Chapter 199 199. The Skyfall
The three chatted for a few words, and soon began a day of shooting.

After a day's work, the time soon reached six o'clock in the evening. The three of them tidied up their things and prepared to go home.

"Goodbye, Rie"

"Goodbye, Yui, Yusuke"

The three said goodbye at the station, and then went in their respective directions.

At this time, a black shadow in the sky flew towards this side and called out a few times.

Yusuke raised his head, it was the boss of the crow.

At this time, he stretched out his arm, and the crow flew down, folded his wings, and stood firmly on Yusuke's arm.

Yuyi looked at this scene enviously, so handsome!

"Wow wow wow (Yusuke Misawa, I found her, my boys are taking care of her)"

"That troubles you"

"Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow

The crow boss let out an unscrupulous laugh.

"Whoa whoa (that's it, I'm going first)"

Crow boss flapped his wings, flew into the sky, and soon disappeared.

"What did Boss Crow tell you?" Yuyi asked curiously at this moment.

"Show you something nice"

Yusuke took his mobile phone, clicked on the live broadcast software, and found Kinohana's profile picture.

Yuyi's eyes changed instantly, and a fist hit him immediately.

Yusuke has quick eyes and quick hands, and quickly dodges.

"Why hit me?"

"You bastard! How shameless you are! Watching these things"


"Don't think I don't know, you men are watching these, are you happy to see them twist their butts and waists?"

"I said" Yusuke sighed and said, "Why do I look at these things, they are not as big as you"

Yusuke's eyes fixed on Yui's chest.

With such a bold statement, Yui's face flushed instantly.

"You bastard! Don't run! I'll punch you to death!"

"Don't run if you're stupid"

The two were fighting and fighting, and Yui finally stopped amid Yusuke's begging for mercy. At this time, Yusuke wanted to open the mobile phone software.

"You guys are still watching!" Yuyi's eyes became dangerous at this moment, and her little fist was about to move.

"Don't get me wrong, this guy is Kinohana"

"Kinohana?" Yui froze for a moment, then became even more angry, "You know it's her, you still watch!"

"Okay, I'm telling the truth, I ask Boss Crow to deal with her, wait for you to watch the show."

Seeing that Yui was a little angry, Yusuke didn't hold back and told the matter directly.

Hearing this, Yuyi put down her fist and asked curiously, "Then how do you deal with her?"

"You'll know it when you watch the live broadcast"

Muzhihua is currently live broadcasting. She is walking on the street, chatting with fans while walking, but she is wearing very revealing clothes, and the following are all those messy comments, all of which are evaluating her figure. As for her words No one paid any attention to the content.

Yuyi curled her lips in disdain, these men are really superficial!

After looking at his figure, he nodded in satisfaction.

During the live broadcast, Muzhihua was pouting her lips to show her cuteness, but at this moment, a bubble of bird droppings suddenly fell from the sky and hit her directly on the face.

All of a sudden, the people in the live broadcast room were confused, and the comments below were all "bird shit from the sky", "the anchors are really miserable", "it's ridiculous"

All the comments were gloating, and Yui was also laughed at by this scene, and soon remembered that this must be the trick of the crow boss, and the crow boss must have ordered Yusuke to do this.

"You are such a bad person"

"To help you vent your anger," Yusuke replied with a smile.

Hearing Yusuke's answer, Yui smiled and felt very happy.

But Konohana's dire situation has yet to come to fruition.

The bird feces from the sky blinded her, and the assistant at the side quickly reacted, and immediately went forward to help her tidy up her appearance, and at the same time whispered in her ear: "This is a good opportunity, hurry up and sell this opportunity." awful"

Muzhihua was already in a bad mood, but when she heard the assistant's words, she also reacted, suppressed her nausea, and continued to pout.

Sure enough, the live broadcast room was also amused by the bird shit. Seeing that the anchor was selling poorly, some people rewarded gold coins and red envelopes.

The red envelopes came in, and Konoha was in a better mood at this time. Although she was a little disgusted, she could bear it for the sake of money, and she was ready to continue selling miserably.

But at this time another bubble of bird droppings fell from the sky.

This time it was even worse, and it hit her directly on the mouth.

This scene stunned everyone!

Eat bird poop?
Konohana vomited instantly.

Yui, who was watching the live broadcast, almost fainted from laughter, this is really disgusting enough.

Now the live broadcast couldn't be carried out, so it was turned off soon.

Yuyi finally stopped laughing and said, "You are really hurtful."

"So don't offend me easily, you can't imagine the consequences"

"Scared, scared"

While the two were joking, the three of Yumi were also watching the live broadcast.

They have been scolding Konohana on the Internet before, but they are tired of cursing and cursing, and they have not followed her live broadcast for a long time. After hearing what Yusuke said today, they are a little curious about what Yusuke will do, so they are also watching Konohana live broadcast.

From the moment Mu Zhihua went online, they scolded her desperately, but these messages were immediately covered up by those wolf and tiger words.

Muzhihua's live broadcast was very boring. It was nothing more than pouting and showing off its cuteness. The fans it attracted were all male fans. The three of them scolded for a long time, but they had no interest. They were about to turn off the software, but at this moment, an unexpected situation happened.

A bubble of bird droppings fell from the sky and hit Konoka's body, which made everyone laugh.

But what happened next shocked them even more, a bubble of bird droppings hit her mouth directly.

At that time, they almost fainted from laughing, and the live broadcast room was halftime soon, and the three of them couldn't see the follow-up even if they wanted to watch it.

The three of them were very happy, and continued to chat about this topic on the Internet. Yumi said: "Kinohana is really unlucky. Two bubbles of bird shit fell on her in a row, as if someone deliberately tried to punish her."

The three of them were stunned at this moment, and then they remembered that Mr. Sanze had also said before that they would deal with each other. Could this be what Mr. Sanze did?
But he quickly shook his head.

It's too outrageous, no one will believe it when I tell it, I can only say that Konohana's luck is very bad.

Yumi and the others were very happy, and couldn't wait to share the news with Yuyi, and Yuyi soon joined the chat.

"By the way, Yui, when are you free? Let's go play together" Yumi asked at this time.

"Sorry, I've been a little busy recently, I'm in a training class"

"Well then, let's find another time." Yumi said with some regret, and Mu Xi asked curiously at this moment: "Yuyi, you are attending a video training class, do you want to become an Internet celebrity? "

"No, I'm the photographer and Yusuke is the protagonist"

"Sansawa-kun is playing the leading role? What are you filming?"

"We are making a video about pets, animal expert Misawa-kun, this is our series"

The three of them were a little curious, and searched for related videos, and were even more surprised when they saw the introduction.

This Yusuke Misawa is actually a big blogger, you guys have hidden it too deep!

(End of this chapter)

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