I'm crazy

Chapter 186 Update

Chapter 186 Update
"Hello, lady, I'm Ke You, the director of the "Emperor" crew, and I would like to invite you to play the leading role of "Emperor"."

Ke You stared at Lin Yuan in front of him with bright eyes.

Like, no, it should be said yes!
The girl in front of him was the heroine in his mind.

The first time Ke You saw her, he felt that he didn't need to worry anymore. It seems that it is a good way to come out to try his luck every day, and he can try more in the future.

But Ke You didn't know it, and suddenly came out and said that he was a director of a big production, and that he would hire someone to play the leading role. Normal people would think that this is a liar, or a liar without any technical content.

Ke looked at Lin Yuan expectantly, hoping that she would agree.

Lin Yuan, who was extremely bored, said, "How do you prove it?"

Ke You, who came back to his senses, naturally knew that what he said just now was too false, and anyone with a normal mind would doubt it.

He was still afraid that this girl would just leave. Now it seems that there is still hope if she doesn't leave.

He directly opened his own terminal and showed the signed contract to Lin Yuan, of course the important information was concealed.

Xingji is very perfect about the law, and it is impossible to forge the contract. Linyuan looked at it seriously for a while, and then said: "I believe you, but I am not interested."

Ke You's face is crossed, this is not allowed!What if she left his movie?
"It's fun to act in a movie, and you are the protagonist of this movie, and you get a high salary. Our crew is not short of money, don't worry. After this movie is broadcast, you will become famous in the third-star province and even in the whole interstellar world. Don't you yearn for it?"

Ke You tried his best to "bewitch" Linyuan, but unfortunately he was not a good talker, and this dry tone really lacked a little temptation.

Lin Yuan shook his head in a face-saving manner: "I don't want to."

She glanced at Ke, and said lightly, "I'll go first if I'm fine."

Then turn around and leave.

Ke You was stunned, and after realizing it, he hurriedly followed Lin Yuan's pace, surrounded her carefully persuading Lin Yuan, hoping that she would change her mind.

"Believe me, filming is really fun, you can make money, you can also act out a person's life, and you can also win fame. It's so interesting, right?"

That's right, but Ke didn't say anything about the disadvantages of being an actor.

Lin Yuan is not interested, just because she can stand still and let Ke You catch up doesn't mean she is interested in making a movie.

In the previous plane, Lin Yuan also worked as an actor, and there is nothing to challenge.

Ke You's lips were almost worn out, but Lin Yuan still had an indifferent and meaningless expression.

The more Ke You watched, the more anxious he became. This is his protagonist!It's the protagonist in the book who is indifferent, ruthless, wise and scheming, the best in the world but also arrogant!
But his destined protagonist didn't give him any reaction, Ke You was really worried to death.

I finally found the heroine, but I didn't expect that the heroine would not like it.

But it was impossible to make him give up.

In this way, Ke You pestered Lin Yuan all the way, and along the way, Ke You was chattering about his crew, his actors, trying to corrupt Lin Yuan's heart with all kinds of sugar-coated shells, and asked her to agree to film " Emperor".

Lin Yuan didn't speak either, Ke You's twittering obviously didn't annoy her to walk such a long distance with her.

But acting really doesn't have that kind of interest, besides, she knows very well that this drama is too troublesome to act.

"Sir, I'm going home."

Lin Yuan stopped and said without expression.

Ke You immediately stopped his chattering, and wisely stopped talking.

"Can you think about it?"

Although IQ and EQ are not low, it's a pity that Ke You finally met his protagonist, and he still doesn't want to let go of a little chance.

Following the sound of footsteps, the indifferent tone reached Ke You's ears: "No need."

With this kind of breeze blowing, the peach blossoms fluttering down, coupled with Ke You's obvious bitter expression now, if it were placed in an idol drama, it would be shining brightly as a supporting role in the failed pursuit of the goddess.

The following days were as peaceful as usual, except that there was one more Ke You who stayed outside her house every day.

Ke You still didn't want to give up, but he couldn't disturb others, so he chose such a common method, hoping to impress his protagonist with his sincerity.

It's a pity that Lin Rururuyuan was not moved at all, but rather annoyed.

When he went out to see Ke You again, Lin Yuan didn't ignore him like before, but stopped by his side.

But Ke was very happy, thinking that his honesty finally moved his protagonist, but unexpectedly...

"Lastly, I'm not interested in making movies."

Although his face was expressionless and his eyes were indifferent, Ke You's heart almost stopped for a moment when he came into close contact with the face that seemed to gather thousands of scenery in the melting moonlight.

After hearing what Lin Yuan said, Ke You smiled wryly.

He couldn't hear any emotional fluctuations in these words, but that's it, Ke You knew that his behavior had already caused troubles to others.

"Feel sorry."

He apologized very earnestly, then nodded and smiled at Lin Yuan, even though he was rejected so thoroughly, Ke You still maintained his demeanor.

After all, no matter how much he is tossed about because of "Emperor" these days, Ke You is still Zhaohui's prince.

[It's very similar to the plot in an idol drama, but this time it's not a supporting role, but a rejected rich second generation. 】

Kunlun Mirror sighed silently.

"Why, are you interested?"

The mirror spinning in the sea of ​​consciousness froze, it happened!Accidentally, I said it directly! ! !

【Master, I was wrong! ! ! 】

A smile flashed across the black eyes that looked like deep stars, and with a slight movement of the fingertips, the Kunlun mirror was involuntarily pulled out from the sea of ​​consciousness.

Lin Yuan held the mirror that was pretending to be dead in his hand, bent his index finger, and flicked it lightly on the mirror surface. As Lin Yuan seemed to have no movement, faint ripples spread out on the mirror surface, like ink smearing the paint, which is very nice.

"It seems that I have given you too much freedom recently."

Lin Yuan sighed indiscriminately, but if the Kunlun mirror was more courageous, he would have seen that the pair of ink-stained pupils clearly did not show any anger, but a meandering smile flashed from time to time, and the deep night suddenly appeared The stars are embellished, adding to the mystery.

Naturally, the mirror that had stiffened into a ball in the owner's hand did not dare to look at the expression of the owner, so he missed this rare beauty in the world.


The spiritual energy slowly overflowed, not much faster than the speed of the turtle, carefully testing the master's attitude.

【I really know I was wrong~】

O this tumultuous breaker.

Yuanshan Handai raised his eyebrows lightly, his half-smile attitude really wanted to make people get drunk in this careless and meaningless smile, but he really didn't dare.

"Oh? Then tell me, what's wrong?"

This time, the Kunlun mirror could hear the smile in the master's words, so it became bolder again.

【Master, I shouldn't arrange the master...】

"Arrangement..." Lin Yuan repeated these two words, as if amused by the Kunlun Mirror.

"You should take a good look at the dictionary."

【what? 】

 Thank you for the votes of just thinking about little angels~
(End of this chapter)

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