Chapter 163 163. Boring

"Everyone cheer up, we still have a chance"

Kojima Mimi's confident look, the members were also infected, nodded, they just lost the vanguard battle, they still have hope!
At this time, the contestant of the second striker stood up and said loudly: "Wait for my good news!"

Her fighting spirit was very high, and she stepped forward. At this moment, she felt that she was extremely powerful, but then...



After fencing twice in a row, in less than 1 minute, the second front player left the field. At this time, he was still in a state of confusion. This is too fast!I haven't tried my best yet, why did I fall down?
Sure enough, without Inengin Futaba, the strength of Jinmen High School returned to its original shape in an instant, and the players fell one by one, and finally it was the turn of the general Mimi Kojima to play.

"I'm playing, wait for my good news," Kojima Mimi said confidently.

"It's up to you, President!"

Several members looked expectant, Kojima Mimi nodded seriously, and strode up to the dojo.

Futaba on the side watched all this calmly, Kojima Mimi's strength was worse than hers, and she would definitely not win, but as a good friend, she couldn't be discouraged at this time.

Sure enough, in less than 2 minutes, Mimi Kojima left the stage. She only lasted 1 minute longer than ordinary members. The gap is too big!

Kojima Mimi gritted her teeth unwillingly, and finally sighed.

The two parties entered, bowed and saluted.

So far, the Holy Son has completed the 15 dare-to-fight rewards, and this achievement has finally attracted the attention of the Yulong Banner Committee.

The camera that was recording the game also gave Shengzi a shot, and her face was instantly projected on the big screen above, and everyone in the audience saw it.

At this time, Shengzi just took off the hood, and the exquisite facial features, sharp eyes, and fierce breath are really amazing.

Shengzi didn't know that he was on the screen, but when he came back, he saw the envious eyes of everyone, and was a little curious.

"what happened?"

"Sister Shengzi, you are on TV," Xicheng Wu said excitedly.

Shengzi turned her head, just as her face was also projected on the big screen above, Shengzi froze for a moment, then his eyes returned to normal, the sharp eyes disappeared instantly, and the cold painting style resumed again.

Sheng Zi didn't pay any attention to this matter, and went straight back to the waiting seat. Xi Chengwu ran over very dog-leggedly, put his hands on her shoulders and began to massage.

"How about Sister Shengzi? Is this strength enough?"

"Okay, go ahead"

The photographer gave the Son a close-up shot for tens of seconds, and the camera switched to the audience, but these tens of seconds were enough for everyone in the audience to know the existence of the Son.

In Dongchuan High School, after Xijiutiao Denghua finished off the last contestant, they advanced again. At this time, they just raised their heads, and then saw Shengzi on the big screen, and were stunned for a moment.

Isn't this from Hechuan Middle School?how on screen?

Although there are many doubts, now is not the time to think about it.

Players from both sides entered the arena, bowed and saluted, the loser went home, and the winner continued to the next game.

Nishi Kujo returned to the team and said curiously: "I seem to have seen people from Hechuan Middle School on the screen just now."

"That's right, they belong to them." Megumi Sanmoto nodded. Although the presence of the Son was not very strong, she remembered all the contestants from Hechuan Middle School clearly.

At this time, Kitano Shinaki came over with a battle form with a serious expression on his face.

"What's wrong?" Mitsumoto asked.

"We're in big trouble." Masaaki Kitano said seriously: "We have a strong opponent. This is the new score just now. I watched the whole game and the opponent is very strong."

Kitano Masaaki handed the information to Mimoto Megumi, and Nishikujo looked over curiously.

"15 people dare to fight reward!" Megumi Mimoto was startled for a moment, and Semi, who was dazed beside her, also turned her head at this time, with a look of curiosity on her face, and two first-year contestants also surrounded her.

Mimoto Megumi read the materials in his hand, his face became very serious, and at this time he also handed the materials to Nishi Kujo and the others, and everyone read it again, and the atmosphere of the scene suddenly changed.

Mimoto Megumi thought for a moment: "It's careless, I didn't expect the real master to be this Sasaki Seiko!"

To be honest, although it was a little unexpected for Hechuan Middle School to participate in this competition, it was not difficult to deal with. According to her calculations, the strongest player was Eri alone, Xiangzi was at best a master, and the others None of them can come in handy. With their strength, there is an 15% chance of winning. But at this moment, a dark horse suddenly popped up, Seiko Sasaki, who challenged [-] people and killed them almost every game. With this strength Ridiculously strong!

What the hell, where did this guy come from, why have I never heard of this character!

Megumi Mimoto recalled it for a while, and then remembered, it seemed that Seiko Sasaki also appeared when they went to the stadium last time, but she was sitting in the back watching the game, and there was no end, and no one paid attention, but no Thinking that this is the real master!

Mimoto Megumi took a look at the order of the battle. If Hechuan Middle School continued to win, they would meet them in the round of 16 tomorrow.

Fortunately, this information came not too late!
At this time, he said to Kitano Shinaki: "Kitano, please go and watch the competition of Hechuan Middle School and collect their information."

Kitano Shinaki nodded, what Mimoto Kei could think of, Kitano Shinaki could think of too.

"Cut, there are only 15 people who dare to fight for rewards, and I can do it too!" Nishi Kujo curled his lips in disdain. If it is a pioneer, it will definitely be able to achieve the achievement of [-] people dare to fight.

"I believe this!" Mimoto Megumi nodded: "Nishikujo, your strength can also achieve such an achievement, but we are for the final victory, so, sorry, I have wronged you."

"All right"

Xikutiao is a person who eats soft things but not hard ones.

Mimoto Megumi clapped her hands at this time, and everyone looked over.

"Everyone don't need to be so nervous, the competition is not over yet, she just won the 15-person dare-to-fight reward, but the next opponent will become stronger and stronger, and the opponent may not be able to win. This Sasaki Seiko should be from Hechuan Middle School The secret weapon is here. They put the secret weapon in the vanguard battle. It is a desperate game. Once the Sasaki Seiko loses, the Hechuan Middle School will be over. It can be said that they are gambling, but we are different. As long as we follow the plan, we will definitely win. is ours!"


The team members cheered up and responded excitedly, the original nervousness disappeared at this time, only Semi looked calm.

She never cared about these.

She only learns kendo for personal reasons, purely based on love, and doesn't care about the ranking at all.

It was just because she was too strong that everyone dragged her to participate in various competitions without knowing it.

To be honest, compared to the competition, Semi thinks it is more interesting to play with Ewen Jielin and the others. Unfortunately, Ewen Jielin and the others will not come back until half a month later.

Life without friends is really boring.

wrong!one left!
At this moment, Semi raised her head and looked in the direction of Hechuan Middle School.

Aren't there fallen angels?
(End of this chapter)

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