Chapter 171 171. Smile
The cheers startled everyone in the Kendo Club. Who is so good at cheering them up?

Turning his head, he saw a group of girls shouting loudly there.

"Is he from our school?" Yui asked in a low voice, and Eri took a look: "It doesn't look like it."

"Then why are you happy for us? It looks like they won the victory."

"I should be happy for Yusuke, Yusuke's good looks..."

Eri smiled, the meaning was obvious, and only then did the few present realize it.

Good looking is good!

At this time, the hearts of the boys next to them were chilling, as if they had been hit by [-] million points.

Looking at these excited girls, Suzuki Lan said with a smile: "It seems that Misawa-san is very popular!"

But it's normal to think about it. He is handsome and capable, so he must be popular.The important thing is that he is very attractive, and everyone who sees him will be attracted at first sight. He has an amazing affinity, and of course he will be loved by little girls.

Yui was a little annoyed, but thought they were helping Yusuke, so she didn't say anything at this time.

The cheers were so strong that other spectators were amazed by it, and many people looked over curiously, was the competition over there so intense?

Not only the audience, but other teams were also affected, and the most affected was Nanming High School. At this time, everyone's mentality was about to burst.

This guy is too arrogant!
If it's just ordinary cheers, it's nothing. I'm not as good as others, and I lose, but you've heard, what are they called:
Handsome guy, that's great!
Handsome guy, hurry up and kill the fool on the other side!

Handsome, come on!
Ten sentences and nine sentences are handsome guys, but I have become a fool on my side,

Isn't this bullying? He looks so handsome!
Fighting against Yusuke is that Nanming High School is an all-boys high school. For three years in high school, it is difficult for them to meet a person of the opposite sex, so these are hard-working single dogs.

But now, so many girls are cheering for each other, this is showing off to them!
Tolerable or unbearable!
Yusuke could feel that the opposite player seemed to be a different person. Although he was wearing armor, Yusuke had good eyes, and he could see the way he was gnashing his teeth behind the armor.

This guy is very irritable, he only lost one point, and he is so angry.

But no matter how angry you are, it's useless. If you lose, you lose. If your skills are inferior to others, you can't blame others.

The two returned to their original seats.


The referee's voice fell, and the contestant on the opposite side rushed over like a wild boar in heat.

The momentum is scary and the movements are fast, but these are meaningless.

The bamboo sword in Yusuke's hand cut out horizontally, and the movement was too fast to be seen clearly.

Before the opponent could react, the bamboo sword had already hit him.



The opponent ended in disgrace.

Yusuke stood there calmly, like a big devil, waiting for the brave to come up to challenge.

There was a burst of cheers from the auditorium at the back. It was the shouts of excitement from the girls. Youyi curled her lips in displeasure, only to win an opponent, why not be so excited!

Everyone in the Kendo club was very calm, and only won an opponent. That was a basic operation, but Yusuke wanted to break through the whole field!

The second striker came on the field, his strength was about the same as that of the vanguard, and then he exited very quickly.

After defeating another one, the girls in the audience cheered again.

This made the players on the opposite side sound very harsh, and everyone was very upset.

"Let me deal with him!" The backbone contestant stood up and shouted angrily.

"Get rid of him, Damu!"

"Show him some color!"

"Go up and blow him up!"

All the contestants were outraged and condemned Yusuke one after another. In an instant, Yusuke became their worst enemy.

A contestant named Oki confidently enters the stage, and then...



Player Damu left the field at a very fast speed, which shocked everyone. Only then did everyone face up to his opponent. It seemed that this guy was not just a little boy.

"Sorry, I failed." Da Mu said with some embarrassment. He shouted so hard before going on stage, but he was also solved by the opponent with one move. It's really embarrassing!

"It's okay, that little boy is too cunning to confuse us"

"Confused us?" Contestant Omu looked puzzled.

As the president, Kaneki said at this time: "He encouraged those audiences to cheer, just to put pressure on us and influence our judgment, it's really despicable!"

After the president explained it like this, everyone suddenly realized.

Yes, it is despicable!

"Kuroda, it's up to you, get rid of the opponent," the president said to the lieutenant at this time.

Vice Admiral Kuroda nodded seriously: "Leave it on me!"

Vice Admiral Kuroda entered the stage, standing opposite Yusuke, he felt the domineering aura strongly, but being pointed at by the bamboo sword in the opponent's hand gave him a sense of horror.

Vice Admiral Kuroda came to his senses this time, it seemed that this little boy was not that simple.

No, this is not a boy!
It was only then that Kuroda recalled that he also knew Oki's strength, and being able to get down on Oki's strength was definitely not something that a boy could do.

Oops!Everyone was cheated by him!

After the referee's voice fell, Kuroda came back to his senses at this time, but it was too late, the bamboo sword had already hit his armor.



Yusuke was a little surprised, this was the first time he saw someone distracted on the field.

Don't these people count?I have already picked up three of them, and the lieutenants are all on the stage. At this time, I am still distracted. Can I be a lieutenant with this kind of strength?
It seems that my luck is good, I didn't meet those perverted opponents, it's really great!

Let's go on like this, easily eliminate all opponents, and then win the championship.

At this moment, Kuroda also regretted endlessly, how could he have lost his mind, and even lost a point, and now it is even more dangerous.

The two returned to their original seats, and Kuroda played with the spirit of 12 points, and this time he gave full play.

But unfortunately, he faced Yusuke.

If one sword can't solve it, then two swords!
Kuroda is out!

The people in Nanming High School became nervous, and only their president was left at this moment.

Kuroda returned to the team and told everyone how he felt. Only then did everyone get serious, but unfortunately it was too late.

President Kaneki stood up at this moment: "Let me deal with him next!"

Several people nodded solemnly.




President Kaneki was also solved by two swords!

"I'm sorry, everyone!" President Jin Mu said apologetically, everyone shook their heads and sighed, they were fooled by this little boy, and they were all careless!

Both opponents enter the arena and salute.

The loser goes home, the winner moves on.

At this time, Yusuke also took off his hood, raised his head, and waved to the girls in the auditorium, with a smile on his face.

They worked so hard to cheer themselves up, I have to thank them.

But Yusuke forgot, the damn charisma on his body, usually when he smiles, passers-by would like him so much, but now that he is actively showing kindness, and in the state of being activated by his secondary skills, the charisma is soaring rapidly.

In an instant, the girls were shot into the heart by this smile, and they all felt a heartbeat.

All the girls screamed loudly, and Yusuke was startled by the sound.

Youyi in the auditorium gritted her teeth unhappily, this guy is still so flirtatious!

(End of this chapter)

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