerwin's eyes flashed fiercely.

The blood race can self-destruct, and the energy generated by self-destruction is definitely enough for the two humans to be buried with him.

As a noble blood race, it is absolutely impossible for him to be arrested by humans, and even humans have blocked the news very strictly.

But they still know a little bit. From a few years ago, as long as the blood race was arrested by humans, they never came back alive!
Being able to kill the immortal species of immortality, it can be seen that human beings have been plotting secretly all these years.


Kerwin was about to self-destruct when he suddenly felt a coercion rising in his mind.

His whole bat knelt down on the ground under this coercion, ignoring the human beings who were about to touch him behind him.

The strong blood pressure made him kneel on the ground, unable to even have the slightest thought of resistance.

Karl was still wondering why the vampire stopped suddenly, and knelt down in one direction, thinking that there might be some hole cards that were not revealed, Karl stopped cautiously, a few steps away from the wrong vampire.

But Ken has no scruples. He is just a low-level vampire, and he is already at the end of his battle under his pursuit. What cards can he have?
But in the end, he is fighting against special creatures in this world, even if he is arrogant and arrogant, he still has a sense of vigilance.

He took out special gloves and put them on before touching Kerwin.

Who knew that the moment he touched Kerwin, the glove made a "sizzling" sound, and his finger hurt, and he didn't know what happened, and he was already burned.


Carl stepped forward a few steps and said quickly, "Are you all right?"

Ken was about to answer when he was startled by the change in Kerwin's body.

I saw that Kerwin, who was originally scarred, was recovering quickly, and his dull blood-colored eyes became as seductive as usual.

"How is this going?"

Carl yelled out in shock.

Even though they all knew that vampires had amazing recovery abilities, generally minor wounds would not last much time on vampires.

But Kerwin's injury was caused by a weapon specially made by the association, and it was so serious that it would have been impossible to heal without the time of last month.

What's going on now?
It was naturally impossible for Kerwin Andrew to answer their questions.

He knelt quietly on the ground, waiting for the order.

After receiving the order, Kerwin stood up, bowed respectfully toward the west, then glanced at Ken and Carl, and said, "I'll let you go today."

Carl frowned.

Ken smiled and said, "What a loud tone..."

Before he finished speaking, Kerwin suddenly disappeared in front of them.

"Carl, what is this, fast moving?"

Ken squinted his eyes, facing Caldao who was also thinking beside him.

It seems that I have never seen a vampire with this ability!

Really interesting!
The prey was gone, but Ken was even more excited.

At the same time, Jeff Marcus, the president of the Blood Hunting Association, was inquiring about the situation.

"What's going on today?"

The head of the department investigating the news of the association said: "The specific reason has not been found yet."

These vampires went mad so suddenly that no one knew what was going on.

Jeff Marcus waved the minister down.

Although I don't know what happened to the blood race, but from the information collected today, we can know that this may be a good thing, isn't it?
The higher the value of the blood race!
 Thank you for the votes of little angels and little angels *^_^*
(End of this chapter)

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