I'm crazy

Chapter 185 Update

Chapter 185 Update
Wen Fengqian couldn't figure it out by herself, and she couldn't do anything now, she was about to collapse.

Falling from heaven to hell in an instant, no one wants to try this kind of taste.

Who else, who else could help her?
By the way, broker!Yes, and Ye Yi!
Wen Fengqian hurriedly contacted Ye Yi, Ye Yi was so kind to her, she would never ignore her.

"Hey, Sister Ye, it's me."

"Oh, what's the matter?"

If it was normal, Wen Fengqian would definitely be able to hear the coldness and alienation in Ye Yi's words.

But now she is in a state of desperation, Ye Yi ignored her, she was like a person about to fall off a cliff grabbing a life-saving straw, always thinking of climbing up by relying on this straw.

"Sister Ye, help me, help me, aren't you my manager? Only you can help me now!"

The other end sneered: "Manager, I'm afraid you forgot, we terminated the contract not long ago, so let's do it ourselves!"

Wen Fengqian looked at the severed connection, his hands almost crushed the terminal: "Bitch!"

"Sister Ye, whose call is it?"

The assistant curiously said that after hanging up the call, Sister Ye was obviously in a better mood.

Ye Yi poked the assistant's round face with her fingertips, and said with a smile, "Go do your work, why are you so idle every day!"

The assistant smiled and didn't ask any more questions.

Wen Fengqian was released a promiscuous video on Xingwang. Her reputation has been completely ruined, especially when she created a pure white lotus character. Once the video was released, the backlash...

As soon as the bigwigs among the book fans say hello, no regular crew will use her again in the future.

Her benefactor was also "greeted" by the bigwigs among the book fans, so naturally no one dared to save her, that's why all the benefactors were afraid to avoid her.

Wen Fengqian's star path was completely ruined, unless she went to make tertiary films, she would not be able to stay in this circle any longer.

No one sympathized with her, and no one pitied her.

Do it yourself, you deserve it!
Who is to blame?

It wasn't others who made her degenerate, and it wasn't others who made her like this.

Fortunately, this is the interstellar era, otherwise the extremely angry book fans might not let her go so easily.

After all, Wen Fengqian really wanted to ruin their family, so it wouldn't be too much for them to ruin her, would it?
This incident caused by the inexplicable hacking of Abyss was solved in this way. Not many people believed that Abyss was plagiarized, and then all kinds of evidence released by book fans and Wen Fengqian diverted attention , and few people pay attention to the abyss.

Big Resentment No. [-] star network room, after the event, the resentments who are deeply hidden and famous are happily having a celebration party.

"Resentment and love Yuanyuan: Everyone has done a very good job in this emergency, applaud and applaud! ()·"

"Applause applause! We are the best book fans! Hahaha! ^O^"

“We are so good! (°°)”

"Hey, I just want a reward, I don't ask much, just update a chapter a lot. °(°°)°"

"Resentment and Love Abyss:..."

"Resentment and Love: There are other rewards, but I really can't get this reward. ()"



"Come on, aren't we having a celebration party? Why is everyone so frustrated?"

"No update!˙"

"Not updated! ·()·"

"Not updated!()"


The air suddenly became quiet.

Everyone was silent for a while, complaining that Ai Yuanyuan felt that this could not go on, and just about to say something to warm up the scene, someone in the room "yelled".

"Updated! Updated! Greatly updated! Go and see, sisters!!!"


The room was emptied in just a few seconds!
Resentful Ai Yuanyuan, who was about to type, stopped instantly, exited the room immediately, and opened Fengyue Literature Network.

At this moment, all the grievances who entered the Fengyue Literature Network first noticed not the update, but the dynamics on Abyss's personal page.

Abyss: Reward, yes.

Wow!Almost all the grievances were shouted out, and they were greatly praised!

Wait until the mood calms down before reading the newly updated chapters.

Ten minutes later, the grudges who read the new chapter...

Don't pull them, let them die!
They are so difficult!

How can this be so?

Big too devil!

Their male god died again!woo woo woo~

Can we still be friendly and in love?
Can you still have fun playing?

And Lin Yuan, behind his back, smiled happily...

Here, the things related to Linyuan but seemingly unrelated were resolved, and the resentful people "celebrated together" because of their big rewards.

And Ke You really didn't know what to do.

Still that matter, his protagonist is still unaccounted for.

In fact, there are not without handsome and powerful movie stars in the entertainment industry, and there are countless people who are willing to take on "Emperor". After all, no one is Wen Fengqian, a fool who is escorted by his agent and sponsor and knows nothing.

Ke You also tried it himself, and met countless actors, but just, that feeling just doesn't match!

If Ke You is willing to regress, then of course everyone will be happy. Unfortunately, Ke You's stubbornness is deep in his bones. His first work is still a work with a deep abyss. It is absolutely impossible for him to regress.

However, Ke You scratched his hair.

Being a director is really a tossing job. A film has not yet been finished, and the good and handsome young man is forced to become a rough guy.

It's not that Ke You doesn't pay attention to hygiene, cleanliness is very clean, but even if his temperament has changed, he doesn't pay so much attention to his own image.

He is so busy these days that he doesn't touch the ground, so it would be nice if he can take care of himself, so he doesn't have the time and energy to think about what clothes he wants to wear all day long.

Today, Ke You was wandering, hoping that his shit luck would break out and meet his ideal protagonist on the street.

did not expect……

Ke You's eyes lit up suddenly, as if a person who had walked in the desert for a long time and was dying of thirst suddenly saw an oasis.

He hurried forward in a hurry, for fear that his protagonist would run away.

"Hey, lady, please wait, please wait."

Seeing that the protagonist was about to leave, Ke You didn't care about anything else, and waved his hands quickly, still yelling.

It happened that Lin Yuan, who was bored at home and went shopping, raised his eyebrows, and stood there still with interest, waiting for Ke You, who was not far away, to catch up with him out of breath.

 Thank you for the votes of just thinking about little angels ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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