Chapter 172.
The enthusiasm of these girls was beyond Yusuke's imagination, and he remembered his cheating charm, and instantly withdrew his expression.

However, in the state of middle school two, that expressionless look instantly changed into another style.

Cold and handsome, those sharp eyes instantly made the girls scream again
Yusuke has a headache, why is he screaming at every turn?
Forget it, too lazy to care about them, Yusuke returned to the team, and found that everyone's eyes were not quite right, the eyes of the female students were full of admiration, but also a little annoyed, while the eyes of the male students were full of envy and envy.

Alas, the damned charm!

Yusuke coughed and said in a calm tone, "Who is my next opponent?"

That calm and steady voice brought everyone back to their senses, and Yusuke's powerful aura made everyone stand up straight.

As expected of a real boss!

Xiangzi was standing by the side holding the battle form, as if giving a report, with a very serious expression.

"The next opponent is Dagongtian High School, and their results this year are the top 4 in the country"

Yusuke nodded, knowing what to do, and sat on the waiting seat to rest.

Xi Chengwu walked over at this time and asked softly: "Senior Sanze, do you want me to give you a massage?"

Yusuke glanced at her, and with just this one glance, Xi Chengwu blushed instantly and lowered her head, not daring to look at her.

"That troubles you"

"It is my honor to serve Senior Misawa!"

Xi Chengwu said excitedly, took a deep breath at this time, then put her little hands on Yusuke's shoulders, and began to massage with her two little hands.

Yusuke found that the state of West City Dance was not right, and this technique was much worse than last night.

Turning her head, Xicheng Wu's face was flushed, her eyes were blurred, she was imagining something, and her fingers moved unconsciously.

Forget it, forget it.

Soon, the second match started, Yusuke stood up at this time, Saijo Mai was startled for a moment, then came back to his senses, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Sanze-senpai, I was distracted"

"It's ok"

Yusuke smiled, and for a moment, that smile made all the girls present couldn't help being moved. Even Xiangzi looked at him with something wrong, and Xicheng Wu on the opposite side was blushing so much that he was about to smoke.

Yusuke reacted instantly.

Damn glamor value!
Putting on the hood in a hurry to block the real face, everyone came back to their senses.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Yusuke heaved a sigh of relief, it seems that as long as he wears a mask, he can reduce the effect of the charm value.

However, he can't go out wearing a mask!
Forget it, I can't control it, pay attention in the future, the two skills cannot be used at the same time, otherwise the power will be too great.

Players from both sides entered the arena, and then Yusuke and his party were shocked by the players from Dagongtian High School opposite.

At a glance, it turned out to be five bald heads!
It turned out to be true to cut hair!
The expressions of everyone in the Kendo Club also became serious at this time, this is an opponent worthy of respect.

The recognition of the five bald heads is very high, and Yusuke's game is already attracting attention. When the five bald heads appeared, everyone was shocked by the five bald heads.

Yui and Rie in the auditorium looked at each other, and Rie said in a low voice: "This is too hard!"

Yuyi also nodded in agreement. It takes a lot of courage to shave your head bald when you are a teenager. These five are all ruthless people!

There were still some snickers in the auditorium, but after a while, the snickers disappeared, and everyone's expressions became serious. The players who can achieve this level are worthy of respect.

Yusuke could feel that the five boys on the opposite side were full of energy, and everyone's eyes were very fierce. It was the first time he had seen such fierce eyes among his peers. The eyes of the four boys in the club subconsciously turned away, and their hands and feet were a little stiff. The gap is too big!

This is only the top four in the country, and they are already strong!
Yusuke cheered up at this time, and sure enough, the men's team was completely different from the women's team, and the difficulty of this competition was not at the same level.

The eyes of the five boys from Dagongtian High School swept across the crowd, and the four members of the Kendo Club lowered their heads, and finally all eyes were on Yusuke.

In the face of these fierce eyes, Yusuke is not afraid, his eyes are sharp, his eyes are like knives, as if he wants to cut through everything.

For a moment, these boys subconsciously avoided looking.

This guy is strong!
This idea immediately popped into the minds of the five boys.

Not to be underestimated!

The five bald heads immediately regarded Yusuke as their biggest enemy!

The vanguard contestants entered the stage, and Yusuke stood there, his strong momentum was like a sharp sword, unstoppable.

The contestants of Dagongtian High School are a little uncomfortable. Facing Yusuke's domineering aura for the first time, few people can calm down. At this time, he has not adjusted his state.

But the game will not wait for anyone, the referee's voice fell, Yusuke launched an attack in an instant, and the opponent just reacted, and quickly wanted to raise his sword to resist, but it was too late!
A black shadow has hit him.



The male student was still in a dazed state, and it took him a while to realize that he was hit?Immediately a little ashamed and angry, to be distracted on the battlefield, to make such a low-level mistake, it really shouldn't be!

But it's useless to be upset. The male student exhaled at this moment, quickly adjusted his mentality, and stood in his position again. This time he will not be careless!


The referee's voice fell, and the players from Dagongtian High School acted immediately, their feet stepped on the floor vigorously, and the floor made an unbearable sound, and the bamboo sword in his hand had already been swung out. All played out.

However, Yusuke's movements were faster than his. Just as the opponent swung his sword, the bamboo sword here had already appeared on top of his head, condescending, and slashed down fiercely. The indomitable momentum seemed to split him in half.



The male student was a little stunned, and then he realized that the other party was too fast!

Not only was it fast, but it was also very powerful. The blow hit the armor, and the armor vibrated violently, as if it was breaking.

This guy is a monster!

The players in the vanguard returned to the team, and the other players nodded to them without saying a word, and the players in the second-forward battle stood up.

"I'm on the field!"




The second front player also swung a sword in one round, and was instantly killed by Yusuke.

There was a burst of cheers from the auditorium. Whenever Yusuke defeated an opponent, those girls seemed to be crazy, shouting desperately, which surprised Yui and Rie, why not be so crazy!

These cheers have affected many people, and many players are also paying attention to the game here.

People from Dongchuan High School were also attracted by these voices. After looking at it, they found that it was in the direction of Hechuan Middle School, but they knew who was playing.

It must be the monster.

Nishi Kujo took a look, greeted Mimoto Megumi, and pulled Semi over, she wanted to see the monster's game with her own eyes.

Yusuke stood there calmly, as if he didn't hear these cheers, his aura was as usual, very domineering.

The players in the second front battle went off, and the players in the main battle stood up. At this time, the president, Ichiro Araki, spoke.

"Sanyuan, use your ultimate move!"

Sanyuan's eyes froze for a moment, then became firm.


(End of this chapter)

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